How to start your morning in a cheerful mood

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!
Video: 4 Minutes To Start Your Day Right! MORNING MOTIVATION and Positivity!


The way the morning goes sets the mood for the whole day. If your morning is filled with chaos and stress, it may be reflected in the way the rest of the day goes. In order to be full of vigor and strength from the very morning, planning is necessary. There are not so many people who are by nature a morning person. But by changing just a few details, you can spend your morning much more organized and relaxed. And a cheerful morning mood is the key to a productive day.


Part 1 of 3: Establish Healthy Sleeping and Eating Habits in the Evening

  1. 1 Prepare breakfast and lunch the next day in the evening. If you pack yourself in the morning, collect and feed your children and pets, or try to clean up your house before leaving for work, then you are trying to squeeze too many things into one morning. Lighten your burden by preparing breakfast and lunch in the evening. If all you need to do is grab food and leave the house, then you probably won't have to skip breakfast or grab hastily prepared sandwiches instead of healthy hot food because of the rush.
    • Maintain a high energy level. The energy gained from dinner is depleted overnight, and a fiber-rich breakfast stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps you feel more alert and focused. It takes energy to stay awake in the morning and throughout the day.Avoid refined carbohydrates, which are rich in donuts, for example, as consuming them can lead to spikes in blood sugar.
    • Make yourself a simple and nutritious breakfast. Boil the eggs and place them in the refrigerator so that they are at hand in the morning when you are busy. For a balanced breakfast, add a bun and banana to it. You can also cook oatmeal in a slow cooker, add fruit to it and have breakfast in the morning. Leftovers can also be kept in the refrigerator and only reheated in the morning.
    • Pack a balanced lunch. Take a wide-necked container and make a high-protein salad. Place the salad dressing on the bottom of the jar and then layered cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and chickpeas. Add lean protein such as chicken and finally top with herbs. Close the container and refrigerate. Taking into account that the herbs and dressing will lie separately, the salad will stand in the refrigerator all night and stay fresh. Before lunch, simply shake the bowl to mix the ingredients with the dressing, and place the salad in a cup.
  2. 2 Eat healthy meals for dinner. What you eat for dinner is used by your body while you sleep. If you feed your body with the right foods in the evening, in the morning you will feel a surge of strength and energy. Eat lean protein such as chicken, fish, or beans. Add vegetables and complex carbohydrates such as rice or quinoa.
    • In order to digest food, your body needs a lot of energy. Eating heavy meals before bed tends to keep you awake. Eat dinner two or three hours before bed, so that your body has enough time to complete the digestion process before you touch the pillow. Try to avoid sugary or fatty foods as these can trigger blood sugar swings and heartburn. Both negatively affect sleep.
  3. 3 Turn off all electronics before going to bed. Tablets, smartphones, computers and televisions activate the brain. Instead of setting yourself up for relaxation, you trigger an active thought process. And the active state of the brain prevents you from falling asleep later. And finally, inadequate sleep will lead to the fact that in the morning you will not feel awake. Turn off electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed.
    • Artificial light emanating from electronic devices disrupts the daily biorhythm. It suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, which makes you stay awake longer. Interrupted sleep leads to a state of lethargy and irritability in the morning.
  4. 4 Try not to take caffeine before bed. Caffeine keeps you awake for several hours. Taking caffeine in the evenings will help you fall asleep longer and sleep very shallowly. Avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, or soda - and don't drink them at least four hours before bed.
    • Drink decaffeinated beverages such as decaffeinated tea or warm milk. These drinks have a calming effect. It will be easier for you to fall asleep and your sleep will be deeper.
  5. 5 Avoid drinking alcohol before bed. A glass before bed does not have a sedative effect at all, as it might seem. Alcohol is a depressant, so it makes you feel sleepy at first. But when it fizzles out of the body, alcohol has a stimulating effect. Alcohol disrupts sleep cycles, so your sleep quality will differ from what you need to rest.
    • Limit your alcohol intake to one to two drinks per day. Drink alcohol no later than two hours before bed.
  6. 6 Stick to a sleep routine. Sleep is important not only for children. Train your brain and body to fall asleep and stay asleep. Getting good rest at night is critical to being alert and focused in the morning.
    • Read a regular book or magazine before bed. Your brain will get tired and after reading you will fall asleep much easier.Avoid reading from electronic devices, as lighting on such devices keeps the brain alert. Plus, you'll be constantly tempted to read apps or chat messages.
    • Relax your muscles. A warm bath or slow stretching can release tension from your body. During the day, tension builds up in the muscles. A bath or stretching can help you relax and fall asleep much faster.
    • Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every day. This amount of time will allow you to go through all your sleep cycles. There are four phases of sleep that repeat approximately every 90 minutes. If you sleep for less than seven hours, you cannot go through all of these cycles.
    • Realize that sleep plays an important role in your overall health. Lack of sleep leads to memory loss, lack of concentration and chronic fatigue. Continuous sleep will alert your entire immune system and help you control your weight. A good night's rest boosts energy levels, motivation, and overall well-being.

Part 2 of 3: Take charge of the morning

  1. 1 Try not to turn off the alarm. When you sleep so sweetly in a warm and cozy bed and the alarm clock starts ringing, the first reaction is to turn it off. When you turn off the alarm and fall asleep again, another sleep cycle begins, and when the alarm rings again, you will feel much worse because you interrupt another sleep cycle. This is called sleep inertia. Get in the habit of getting up the first time the alarm rings. You will feel much more energized and start your day in a more efficient state.
    • Leave the curtains ajar. When sunlight starts pouring into the windows, it becomes easier to wake up. Morning light naturally tells the body that it's time to get up. A small amount of light will induce a lighter sleep state, and then it will be easier for you to get up when the alarm rings.
    • Set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. This will allow you to start your morning more calmly and get out of the rush. Sit a little on the edge of the bed and stretch.
    • Make an effort to go to bed at about the same time every day, even on weekends. Consistency is the key to healthy sleep patterns. With constant observance of the regime, the daily biorhythm is synchronized.
  2. 2 Simplify the dressing process. Have two or three clothing options ready. For example, prepare a shirt, trousers and a belt on one hanger, and put the appropriate shoes at the bottom. This saves you the trouble of deciding what to wear in the morning.
    • Sleep in workout clothes. If the first thing you want to do in the morning is to go to workout or go for a run, it’s one less thing to do if you’re already dressed for it.
  3. 3 Replenish your body's need for water. In the morning we wake up dehydrated because we don't drink for a long time at night. Have a glass of water or a cup of juice for breakfast. This will wake up your brain cells and is a great way to quickly restore alertness.
    • Drink caffeine in moderation. A cup or two of tea or coffee can help you feel refreshed. But avoid the excess of caffeine. More than three cups of coffee can cause nervousness and distraction. In fact, in this case, you lose the state of vigor, since you already become unable to concentrate on anything.
  4. 4 Move more actively in the morning. Not everyone can benefit from attending a full workout in the morning. If attending a workout requires a reduction in your seven-hour sleep, then it is much better to schedule your exercise later in the day. A little exercise, however, can help you wake up and start the day in a vigorous state.
    • As you tune in for the day ahead, try moving to the music. Listen to music and dance while brushing your teeth or making coffee. Even two to three minutes of movement can be beneficial.
    • Take a short walk for about five minutes.A short walk will increase blood circulation and activate the brain. You will feel more energized before starting a new day.
  5. 5 Place a white board and basket next to the door. Organize all the necessary things so that you don't forget anything in the morning, such as taking your keys with you or feeding your dog. List on the chalkboard everything you need to do before leaving the house. And in the basket by the door, keep those things that you need to take with you.
    • Put your keys, travel cards, wallet, sunglasses, purse and backpack in the basket. In the morning you will always know exactly where everything you need is.
    • Write on the chalkboard a list of things to do before leaving home. Go through the list every time before leaving, and then you will always be sure that you have not forgotten anything. For example, write "feed the cat, take lunch with you, put the keys in your bag."

Part 3 of 3: Add Motivation to Your Life

  1. 1 Develop an optimistic outlook on life. A positive attitude towards life gives a cheerful mood. Optimists are convinced that their desires and goals are achievable and that they can achieve the desired result. We often avoid doing good things because we think it’s too difficult. Cultivate optimism by keeping a journal. You can train yourself to take notes, and not only in the morning, but throughout the day.
    • Remember something that you put off all the time. For example, going back to university.
    • Divide the diary page into two columns. In the first column, write down what difficulties you are experiencing, what exactly keeps you from fulfilling your dreams (in our example, from continuing your studies at the university). For example: “I have no money to continue my studies. I don’t have time for this. ”
    • In the second column, write down how achieving this goal will have a positive impact on your life. How will your life change immediately after this happens? And a year later? And in five years? For example: “I will qualify for the job of my dreams. I will be able to make more money. I can buy a house. " Feel the feelings of joy and pride that will come into your life as you achieve these goals.
    • Cultivate these feelings of joy and pride in yourself. Take another small step towards your goal. For example, you can study college programs or contact a university for financial support opportunities.
    • Keep a journal entry weekly, mark both achievements and new challenges. Keep a record of how you managed to overcome the difficulties described earlier. You can keep yourself motivated and cheerful by acknowledging progress and trying to deal with the challenges that arise.
  2. 2 Reward yourself when you reach your goal. Incentives help motivation. Just like you give your dog a treat whenever he does what you ask him to do, you need to reward yourself as well. Come up with a reward for every, even the smallest, goal. For example, allow yourself to play 10 minutes on your tablet after completing your chores.
    • Financial incentives are often the best incentive. For example, if your goal is to walk 20 minutes with your friend every day, give your friend 500 rubles. If you come to a meeting and walk for the allotted time, your friend will return the money to you. And if you don't come, he keeps the money for himself. You will most likely find yourself motivated enough to walk on a daily basis.
  3. 3 Create healthy boundaries. If you are constantly being torn apart in different directions, you are unlikely to be able to achieve your goals - you simply will not have enough time for this. Too many commitments reduce motivation and spirits. Learn to say no to unnecessary affairs and projects. If you don't take care of yourself, nobody will take care. Take on only basic commitments and discard everything else.
    • Never agree to do something out of guilt.If you consistently agree to make commitments solely because you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings, you yourself will end up feeling bitter and frustrated.
    • List your priorities. Focus on what really matters to you and how you want to spend your time. If something doesn't fit your priorities, politely decline the offer.
    • Answer briefly but firmly. You don't have to go into lengthy explanations. Be concise, honest, and polite. Just say, “No, I cannot organize a charity event this year. Thanks for the invitation. I wish you the best of luck with this event. "
  4. 4 Surround yourself with inspiring people. When you are surrounded by positive and motivated people, it will be easier for you to set yourself up to achieve your goals. You will keep your brand in front of each other. A positive attitude is contagious. If you are surrounded by optimistic and determined people, your own cheerful mood will not deplete.
    • Find a mentor for yourself. For example, you want to return to university, but no one supports you in this. Contact the university, ask for the contact of a successful graduate and ask them to share with you their recommendations for the successful completion of their studies.

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