How to turn black hair into a bright blonde

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024


Anyone can come up with the idea of ​​dyeing their hair light blond, and while it might be easier with relatively blond hair, black hair can also be lightened. Yes, this will take noticeably more time and patience, as well as special precautions so as not to cause irreparable damage to your hair, but it's all doable! Prepare to spend a few weeks doing all the necessary moisturizing, lightening, and repairing your hair to successfully transform your dark hair to a bright blonde.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing your hair

  1. 1 Treat hair for two weeks before lightening deep penetration conditioner every 2-3 days. It is not strictly necessary, but it will not be superfluous if you are patient and use this recommendation. Converting black to blond requires several lightening treatments that dry out and damage the hair. Therefore, in advance, bring your hair to the most healthy state so that the final result then looks much better.
    • Likewise, avoid using heat-styled hair a few weeks before lightening to limit the harmful effects of high temperatures.

    Homemade hair mask recipe: In a small bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 2–4 tablespoons of honey. Spread the resulting composition with a comb through dry or slightly damp hair. Roll your hair in a towel or tuck it under a shower cap and let the mask absorb for 15-30 minutes. Rinse off the mask in the shower without shampooing, then condition your hair as usual and let it dry naturally.

  2. 2 Use a cleansing shampoo to remove existing dye from your hair. Note - if your hair has not been dyed before, you can skip this step. A special cleansing shampoo to rinse off the dye may not completely remove old dye from your hair, but it can help remove it to a large extent, making it easier to lighten your hair later. Use the specified shampoo 2-3 times before lightening your hair.
    • Do not use the cleansing shampoo on the same day that you are going to do your first hair lightening treatment. This can dry out the hair severely.
  3. 3 Spend test lightening of one strandto test how your hair reacts to the bleach. This test will help you determine how long you need to keep the bleach on your hair. It will also help you figure out if your scalp is too sensitive to the lightening process. Select a small section of hair for the test, at least 2.5 cm wide, which can then be easily hidden under the rest of the hair.
    • Pin the rest of your hair with a bobby pin so it doesn't accidentally get dirty in the bleach.
    • Wear gloves and follow the manufacturer's directions to mix the bleaching powder with the oxidizing agent. Apply the prepared composition to a strand for 30-45 minutes, then rinse it off.
    • If your scalp turns red from irritation, it could indicate that you are allergic or hypersensitive to the chemicals used. In this case, you should not go on to lighten the entire head. Check with a professional hair colorist to find out what your next steps should be.
  4. 4 Divide your hair into 4 sections with elastic bands or hairpins. When you are ready to start your first full lightening procedure, divide your hair into 4 equal parts: draw a center part, and then divide the side sections in half (one should be at the top and the other at the bottom). Use elastic bands or hairpins to separate all sections from each other.
    • If you have very thick hair, you might want to divide it into more sections to make it easier to work with.
  5. 5 Protect your own skin and good clothing by wearing gloves and an old waste T-shirt. Bleach contains harsh chemicals that can burn your skin, so you need to limit their contact with your skin. Wear rubber gloves to mix bleach powder with oxidizer. Immediately before the procedure, put on what you don't mind ruining. If the bleach gets on your clothes, it will stain.
    • It is also a good idea to spread old towels around to further protect the surrounding area in which you will be working. If the clarifier gets on furniture, it can also leave stubborn stains on it.

Part 2 of 4: Primary Hair Lightening

  1. 1 Combine the bleaching powder and oxidizer in a small plastic bowl. When it comes to lightening hair from black to blonde, it is better not to skimp on purchased products. Visit a professional salon or specialty beauty store instead of buying an oxidizer clarifier from the supermarket. Read below for information on oxidant concentration to help you make your choice.
    • An oxidizer with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 6% (or 20 vol) will lighten hair by 1-2 tones. This is a good option for previously colored, damaged or dry hair.
    • An oxidizer with a concentration of 9% (or 30 vol) will lighten hair by 2-3 tones. This is a great option for normal hair in its natural state.
    • An oxidizer with a concentration of 12% will lighten hair by 4 tones, but can lead to significant damage. If you have a sensitive scalp, avoid using such a concentrated product as it can cause severe irritation.
    • Due to the very dark color of hair, it is best to use special brighteners to lighten them. Other bleaching methods (like pure hydrogen peroxide or sun lightening spray) will give your hair a coppery hue and you will probably never get the tone you want with them.

    A warning: never purchase a ready-made bleach designed to cleanse and disinfect hair. It's too powerful and will likely burn your scalp and ruin your hair completely. Be sure to only use powder clarifiers for cosmetic purposes.

  2. 2 Apply the brightening compound to all sections of hair, starting from the ends and leaving the roots. First, start working on one of the lower sections by removing the elastic or hair clip from it. Select a 2.5 cm wide strand from the total mass of hair and apply the clarifier on it with an applicator brush in the direction from the ends to the roots, not reaching the last about 2.5 cm.Continue working in the same way until you have covered the entire section of hair, then loosen the next section of hair and move on until the entire head is covered with the lightening compound (except for the hair roots).
    • The heat emanating from the scalp will accelerate the action of the clarifier, which can lead to the effect of excessive lightening of the roots, due to which they will be significantly lighter than the rest of the hair mass.
  3. 3 Go back to the hair roots and treat them with a lightener too. Once you've applied the bleach to the main length of your hair, you will need to go back to the roots to treat them as well.Start at the back of your head and work your way forward in small patches, covering the remaining 2.5 cm at the roots that you left behind with the clarifier. Once finished, each section of hair can be re-secured with a rubber band or hairpin to maintain overall organization.
    • If at any point the clarifier causes a burning sensation on your scalp, wash it off immediately.
  4. 4 Leave the bleach on your hair for 30-40 minutes. A test strand lightening should give you a preliminary estimate of how long your hair should be exposed to the lightener. At this stage, you can safely hide your hair under a shower cap so as not to accidentally stain furniture or anything else.
    • Don't keep the clarifier on your hair for more than 45 minutes.
    • Remember that this is just the initial clarification procedure. You will need at least one more such procedure to achieve the desired shade of blonde, so do not be discouraged that the color will not turn out to be perfect right away.
  5. 5 Rinse the bleach, then shampoo and condition your hair, then let it dry. When 30-40 minutes have passed, thoroughly rinse your hair from the clarifier with warm water. Use a special moisturizing shampoo and conditioner designed for bleached hair. They are often included in ready-made hair lightening kits. Then let your hair dry naturally instead of using a hairdryer. Remember that your hair has just undergone a major treatment, so it is important at this point to limit your exposure to thermal styling products.
    • Don't be surprised if your hair turns red or coppery. The first stage of lightening will make them only 2-3 tones lighter, and this, most likely, will not be blond yet.
  6. 6 After 1–2 days, use a toner to neutralize the copper tones. You will have to walk with your hair for several weeks during the intermediate stage of lightening, so applying the tonic at this stage will help you to worry less about red and copper shades of hair. Opt for a gray, pearl or ash toner to give your hair a cooler shade.
    • If you don't want to apply toner at this stage, at least go for a purple shampoo, which will help you get rid of the copper tones and make your hair look ashy.

Part 3 of 4: Re-lightening your hair

  1. 1 Wait 2-4 weeks before repeating lightening. This is the most important step to maximize your hair's health as it goes from black to blonde. If your hair becomes brittle and dry, postpone the re-bleaching procedure for 3-4 weeks. If the hair responds well to the use of regenerating conditioners, it will be enough to wait 1–2 weeks.
    • If after re-bleaching your hair is still not as light as you would like, wait an additional 1-2 weeks and then bleach it a third time. Alternatively, you can seek help from a professional hairdresser-colorist so as not to cause unnecessary damage to your hair.
    • Use no more than three lightening procedures. It will be very difficult for hair to recover from such extensive exposure to harsh chemicals.
  2. 2 Treat your hair with a deep penetration conditioner every other day for the indicated 2-4 weeks, or no rinse conditioner. Give your hair special care while you wait for the right amount of time between lightening treatments. If you don't want to buy a specialty conditioner from the store, then homemade coconut oil masks lasting 20-30 minutes will help you moisturize your bleached hair.
    • Likewise, you should limit the use of hair styling appliances, as the heat will further damage your hair.
  3. 3 For re-lightening hair, choose a product with an oxidizing agent at a concentration of 6-9% (20-30 vol). When it's time to lighten your hair again, use a product with the same or less oxidant concentration than before. The higher the concentration of the oxidizing agent, the more damage it does to the hair.
    • An oxidizer with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of 6% (or 20 vol) will lighten hair by 1-2 tones. Combined with the right tonic, it can be enough to get the bright blonde you want.
    • An oxidizer with a concentration of 9% (or 30 vol) will lighten hair by 2-3 tones. It will only be a good choice if your hair hasn't become very brittle and dry after the first bleaching session.
  4. 4 Repeat the same hair lightening process as you did the first time. Divide your hair into 4 sections. Treat the ends and the middle of the hair first, and at the very end, apply the bleach to the roots. Leave the bleach on your hair for 30-40 minutes.
    • Remember to wear protective gloves and an old T-shirt when working with the clarifier.
  5. 5 Rinse your bleach, then wash your hair and condition your hair. When the time is up, take a shower to rinse the bleach off your hair. Use a deep moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, then let your hair dry naturally.
    • If you do decide to use a hair dryer, set it to the lowest temperature.
  6. 6 Toner your hair for a brighter blonde. Without a tonic, bleached hair may not have the most beautiful yellowness. But before tackling the toner, wait 1–2 days after re-lightening, otherwise it can dry out your hair even more. Use either an ammonia-free toner for blonde hair or a purple shampoo, making sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • You can apply toner every few weeks to correct hair color. However, you shouldn't use it on a daily basis. If used too often, it can dry out the hair.

Part 4 of 4: Caring for bleached hair

  1. 1 Use purple shampoo and conditioner for blonde hair. Once you go to the store, look for products made specifically for bleached hair. Purple toning shampoos and conditioners will help keep your blonde bright and prevent it from turning straw yellow.
    • For best results, apply purple shampoo 1-2 times a week. If you need to wash your hair more often, use a deep moisturizing shampoo on other days.
  2. 2 Limit how often you use thermal appliances to style your bleached hair. Hair dryers, irons, and hair styling irons use high temperatures that can damage bleached hair even more. If you need to use these tools, set them to the lowest possible temperature to minimize potential hair damage.
    • There are several different non-thermal methods for straightening and curling your hair. Check them out and see if they work for you.
  3. 3 Avoid high ponytails and tight tufts to avoid damaging your hair. Bleached hair is more brittle and easier to break off than non-bleached hair. Any hairstyle in which the hair is pulled tight with an elastic band poses a threat to fragile strands, so such hairstyles should be avoided whenever possible.
    • There are also some awesome hair accessories that won't damage your hair. Look for fabric hair ties with a satin ribbon outer layer or plastic springs.
  4. 4 Lighten the growing hair roots every 4-6 weeks to maintain the desired look. The process of lightening the roots is very similar to a regular lightening of hair, you simply do not need to treat your hair with a lightener as a whole. Divide the hair into sections as usual, but apply the brightening compound only to the roots.Leave it on your hair for 30-40 minutes and then rinse it off.
    • Do not forget to use the toner 1-2 days after lightening the roots, if this procedure was previously part of a complete lightening of the hair. Otherwise, the color of the roots will be different in shade from the rest of the blonde hair.

    Advice: sometimes it can be very difficult to get the same root shade as the rest of the bleached hair. You may want to visit a professional colorist hairdresser periodically to do this procedure for you.

  5. 5 Once a week, do moisturizing hair maskto keep your curls healthy. The fact that your hair has already gone through the most difficult stage of lightening does not mean that it no longer needs particularly careful maintenance. Use a deep moisturizing mask for your hair or prepare one yourself.
    • These products will not harm your hair, so you can safely use them even more than once a week if you think they have a beneficial effect on your hair.


  • If you find it difficult to apply the brightening compound to your hair yourself, have an assistant. He will probably do better on the back of his head than you yourself.
  • Don't start lightening your hair just before a major event. Since the whole process will take several weeks, you are unlikely to want to show off in photos in its intermediate stage!


  • Exercise caution when working with hair lightening formulations. Wear gloves and avoid skin contact. If the compound gets in your eyes, immediately start rinsing them with cold water and continue doing this for 15 minutes.
  • If during the process of lightening the hair on the scalp there is a burning sensation, stop the procedure immediately.

What do you need

  • Deep penetration conditioner or hair mask
  • Purifying shampoo to remove paint
  • Small plastic bowl
  • Brightener Applicator
  • Brightening powder
  • Oxidizing agent
  • Old T-shirt or shirt
  • Old towels
  • Hair ties or hairpins
  • Tonic
  • Purple shampoo
  • Hair conditioner