How to overcome love melancholy

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
On Feeling Melancholy
Video: On Feeling Melancholy


Thirst for love is a state of melancholy and blues that a person experiences when he desperately wants to meet his love, when he misses a loved one at a distance, or when he desperately wants to fall in love after breaking up. Unlike falling in love, the thirst for love is haunted by feelings of suffering, anguish and anxiety due to the absence of a partner. The person has a strong desire to fall in love or refresh an existing relationship.

A change of priorities, a new outlook on the world, as well as an active lifestyle, which will give an opportunity to escape from heavy thoughts, will help to get rid of the thirst for love.


  1. 1 Identify the symptoms of craving for love. Pay attention to the following signs:
    • You feel physically unwell: empty stomach, heavy breathing, headache, diarrhea, and other health problems.
    • You may feel nauseous and want to relieve stress along with vomiting.
    • You may experience problems with appetite, both a lack of it and an excessive increase.
    • You feel tired and exhausted all the time.
    • You cannot or do not want to contact other people. You have no desire to discuss your condition or to speak at all.
    • You cry a lot, all the time or in “bursts”. Perhaps they have become more sentimental.
    • You feel anxious, possibly even panic attacks.
    • You may develop cold syndromes in the absence of the cold itself.
  2. 2 Understand that all these feelings are caused by feelings of sadness or anger. It seems to you that something is missing or that you have lost something, and now a hole has formed in your life.If you just broke up with someone, then you are in the experiencing stage. You may also experience similar syndromes due to feelings of loneliness or fear of being abandoned. Longing can be caused by shock due to any changes in your life. You will go through the following stages: denial of what is happening, heartache, anger, the desire to come to an agreement, and finally acceptance. If you live at a distance from your loved one because of work or school, you feel the same as a broken heart because you feel lonely, especially when there are crowds of happy couples walking around.
    • Also note that depression can cause similar symptoms. However, depression usually has a stronger effect on the emotional and physical state, accompanied by a feeling of hopelessness, lack of interest in life. A person ceases to value his life, and suicidal thoughts may visit him. If you recognize these symptoms, see your doctor immediately for a diagnosis and help you get out of this condition.
  3. 3 Eat a balanced diet. Despite the fact that you may be drawn to fast food and constant snacks, your body, in fact, needs proper and healthy nutrition that will help you maintain strength and a healthy mind. If you are in poor physical condition, your thirst for love can lead to various diseases, as your immune system is not being adequately saturated. Eat healthy foods and try to experiment with new foods. Who knows, maybe new tastes and sensations will bring you the missing pleasure from life.
    • Drink plenty of water, soda or not. Dehydration can cloud your mind.
    • Don't drown your grief in alcohol or drugs. This will not help you deal with the pain, it will only make it worse.
    • A small amount of dark chocolate is acceptable. Do not deny yourself the pleasure! (in moderation)
  4. 4 Love your body. This is not the time to lie on the couch cursing fate and feeling sorry for yourself. Be physically active! Go in for sports, do exercises. Choose something new for yourself. Someone stops at yoga or Pilates, someone finds peace in cycling, etc. The new lesson will capture all your attention, which is good both physically and mentally.
    • At a minimum, just walk for 20 minutes every day. Get a dog or find a walking companion, call a friend or neighbor and offer to walk together.
  5. 5 Sleep well. The thirst for love carries with it restless thoughts and anxieties that prevent sleep. Stop it. Establish a daily routine and go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Get distracted with a TV or computer, read a book or magazine before bed. Make sure the room temperature is optimal (not cold or hot) and get good linens that are nice to wrap up in. Good sleep is very important for maintaining a healthy life.
  6. 6 Get organized. If you've just been dumped, you may have things left to get rid of. Take them apart and throw them out of your life. And even if your thirst for love is associated with loneliness, you may have a lot of sentimental junk in your closet. Donate books to the library, use the things you treasured to share with someone, clean up romance discs. If your thirst for love is due to the fact that your partner is working or studying far away from you, collect all the photos in a single album or box.
    • Throw out any photos that remind you of a failed romance. They will not bring the person back, they will only cause you more pain.
    • Clean up the junk in your computer. Delete old letters, photos, etc. that cause sadness and longing.
  7. 7 Think positively. You don't have to wake up and imagine that everything is fine. However, it will help you start seeing positive things in life.If you are alone now, why attract negativity? Think about the good things: free time, freedom to go anywhere and do whatever, no fights when choosing a movie and no fight over a blanket, less money wasted, etc. Trust that you are a wonderful person who thrives on your own as well as in relationships. You are an integral and self-sufficient person, a person who does not need others to live life to the fullest!
    • If your loved one is far away, look at the sky, night or day. Think of the fact that both of you are looking at the same sky, not the same stars and the moon. You are not in different worlds, one day you will be together again, and everything will be fine.
  8. 8 Be productive. Lust for love leads to laziness, and where there is laziness, there is little productivity. Think about what you are missing in life while lying on the couch and suffering? Write a list of things you've always wanted to do, set new goals for yourself, develop a plan, and start taking action. Start small, because the most important thing is to just start!
    • Think about those little things that you constantly put off for later. Congratulate yourself for even the smallest achievement and reward yourself for every tick on the list. The reward can be buying a magazine and taking a walk in the park, or a delicious lunch at a restaurant or a trip to the theater.
  9. 9 Strengthen your faith. If you believe in higher powers or other paranormal manifestations, channel your energy into faith to relieve yourself of the burden of thirst for love.
    • Use prayer or meditation to calm yourself down. Inner harmony will help you deal with emotions and feelings, and you can eventually find the right solution to how to cope with the situation.
  10. 10 Go out and spend time with other people. You don't have to force yourself to date. Just do some activity around other people. It can be sports, outdoor activities, hobbies, library visits, shopping, etc. Connecting with other people is very important. In addition, it will help fill your sense of need for communication or company. Man is a social being, it is normal to be surrounded by his own kind. The thirst for love develops when we are left alone, cut off from the outside world.
    • If you haven't seen your family for a long time, it's time to visit your relatives.
    • There is no need to force yourself to be intimate with anyone. Just be surrounded by people, meet and go on dates with those you especially like. Let things flow naturally.
  11. 11 Express yourself with writing. Keep a diary describing your feelings about love, breakup, and a desired future. Expressing thoughts on paper, we seem to put together the pieces of a puzzle, everything becomes simpler and clearer, and the experience is not so important.
    • If you live at a distance, write emails and letters to stay connected. Periodically surprise each other, etc.


  • Cartoons and comedies can help distract you and create positive emotions.
  • If you are a teenager, your parents or caregivers may react a little harshly to your concerns. Try to understand, this also confuses them and sometimes, based on their own experience, they say, "You will survive." Gently explain to them that everyone goes through it differently and that you need a little time and their support to get through these times. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the thirst for love happens at any age, so you should not think that the older you get, the less likely it is that this will happen to you. It is important that you have enough experience to recognize all the signs and choose the right strategy in accordance with your age.
  • Sign up for a massage course. The gentle touch of someone else's hands will relieve stress and relax the tension in the body.


  • If you feel like you can't cope or don't want to live anymore, seek urgent medical attention from a doctor or qualified professional. You may not always be able to cope with your thirst for love on your own, so there is no shame in seeking help and advice from another person.
  • The thirst for love can tell on your health in the future. Research has shown that people who experience severe insecurity in relationships may have heart disease in the future.

What do you need

  • Something to help you distract yourself: hobbies, new goals, good songs and movies that can help you feel better and inspire a change in your life.