How to stop treating your mom badly

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bad Mom Scolds Her Child, Good Mom Teaches Her A Lesson | Dhar Mann
Video: Bad Mom Scolds Her Child, Good Mom Teaches Her A Lesson | Dhar Mann


Have you ever felt guilty about your bad attitude towards your mom? Here are some ways to avoid the guilt and resentment or resentment that can be a side effect of a bad relationship.


  1. 1 Remember, if you ask your mom about something and she says no, you don't need to be angry. Otherwise, your mom will never change her mind and will never buy you this thing. If you throw a tantrum, then one of two things will happen: either your mother will punish you (unless, of course, she is too soft), or she will never buy you this or that thing.
  2. 2 Avoid situations in which your behavior can get out of control. If you need to talk to her about something, find out what mood she is in. She may be stressed after work, or trying to handle problems with her sibling or household chores, and she may not be able to take care of you at the moment.
  3. 3 Understand her body language and tone. If you realize that you are about to press the "wrong" button, it is better to step back and leave everything as it is.
  4. 4 Feel your own mood. If something weighs on you (it does) and you need time to think it over, or just to calm down, back off before anyone loses control.
  5. 5 Take responsibility for events whenever possible. If you can do something in a difficult situation without involving your mom, try to handle it yourself.If you want a new pair of shoes and think she won't buy it, find a job or other source of income, or save up some money and buy the shoes yourself.
  6. 6 Anticipate situations that might provoke conflict. If you often argue about specific household chores, deal with them in a timely manner so your mom won't have to fight with you, which in turn will help you approach her.
  7. 7 Don't constantly complain that you are not getting what you want. You have to consider both how much you are getting and her ability to provide you with what you desire. Often children do not think about how they behave, as well as how hard our parents work and how they save money in order to provide the child with all the benefits.
  8. 8 Try to find a compromise with her. Even if you’re persistent in trying to get what you want, you’re better off compromising than failing in an argument and then feeling bad.
  9. 9 Keep your problems with siblings, peers, teachers, and everyone else out of your relationship with your mom. If someone pisses you off or upsets you, your mom doesn't deserve to put up with your insults because of it.
  10. 10 Remember that your mom only wants the best for you, and, in fact, she knows better what you need.
  11. 11 Also, remember that she too could have a rough day, and therefore, your complaints will absolutely not help. But, you can also "exchange" a few words by telling each other about how your day went.
  12. 12 Hear what she tells you.
  13. 13 If she asks you to do something, do it; don't give her a reason to complain.


  • Try not to get into an argument with your mom, or you might just get punished for it!
  • Restrain your anger if you are angry, and vent your anger on what you are angry about.
  • If you have offended her and you feel bad about it, you should apologize to your mom. Both you and she will feel much better afterwards.
  • Try not to be rude to your mom. This will make you feel bad and hurt her and your feelings.
  • Bite your lip; it will help!


  • Never annoy her on purpose, or you risk regretting it later.
  • Don't think that ignoring your mom can help because it will only make things worse.
  • In some situations, it is better to give in to her and leave.