How to cook frozen chicken breast

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cook Frozen Chicken Breasts Safely | Stove & Oven Methods
Video: How to Cook Frozen Chicken Breasts Safely | Stove & Oven Methods


1 Prepare a baking sheet with high sides. You can also place the metal wire rack on a regular baking sheet.
  • If you use the wire rack, the juice will drip from the chicken onto the baking sheet during baking.
  • 2 Line a baking sheet with cling foil. This will keep the baking sheet clean and help the chicken roast faster.
  • 3 Preheat oven to 177 C. Place the wire rack in the middle of the oven.
    • Cook the chicken at a temperature of at least 177 C or higher so that all bacteria will die and not multiply at the lower temperature.
    • If you don't want the breasts to come out dry, you can place the breasts in a non-stick dish. Preheat the oven to 190 C, keeping a lid on the dish. The chicken will be baked for about the same time.
  • 4 Remove 1 to 6 chicken breasts from the freezer. It is not necessary to wash frozen breasts before cooking.
  • 5 Place the breasts on a baking sheet lined with cling foil. Arrange them so that the breasts are loose and there is enough space between them.
  • 6 Mix your favorite spices. You will need 1 to 6 tablespoons of spices, depending on how much chicken breasts you want to cook.
    • Take salt, pepper, and a little lemon for the easiest recipe. You can also buy a ready-made chicken spice mix.
    • For a spicier meal, pour barbecue sauce or other liquid sauce over the breasts on the non-stick platter.
  • 7 Sprinkle 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of the seasoning on 1 side of the breast. Then, use tongs to turn the breasts over and sprinkle the seasoning on the other side.
    • Avoid touching raw frozen meat with your hands. Use a cooking brush to apply the sauce and tongs to move the uncooked chicken over the baking sheet.
  • 8 Place the baking sheet in the oven. Set a timer for 30 minutes, or 45 minutes if you don't plan on adding sauce to the breasts.
    • Because you are cooking frozen breasts, you need to increase the standard cooking time by 50%. So, if chilled breasts cook for 20-30 minutes, frozen breasts will cook for 30-45 minutes.
  • 9 Remove the baking sheet from the oven after 30 minutes. Spread more barbecue sauce or marinade over the chicken with a brush.
  • 10 Place the baking sheet in the oven. Set the timer for another 15 minutes.
  • 11 Check the internal temperature of the chicken with a cooking thermometer. This is a very important step; you cannot rely on cooking time alone to determine if the chicken is completely cooked.
    • When the timer runs and the chicken has cooked for 45 minutes, insert a cooking thermometer into the center of the breast. If the temperature reaches 74 C, the chicken can be removed from the oven and served.
  • Method 2 of 2: Frying the chicken in a pan

    1. 1 Cut the frozen chicken breast into slices. You can sauté and cook your frozen chicken breast whole on the stove, but cutting into slices or strips will cook it much faster.
      • You can defrost the chicken in the microwave to make it easier to cut, but after that you must cook the chicken right away.
    2. 2 Season the chicken. You can sprinkle the seasoning mixture on the chicken, add the sauce, and salt and pepper the chicken breasts before freezing or while thawing.
      • You can cook the chicken in broth to give the meat a richer flavor and prevent it from getting too dry.
      • Keep in mind that if you add spices to frozen chicken, the spices will not soak into the meat.
    3. 3 Add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil to the skillet. Use olive oil, vegetable oil, or butter.
      • Place a skillet over medium heat and let the butter heat up, if you are using butter it should melt.
      • Add any broth, chicken or vegetable, if desired.
    4. 4 Place the chicken breasts in a hot skillet. The pan should be over medium heat. Place the lid on to start cooking the breasts.
    5. 5 Cook the breasts for 2-4 minutes. Try not to open the lid often, this will disturb the temperature under the lid.
      • As with oven baking, frozen chicken takes 50% longer to pan than chilled chicken.
      • After 2-4 minutes of frying, add any spices or seasonings to the chicken.
    6. 6 Flip the chicken breasts. Use a meat tongs.
    7. 7 Reduce heat to low and cover skillet. Set the timer for 15 minutes and simmer the breasts. Don't lift the lid often to check the chicken.
    8. 8 Turn off the heat and let the chicken breasts sit for 15 minutes. After you've braised the chicken for 15 minutes, let it rest.
    9. 9 Check the temperature of the chicken. Remove the lid and use a cooking meat thermometer to test the chicken through doneness. The temperature inside the chicken should be 74 C.
      • Make sure there are no pink, uncooked areas left inside the chicken breasts.
    10. 10 Ready.


    • Do not slow cook frozen chicken. The slow cooker creates a favorable environment for the reproduction and growth of bacteria, even at the most powerful setting. Always defrost chicken before using the slow cooker.
    • Do not microwave frozen chicken. It is very difficult to get a stable temperature inside the microwave, so cooking this way will greatly increase the risk of bacterial growth.
    • If you need to quickly cook frozen chicken, defrost it in the microwave and then cook it in the oven or skillet immediately after defrosting.
    • Do not leave the chicken at room temperature for too long, as bacteria can grow in it.

    What do you need

    • Frozen chicken breast
    • Water
    • Foil
    • Baking tray
    • Pan
    • Spices
    • Timer
    • Meat thermometer
    • Forceps
    • Marinade or BBQ sauce

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