How to Succeed in High School

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


High school is an important time in your life. It can be difficult and full of obstacles. However, read our tips and you can find the answer to how not only to survive in high school, but also to excel academically.


  1. 1 Get organized. If concentration becomes your essential feature, then you will have all the materials, you will be ready to complete all tasks and get good grades. Being organized is one of the main qualities you need to do well at school, so remember to keep your locker tidy and tidy wherever you need it.
  2. 2 Be very careful in class. If the subject is boring, try to pay attention to it and find a way to get interested in it.
    • This means writing detailed notes, focusing on the teacher, and following all instructions. If you do everything as directed, you will be successful in your studies. And without following the instructions, you will not be able to learn anything and reach the heights in school.
  3. 3 Study, study and study again! Studying will help you gain knowledge. If you have accumulated information from previous academic years, then school will be much easier for you than you think. View all key moments in every the subject that you had, and prepare for the tests a little better. Try to study for about an hour, starting a couple of nights before the tests. Never overwork yourself while studying, but instead plan this study period in a few days. This way, you'll be ready for a stress-free quiz.
  4. 4 Sleep longer. If you can't sleep, read on for tips on how to improve your sleep. Sleep will give your mind the rest it needs, energizing you before starting. Always get at least 8-10 hours of sleep during adolescence and earlier. Getting the right sleep pattern will help you in the long run. Wake up at least an hour before leaving for school. Most 11-year-old girls need about 10 hours of sleep to look and feel good and to keep up with class. So remember to get a good night's sleep every day before going to school (for example, if you need to wake up at 6 am, then you should be in bed by 8 pm).
  5. 5 Your breakfast should be healthy. Eating healthy foods will improve your ability to listen carefully to your teacher and prepare you for your studies. In the morning, you need protein, such as eggs or bacon, not sweets. Sugar will give you a little energy, but you will quickly run out of breath, and then it will be much harder for you to concentrate.
  6. 6 Always do your homework as soon as you get home. Not only will this leave more time for relaxation and fun, but it will also increase your responsibility.
  7. 7 Ask questions when in doubt. The teacher will most likely answer any questions you may have about their subject.If you are too embarrassed to ask your question in class (and you shouldn't), ask the teacher in private, for example after class. You cannot learn anything if you do not understand. Usually, when you are told about something that you do not understand, and you do not ask any questions, then if you do not cope with independent work because of this, your grade will be lower. Teachers work to help you learn, not to bully you.
  8. 8 Don't overexert yourself. It is very good to be involved everywhere - sports, hobby groups, other social activities. But do not grab onto everything, otherwise none of your activities will really work out for you.
  9. 9 Respect others. Be respectful of your peers and teachers. For this, people will respect you more and you will most likely never get into trouble. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you make a good impression at the beginning of the year, the teacher will trust and trust you if you are accused of something. But do not think that this way you can get out of the water if you are guilty of something!
  10. 10 Make friends! This is especially important in high school to make really good friends. They are your support group and your lifebuoy in the school. If you have good friends, they will be able to support you throughout your time in school and help you to achieve the highest results. You may want to gain real popularity in order to cope with everything successfully in high school. It's not vital, but you can try it if you want.
  11. 11 Consider dating, falling in love, or dating to gain experience in high school. You can also just flirt if you like it. Remember that relationships don't always work out in this early stage, so have a plan for how to achieve your crush, get through dating events, or deal with some form of disaster boy / girl.


  • If you've been out of class for more than one day at a time, catch up and work with the textbooks, rewrite friends' notes, ask the teacher for extra help, and work with one of your classmates after school, or meet in a quiet place (like the library). to explain the material to you.
  • Ask the teacher about the papers - which ones you should keep and which ones can be thrown away. They know if you will need them again for repetition or not. If you do not need to store any materials, then throw away all unnecessary items.
  • A little self-study for the next class during the summer will come in handy.
  • If you find yourself having difficulty in a particular subject, read books, articles, and other sources about what is discussed on the subject. Or don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • Don't starve. On an empty stomach, it will always be more difficult for you to think in class and do your homework.
  • You can also always ask your parents for advice. They will most likely always be able to help you.
  • Don't talk too much between sessions. You may be late, as a result of which you miss assignments or get into trouble.
  • If you do not quite understand something, stay after school to do some extra work or ask for certain concepts to be explained to you. Never stay late after class, unless you have a big break or break between classes. So you run the risk of being late for the next lesson, which will not only upset the teacher, but also fraught with other consequences - you miss part of the lesson, you may not understand something, or lag behind somewhere.
  • Eat right.
  • Be prepared to go to and from school with all materials. Bring a pencil case with writing utensils and homework to class, and make sure you jot down your homework.
  • It is always important to have breakfast in the morning when you have an exam. Some foods can help you deal well with it, while others can even hurt you.Eat carbohydrates the night before and drink plenty of fluids. Eat plenty of protein in the morning before you go on your own. This should help you a lot.


  • If you do better than other students, not you need to ask yourself. Instead, be an example to follow for everyone else.
    • If other students hurt you because you are smarter, try to help them become better or just ignore them.