How to cook corn on the cob in the microwave

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Microwave CORN ON THE COB in 3 Minutes | Microwave CORN
Video: Microwave CORN ON THE COB in 3 Minutes | Microwave CORN


1 Select a fresh ear that has not been husked. In the summer, you can find this corn at the grocery store, farm store, or market. You can also grow corn yourself if you love gardening. It doesn't matter where you find the corn cob, it is important that it is ripe and husked. Here's how to determine the ripeness of corn:
  • Check the corn silk (the hairs that envelop the corn) for brown and sticky, not dry and yellow. Brown, sticky stigmas indicate the corn is ripe.
  • Gently push back the husk and press down on the corn grain. It should be poured and firm, but not hard like pebbles.
  • Try not to buy corn in reserve, buy as much as you can eat in a few days, and store the corn in the refrigerator so the corn sugar doesn't make the corn too starchy. If you have too much corn, you can always freeze it.
  • 2 Prune the corn. Don't remove the husk at all, just trim off the ends of the husk so the ear will fit in the microwave. Remove dry and dull leaves. Dirt on the ears can be removed with a damp towel.
  • 3 Place the ears in the microwave. Most microwaves will hold 3 ears of corn at a time. If you have a large microwave, it can hold more ears. But in order for the corn to cook evenly, the ears should lie loosely, closer to the middle, without touching each other.
    • To ensure that the microwaves heat each ear evenly, arrange them in a triangle if you have three ears, or in a rectangle if you have four ears.
    • The ears should not touch each other. Do not stack them or they will not bake properly.
  • 4 Microwave the corn. Turn on the microwave at full power for 3-5 minutes, depending on the number of ears. If you only have one ear of corn, three minutes should be sufficient. Four ears will be ready in 5 minutes.
    • If you are cooking several ears at once, you can stop the microwave in the middle of cooking, turn the ears over, and then cook them until cooked evenly.
    • Depending on the size of the ear, it may take 2-4 minutes each.
  • 5 Remove the ear from the microwave and let it stand. Do not peel off the husk for another minute, let the heat redistribute. The cooking process will continue because there is water in the cob.
    • There is little water in the husk itself, so it will be relatively cool.
    • The water in the corn itself will be hot and can burn you. Be careful - when handling hot corn, put on oven mitts and tongs.
    • Check the corn is done, draw back the husk and nibble the grain to check its temperature and firmness. If the corn isn't cooked, put it in the microwave for a little more, if necessary.
    • If the corn is burnt or softened, then you cooked it too long, next time take less time to cook.
  • 6 Remove husks and corn silk. Be careful, all parts of the cob will be hot. Remove the husk carefully, do not burn yourself. Hulls and corn silk will come off easily.
  • 7 Season the corn. Brush with butter, if desired, and season with salt and pepper. Let the corn cool before you eat it.
    • Microwaved corn is fresh and tasty and can be eaten either with your hands or using a corn holder.
    • You can separate the grains and serve them as a side dish or use in another recipe. Place the ear on the end of the ear and use a knife to separate the kernels.
  • Method 2 of 2: Roasting Peeled Corn

    1. 1 Peel an ear of corn. Remove all the leaves at once, just as if you were peeling a banana, not an onion. The leaves will not fall apart and will be easier to throw away. Remove the remaining individual hairs (corn silk).
      • Do not dispose of corn leaves and stigmas in a regular waste bin, they are too fibrous, throw them in the compost.
      • Leave the rod in order to then insert the holder into it, or remove it.
      • You can also make a doll from a corn rod.
    2. 2 Cover the corn. Cover the corn with a damp paper towel or place it in a microwave-safe dish with a lid.
      • Add a teaspoon of water to the dish to keep the corn from drying out during cooking.
      • At this stage, you can add any spices or toppings to the corn. Try grated cheese, lemon or lime juice, or a variety of spices.
      • You can soak a paper towel with lemon or lime juice to smoothly transfer the flavor into the corn.
    3. 3 Microwave the corn. Arrange the cobs in one layer, leave a distance between them for even baking. Turn on the microwave at full power and cook the corn for 5 minutes, depending on the number of ears. Each ear takes 2-4 minutes to cook, so optimize the cooking time in relation to the number of ears.
    4. 4 Remove corn from microwave and let cool. This usually takes 5-10 minutes.
    5. 5 Season the corn with butter, salt and pepper: so they like to eat it in the USA and Canada. Another option is to sprinkle it with grated cheddar cheese or whatever you like. Corn is also delicious with sour cream sauce and a pinch of red pepper.


    • Use oven mitts or water- and dirt-repellent silicone gloves when peeling hot corn.
    • Unfold the end of the butter bar and use it like a pencil, lubricating the corn kernels. Lubricate the corn with oil on one side and the oil will seep into all crevices.
    • If the corn was not completely husked when you bought it, peel and wash the corn.
    • To easily separate the corn silk, do the following: Cook the corn until tender, make a circular cut around the cob near the base. Pull on the top of the husk to remove both the husk and the stigma.
    • If you like to save the corn for later, wrap it in a clean kitchen towel right with the husk. This will keep the corn warm and juicy until you want to eat it.


    • When you take the corn out of the microwave, it can be very hot. Be careful not to bite the corn right away!
    • If you use accessories such as small corn holders that fit into the end of the ear to avoid scalding your fingers, do not put them in the microwave.

    What do you need

    • Microwave
    • Plate
    • Paper towel (optional)
    • Knife and cutting board