How to stop gossip

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This method helps you stop gossiping and being gossiped about
Video: This method helps you stop gossiping and being gossiped about


According to scientific research, the old saying that gossip isn't worthy of an answer is bad advice. The way rumors are circulated in the modern world made us look at this issue from a different perspective. And if you can't ignore the rumors, what can you do? Read Step 1 to find out.


Part 1 of 2: Correct Reaction

  1. 1 Don't pretend to be a fool. Don't act like you have no idea what people are saying about you. If you act like you don't suspect anything, people will only think that the rumors are true. It doesn't make sense to act like you haven't heard the rumors if everyone at school or work knows about them. Admitting that you know the gossip that is being spread about you is the first step towards resolving it.
    • If someone mentions gossip, you can say, "I heard what they say" or "I know what people are saying about me."
    • Better yet, fight back the gossips. If you know about unpleasant gossip that is being spread about you (and quickly!), Then you can even tell it to other people who do not already know about it. This makes them more likely to be on your side if they hear about it from you than if the gossip reached them through other people.
  2. 2 Don't show how it hurts you. Try not to be overtly aggressive or show that you are sad or upset about rumors. Even if they are really unpleasant and painful, if you allow yourself to be upset in public, then you will let the other side win. If they really make you upset, talking to close friends will help you much more than letting the whole world see how sad you are. So don't show your mood, hold your head high and don't let anyone ruin your mood.
    • On the other hand, if you get very upset about the rumors, everyone will be sure that it is true.
  3. 3 Do not knock out the wedge with the wedge. While it can be tempting to fight gossip with other gossip, you need to take a more dignified path and not stoop to spreading rumors.Of course, you can spread a rumor about the person who started all this, or start up a completely different rumor just so that people stop talking about you, but if you do this, chances are that you will only worsen the situation and look desperate and as if you are no better than the person who started spreading the rumors.
    • Remember, at the end of the day, you want to win. You want people to respect you and think that you are a worthy person. If you want to maintain the level of respect even after an unpleasant rumor has spread about you, then you need to keep your head up and not think, "If you can't handle it, join them", because this is not for you. will lead.
  4. 4 Talk to an adult or other authority if needed. Of course, it may not be fun to talk to an adult or boss about unpleasant rumors, but it can create problems for the rumor monger and make the situation more pleasant for you. If rumors are spreading throughout the school, for example, and you know who started spreading them, talking to an authority figure can seriously scare the gossip and stop the rumor as quickly as possible.
    • It's complicated. It is up to you whether you should talk to an adult or you can handle the situation on your own.

Part 2 of 2: Taking Action

  1. 1 Stand up for yourself. Don't confuse the desire to stand up for yourself with "self-defense." Since silence is not always golden, it would be a good idea to prepare arguments: "I don't believe this is true." or “This seems like an unpleasant gossip to me. Things like that can hurt.” Look people in the eye when you say this.
    • If people ask you about gossip, you need to stand up for yourself no matter the situation. If you brush it off or act like you don't want to talk about it, people will believe it's true.
  2. 2 Determine what the hearing is plausible and stop it. People are more likely to pass on rumors that are true and based on evidence. For example, a rumor about an office romance will arise if two people are flirting in the office or sitting together every day at lunchtime. Once you determine what is the source of the rumor, do something to get rid of it, if possible.
    • Don't bother thinking, "Okay, they shouldn't think that way" or "I have to do what I want and so others don't think this and that." The bottom line is that they already think, and if you continue to behave the same way, then the gossip will continue to spread.
    • Of course, if you do absolutely nothing to fuel the rumors, then you cannot change anything. And even if you're doing something that could potentially generate rumors, don't be too hard on yourself in this case!
  3. 3 Prove it's not true if you can. If you have proof that the gossip is not true, then you must show it. For example, if people say your boyfriend is out of nature, bring him to your next party. If people gossip about you can't swim, throw a pool party. If you can provide a document that can prove that the rumor is false once and for all, do not feel it beneath your dignity to do so.
    • Of course, one of the problems with rumors is that they are so hard to disprove. Do not try your best to prove otherwise if this is not possible.
  4. 4 Spread the rumor. Yes everything is correct. Express or write gossip in a meaningful way. By acknowledging the gossip, you make it less significant. Rumors spread like wildfire, because those who spread them act in such a way as to obtain social status, and this depends on whether they know the "deep essence". If you distribute their "classified information", then they will not have the motivation to spread the word. Everyone will know about him anyway!
    • Of course, if it is deeply painful, you may not want the world to know about it.If you think talking to everyone about it is the easiest way to prove it's ridiculous and stop hearing, then do it.
  5. 5 Fight the source. If you know who is spreading the rumor, then you may want to talk to the person who does it. Be polite, keep your head high, and talk to the person honestly about why he or she is spreading the rumor and talk about the problems it causes, but try not to look too upset. Say something like, "I know we're not the best of friends, but gossiping about me is not the way to solve problems."
    • If you don't want to face the source face to face, then bring a couple of friends with you. Of course, don't put yourself in a dangerous or uncomfortable position if you know that talking to this person will not lead to anything good.
  6. 6 Take care of yourself. Rumors can be upset, angry, or even depressed. Whatever people say about you, keep your head high and remember who you are. Don't let outsiders determine your value in life and be strong in spirit no matter what people say about you. Make sure you spend time with good friends, get enough sleep, and monitor your self-esteem despite what others say about you.
    • You may be so busy convincing people that the rumors are not true, that you won't have time to take care of yourself. Okay, you need to focus on yourself - and not on the mindless harm others are doing to you - if you want to return to a happy, healthy life.


  • Above all else, stay calm. People love to watch the reaction. Staying calm can kill your hearing and help you cope with similar circumstances in life.
  • Try to act like you don’t care, and if you do, don’t show it. Remember that rumors fade over time.
  • Talk to a good friend and come up with a plan to make sure it's not about you.
  • If you started the gossip yourself, don't deny it. Instead of reacting to what others think of you, admit what you did wrong.
  • Talk to the person who believed the gossip and talk about what's really going on.


  • Do not be entertained by spreading rumors, as it will come back to you, and a new rumor will be spread about you.
  • Don't waste time tracking down who started or spread the rumor. It is useless and ineffective.