How to end world hunger

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is the best way to end World Hunger?
Video: What is the best way to end World Hunger?


Nearly 50 million children worldwide suffer from severe malnutrition, the most dangerous form of hunger. Sadly, 45% of children under 5 die of malnutrition - a problem that can be corrected and prevented. Hunger and food shortages have several causes, including armed conflict, poverty, gender inequality, climate change and poor health care. Fortunately, you can do your part in the fight against hunger in the world.


Method 1 of 2: Local Help

  1. 1 Support organizations that provide free meals. Food banks and charitable foundations are funded by donations and often rely on volunteers to help. They usually have the option to purchase groceries at a lower price than if you yourself bought them in the store, so you can help feed more people by donating money rather than groceries. However, some organizations only accept food donations, so it’s best to call them or visit their websites to find out how best to support them.
    • For example, a food bank can buy and distribute more food for a donation of 1000 rubles than you would buy for this amount in a supermarket.
    • You can also offer your services to one of these organizations - for example, work in a canteen or deliver food to those in need.
  2. 2 Donate food. Find a food bank, charity store, or other similar organization in your community that collects food for those in need. Most often, donations are accepted for canned food or dry products of long-term storage (sugar, cereals, pasta, coffee). Find out with the organization what products it accepts and if there is an increased need

in some of them.

  1. 1
    • If you buy groceries from a Metro type wholesale supermarket, this is a great place to buy food with donations. For the same money, you will buy more products, and it is more convenient to store them in bulk packaging.
    • Churches, free food outlets, shelters and thrift stores accept food donations and distribute them to those in need.Find an organization that helps people you especially want to help (for example, low-income families with many children or homeless people).
  2. 2 Bring food directly to those in need. You don't have to wait for someone you know in need to receive food from a charity. You can buy wholesome foods that don't require cooking and give them away to the homeless people you meet every day. For example, buy a bunch of bananas and take them to homeless people on a nearby street.
    • Of the people who have a roof over their heads, the elderly are most likely to starve. Elderly people who live alone are often limited in money and either cannot afford to cook much or they lack the energy to do so. If you know a very elderly person who has difficulty cooking, offer to occasionally bring him a ready-made lunch or dinner (and keep company at the table).
    • Examples of foods you can bring to those in need are: soft apples (sliced), bananas, whole wheat bread (sliced), canned food (open without a can opener), carrots (sliced ​​thinly).
  3. 3 Get your employer involved. Many entrepreneurs donate as much as they can. Talk to your boss about charity if your company isn't already doing it. The company can afford much more than you alone, which means that thanks to your initiative, more people will receive help.
  4. 4 Fight stereotypes by educating people about hunger. Some people believe in the stereotype that only those who do not want to work do not eat. However, it is not. People can need help for a variety of reasons, so speak up on their behalf. Tell people you know about the causes of malnutrition and how important it is to help those who are hungry.

Method 2 of 2: Helping Internationally

  1. 1 Do your research to better understand where and what help is needed. When it comes to solving such global problems as world hunger, you often do not know which side to approach. However, there are many resources on the Internet that will help you figure it out and take the first step. Find out more about organizations and foundations that help those in need. This will help you decide what you can do in turn. Here are some resources to get you started.
    • Read about the UN World Food Program to learn more about the world hunger situation.
    • Visit Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organization, and read about world hunger and how life-threatening malnutrition is treated and prevented.
    • Check out the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website to find out how the organization works to educate people about hunger.
  2. 2 Do not buy food grown in a way that is detrimental to growers or nature. When intermediaries buy certain agricultural products in very large quantities, it actually hurts the regions where they are grown. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes cultivating the same crops in too large amounts is harmful to the soil, but farmers cultivate them anyway, because this is the only way for them to survive. In other cases, this can cause food shortages for local residents, if they used to live off the grown crops themselves, but now everything is for sale. In any case, it is best to buy mainly local products and only supplement your diet with those brought from distant countries.
  3. 3 Donate to verified charities. Without donations from ordinary citizens like you, charitable organizations that help the hungry simply won't have the funds. To make sure that you are really giving money for a good cause, check the Internet for their spending reports. Also check the ratings of such funds assigned by independent organizations. Then decide what type of charity you want to support - for example, emergency relief or long-term agricultural support programs.
    • Your donations can save a starving child who would not otherwise survive, support farmers who have lost crops due to floods or droughts, go to a child health education program for women, and so on. Check out what each organization does.
    • Action Against Hunger is a humanitarian organization with 40 years of experience in preventing and treating malnutrition. She currently helps 21 million people in 50 different countries. Drawing on research and technological advances, she works with local communities to find better ways to tackle hunger.
    • Another outstanding charity initiative is Heifer International. This organization provides farm animals to those in need. So people can produce their own food.
    • You may also be interested in Charity: Water, which provides local communities with clean water for drinking and cooking. This foundation delivers clean water to communities, making it clear that not only can they drink clean water, they can also make all their food safer.
    • Kiva is a microfinance organization through which you can provide loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries so that they can grow their business. You can give very small amounts, but even they matter. When your money is back, you can lend it to someone else.
  4. 4 Buy products that meet Fair Trade standards. By purchasing food products marked with the international Fair Trade mark, you provide food not only for yourself, but also for others. Fair Trade products are purchased from producers such as Guatemalan farmers at fair prices for the region. This means that the company that buys food from them is investing in their community to improve their quality of life, education and access to resources. This means that people will receive more money and will be able to feed their families.
    • The increased demand for such products will also send a message to companies. We, as buyers, can vote with money. If more people prefer such products, their supply in the market will also increase.
  5. 5 Support immigration reforms to help migrants. People living in poor countries where it is difficult to find a job sometimes look for it in more developed countries. Some migrants have official work permits, while others work illegally. As a rule, they are hired for low-paying jobs, to which very few people from the local population agree. As a result, they barely have enough funds to feed themselves and their families.
    • It is difficult for migrants to visit their homeland often - both because of the high cost of such trips, and because of the difficulties associated with migration legislation (especially if they work without documents). This means that it is difficult for them to help their families back home.
    • Another problem is that strict immigration laws create a situation in which unscrupulous employers can informally hire illegal immigrants, pay them pennies and exploit them at full strength, so that these people will still starve, even if they work very hard.
  6. 6 Use your skills to volunteer. If you have valuable skills, such as farming equipment, gardening, construction, project management, or fundraising, for example, donate your time. Organizations often want to be productive but face a dearth of people with the right skills to help the communities they visit. If you can do any of the above, take a month-long trip to distant lands and help the residents there to establish a farm. Thus, you will provide them with invaluable help.
    • Even if you don't have these skills, you can help financially. Start a fundraising project, and send the money received to a charitable foundation.


  • Do not deviate from your goal of helping people, even if your contribution seems meager. You may be doing more value than you think!
  • Set yourself an achievable goal. Don't start out with the goal of ending world hunger. Instead, aim to help a single program, community, or even a family.
  • Some sites like allow you to donate without spending a penny.