How to Stop Internet Addiction

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?
Video: Internet addiction: Is it all in your brain?


Internet addiction affects many people. Why waste your life in front of a computer screen when you can enjoy your family and friends? This article will help you "spin" your life.


  1. 1 Use the Internet the same amount of time every time you use it. In other words, don't say, "I'll only be there for 1 hour today," and then waste 5 hours and think you did well. A good time for daily Internet use is 1 hour or 2 hours at most. You can set a timer for this to keep you on track.
  2. 2 If the timer doesn't work for you, consider downloading parental control software - some programs include “timed” locks. Have someone else set a password so you can override it in an emergency, but not on a whim. There is a Google Chrome browser extension called StayFocusd that can sync the list of blocked pages across multiple computers.
  3. 3 Delete accounts that you really don't need anymore. How many websites do you have accounts that you 100% don't need? YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace ... sometimes people need their MySpace or Facebook for important things, like staying in touch with people who don't live nearby, but YouTube, Twitter, etc. be removed. Twitter / Facebook is a waste of time and it's quite addicting, while YouTube is also addicting and people you don't know want to interact too much. If you don't want to delete your account, just block the pages.
  4. 4 Delete your favorites (Keep important pages you might need for homework, etc.)- YouTube videos, friends' online pages, all that. If it doesn't matter to your job or to you as “air,” don't keep it.
  5. 5 Be sure to support offline activities. There are many things you can do and enjoy. If you have no other hobbies, start looking for something. And volunteering can be a great way to go out and do something useful / useful.
  6. 6 Control your senses when you are online and offline. Can you spot when you've spent too much time on the Internet? If not, then you have a problem!
  7. 7 So stop wasting your life on the Internet. It's not that you can't use the Internet at all, but you should / you need to use the right amount of time. Live your life more fully: get out; chat with friends; watch the movie. Please remember what you saw; it will change your life to become a happier ordinary person. Please stop using the Internet so much for your own good.
  8. 8 Be active and free - now, get away from the computer: Have fun and do your thing / work away from the electronic task maker!


  • It may be difficult at first, but you will soon get used to it.
  • Try outdoor activities, maybe take up new hobbies.
  • Stop thinking about things that won't help you. Take your time to do something, avoid loneliness.
  • Don't give up and stick to your schedule.
  • Live your life.
  • Try not to exceed the time limit.
  • In the first week, it would be best to stay as far away from instant messaging programs or sites like MySpace and Facebook as you can.
  • Spend the most of your day with your friends.
  • Tell your friends that you are no longer going to spend so much of your time online.
  • Keep the computer out of sight.
  • If you have an online relationship, sever it.
  • Place the computer somewhere in the house where people pass through, so they can tell you to put it away.
  • Stop checking your email every day ..
  • Don't use your Blackberry 24/7 either.
  • If you have a laptop, give your charger to a friend: that way, if it runs out, you won't be able to use it anymore. Do not take it back for at least 4 days.
  • If you are on your phone's Internet browser all the time, do not charge it more than 20%, so you will not be able to use it for a long time.
  • Remember to stick to the allotted time at a time that you set!