Enlarge your breasts

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!
Video: Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!


Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, but let's face it: in modern society, large breasts have an edge. Those of us who do not have it are therefore always looking for ways to get it. It's not as difficult as it seems. There are ways to enlarge your breasts without going under the knife - by the way, surgery isn't that risky at all these days, so you don't even have to shy away from this option. Read on to learn about exercises, herbs, products and procedures that will enlarge your breasts by one or two cup sizes.

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Method 1 of 4: Exercise and nutrition

  1. Do push-ups. You probably think that push-ups are for training the arm muscles. However, they also train the chest muscles. By training your chest muscles, you strengthen and enlarge your chest, making your breasts appear larger and fuller. An additional advantage is that your arms will also look trained and muscular. Start by doing 3 sets of 15 push-ups every other day. Once your arms and chest muscles get stronger, the number of push-ups you can do will also increase.
    • Lie on your stomach with your arms bent and your palms flat on the floor.
    • Press up with your arms to lift your torso. Keep your knees straight and your toes on the floor. Keep pushing up until your arms are straight. If you want, you can keep your knees on the floor so that the push-ups are less strenuous.
    • Slowly bring your body down and repeat the exercise. Make sure to tighten your pecs as you push up.
  2. Do the bench press with dumbbells. This is another great exercise that will enlarge and strengthen your chest muscles and push your breast tissue out. Choose dumbbells that you can easily lift for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.Dumbbells of 4 to 6 kg are suitable for a start. Do 3 sets of 10 presses two or three times a week. As soon as you get stronger you can increase the number of repetitions per set.
    • Lie on your back on an incline bench. Keep the weights on your sides.
    • Lift the weights together above your chest, and straighten your arms so that the weights are almost touching.
    • Slowly lower the weights and repeat the exercise.
  3. Tighten your chest muscles. This exercise requires contracting your chest muscles without stretching them. Because you do not stretch the muscles, this exercise is ideal for promoting your chest muscles. All you need for this exercise is a towel. Do this exercise at least three times a week for best results.
    • Spread your feet about shoulder width apart.
    • Hold the towel in front of your chest with both arms straight.
    • Pull on both sides of the towel at the same time, tightening your chest muscles in short bursts.
    • While holding the towel tight, keep pulling on it for three minutes.
  4. Take in more estrogen. The hormone that the female breasts produces during puberty is no longer produced from about the 18th / 19th year of life. Then you can start to replenish your estrogen supply by eating lots of soy products such as soy milk, tofu, soybeans, soy cheese, etc. Breast enlargement pills, which try to achieve the same result, are made with estrogens that come from herbs.
  5. Put on some weight. If you exercise and diet to keep yourself thin, this routine will also affect your breasts. Eating more calories will lead to bigger breasts, if of course you are willing to get a little fuller in other places as well. Getting pregnant is also a way to naturally enlarge your breasts.

Method 2 of 4: Try cosmetic solutions

  1. Discover breast enhancement through makeup. You probably use makeup to accentuate the flattering contours of your cheekbones and chin. You may not know that you can also use this method to emphasize your cleavage! This inexpensive, temporary method of achieving a bigger look is quite easy with a little practice.
    • Dress completely with the bra and top you want to wear. Since this solution includes an optical illusion, your décolletage and chest area should be visible - so wear something a little low-cut.
    • If you're worried about getting makeup on your shirt, you can protect your clothes with some toilet paper or tape. That said, you probably won't want to try this method if you're wearing something white.
    • Create a plunging neckline shade by applying dark bronzer between your breasts. Put some on your brush and spread it in an upward direction from the center of your chest up and out, creating a v-shape between your breasts.
    • Apply a lighter colored powder to the top half of your breasts. Use a makeup sponge to blend the edges with the bronzer for an even finish.
  2. Buy a push-up bra. Bra technology has developed so far that you can have beautiful, real breasts without going under the knife or exercising. Look for a push-up bra that fits comfortably and gives your breasts the look you want. A good push-up bra won't settle down if you move, or make your breasts look pointed or weirdly shaped.
    • Push-up bras with extra padding can enlarge your breasts by a few cup sizes. Go for one or even two or three sizes up.
    • Try your push-up bra under a shirt before purchasing. You will be amazed at how much size they add to your chest. So first try to make sure that you are still comfortable, and that it does not look too unnatural.
    • Push-up bras are filled with foam, gel or even water to ensure a natural look.
  3. Opt for chicken breasts. These silicone pads are worn on the inside of an unlined bra to provide an extremely realistic simulation of a real breast. The weight, texture and appearance of these fillings is almost the same as real breasts. They are for sale transparent, but also available in various skin colors.

Method 3 of 4: Using breast enhancement products

  1. Consider using a breast enhancement cream. There are several topical creams on the market (containing collagen and estrogen) that are claimed to increase breast size and improve shape. These creams are said to pump up the cells in the breasts making them appear larger. The price of these creams can run up to several hundred euros per bottle. No cream has been scientifically proven to actually enlarge the breasts. Some sources even report that some of them are unsafe to use. If you want to try this option, go for a cream that contains only natural ingredients such as shea butter and aloe vera. In the worst case, your breasts will be soft and hydrated.
  2. Consider the Brava. This is a breast enlargement vacuum device that has been proven to enlarge and copy breast cells; this enlarges the breasts with one or more cup sizes. The device is placed over your breasts like a bra. Pistons in the cups then work on your breast tissue, enlarging your breasts over time. It takes at least ten weeks before you notice a difference.
  3. Research breast fillers. Fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid into the breasts. After a number of repeated injections, these can enlarge the breasts by two cup sizes. Each injection takes about 30-90 minutes, and the procedure costs a few thousand euros.
    • Some fillers have extremely dangerous side effects. So do good research before you start using one.
    • In some cases you will need a "makeover" to keep the fillers looking natural.
  4. Consider injecting your own fat. In this procedure, fat is removed from the abdomen or buttocks and injected into the breasts to make them fuller. Since some of the fat is absorbed by the body, multiple injections are required before you can see results. Undertake this method with extreme caution. There is a chance that the fat will calcify. This can lead to serious health complications.
  5. Consider electro acupuncture. Needles are inserted into the breasts in this procedure. These needles deliver electric shocks that fatten the cells in the breasts. This treatment is very popular with celebrities. In some cases, the treatment is not permanent, so you may need more than one treatment. There isn't much scientific information about the long-term effects yet, so stay careful.

Method 4 of 4: Consider surgical augmentation

  1. Know the different types of breast implants. You can choose from silicone implants or implants with saline solution. Women report that silicone implants feel "real," but they are also more dangerous if they begin to leak into the breasts. Both types of implants cost between € 3000 and € 9000.
    • In the past, silicone implants have been withdrawn from the market by the United States Food and Drug Authority (FDA) because they contributed to a number of serious health problems. In some women, the implants have started to "slide" over time, causing skewed breasts or other cosmetic problems, and have recently been reintroduced to the market after many scientific advances.
    • Breast augmentations are usually not reimbursed by insurance companies.
  2. Visit a plastic surgeon. If you decide you want breast implants, you will visit a plastic surgeon. They can tell you which implants are best for you. You should have a good idea about the shape and size of the breasts in advance. The doctor will show you examples of how the implants change your figure. He / she will also go through the operation process with you.
    • Look for a surgeon with sufficient experience and good reviews. You don't want to be the guinea pig for an inexperienced surgeon.
    • Discuss with the doctor which medications you are taking so that you do not run into problems if you take the medications at the same time as those you will need after surgery.
  3. Undergo surgery and recovery. You will be under anesthesia if the surgeon makes an incision under your breasts, under your armpits, or around your nipples. The location depends on what you discussed. The operation takes an average of 1-2 hours. Your breasts will be covered with surgical tape. Your breasts may also need to be trained during the recovery process.
    • Complications are a risk with any type of surgery. Bleeding, scarring, and more serious problems can occur.
    • Most people need new implants after a few years. The shape of the breasts changes over time.
    • Breast implants can increase the likelihood of cancer cells developing. They can also hinder possible breastfeeding.


  • Try massaging your breasts to stimulate growth.


  • Do your research before using any products that claim to improve breast enlargement. There are a lot of scams out there that can cost you a pretty penny, and don't work at all.