How to introduce a child to a new partner

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When Should You Introduce Your Kids to a New Partner?
Video: When Should You Introduce Your Kids to a New Partner?


Introducing a child to a new partner is a decision that cannot be made without thinking. However, if you feel like the time has come in your relationship to meet them, then this is also an exciting moment, as you will be sharing the most important person in your life with someone you love. The steps below will help you make dating easy for you, your child, and your partner.


  1. 1 The first step is that your new relationship should be serious and you can think about the child. Make sure you and your partner have a strong and happy relationship that has a future. By changing partners, and each time introducing your child to a new man, you can cause emotional trauma to your child. Children very quickly connect with other people, and if you are not confident in your relationship and the partner leaves over time, the child will experience loss. Be confident in your relationship and don't make hasty decisions.
  2. 2 Pay attention to your child's age before making decisions. For a child (under one year old) there will be no harm if he is introduced to a new person, because if he leaves you, the chances that the child will remember him or establish a connection with him are negligible than it will happen with an older child ... However, set a limit on the time your partner spends with your child if you are unsure about your future together.
  3. 3 Before introducing your child to your partner, accidentally say his name when talking. Mentioning your partner (based on the child's age) will let the child know that you have someone to spend time with. Also, if your child is just starting to speak, you can allow him to talk to your new partner on the phone, so your child has time to get to know the person better, starting at the auditory level.
  4. 4 To make it easier for the child, you can make an acquaintance in neutral territory, where the child will feel at ease and happy. For example, if your child is mischievous when he eats, goes to bed or when you go to the store, then it is better not to invite your friend.This is because depending on the age, your child will associate your partner with the moments that made him nervous, and in the future he will remember this. Nevertheless, if you go to the park or to the playground, it will be easier for the child, since in those places, meeting people is a frequent phenomenon and will be associated with entertainment.
  5. 5 When getting to know each other, it is best for a child to start by introducing your partner as your best friend. Most children do not understand the essence of the relationship between a man and a woman, especially at an early age, so do not complicate the process of dating with explanations. If your child is no longer young and sees meaning in the relationship, still visualize your partner as a friend until the child gets used to it.
  6. 6 To make it easier for the child, try to leave everything as it was, at least in the beginning. Set a limit on physical contact between you and your partner in the presence of the child, and leave your friend overnight to a minimum. Remember that for a long time you were alone with your child, and he / she remembers, and your partner's intrusion into your family life can affect the child's opinion, and he will begin to doubt, especially if he thinks that he will no longer be able to spend "time with mom".
  7. 7 Help your partner win over the child by talking about what the child likes and dislikes. A good way to get your child to talk is to start a conversation about what they like.


  • Depending on the person, dating can be as stressful for a partner as it is for a child. Perhaps he wants to be loved by a little boy / girl. Therefore, choosing the right place to meet is the key to success. You can also prepare your partner (if necessary) that it may take time for your child to accept, but that your partner has nothing to worry about.
  • Don't try to create the “perfect baby” to impress your partner. You love the child for who he is, and your partner must also love him. "Children" - there are children. Mood swings, eccentricities, irritability occur where there are children, your partner should understand this.
  • Always leave the meeting place lit up.
  • If you are introducing your child to a partner in a public place, I would suggest that you bring some toys or games with you to distract your child in the event that something goes wrong.
  • If your child woke up not in the best mood, or feels unwell, reschedule the acquaintance to another day. A tired, unhealthy, or upset child will behave less well.


  • If your partner is aggressive or comments on your child, you must correct the problem so as not to harm the child. You want a man who will influence the child in the right direction.
  • Remember to share the time you spend with your partner and your child. Your connection with your child should not be questioned by someone showing up. "Our time" is an important thing in the process of getting to know each other in a child's life.
  • Also, please do not forget about the child when your partner is with you. The child will feel unnecessary if you ignore him. This can lead to the fact that the child starts acting up in the presence of a partner in order to get your attention.
  • If your child starts to play around for no reason, you have to be tough with him. Tell your child that you will not break up with this person because of bad behavior and explain that it is wrong.
  • Your child may not accept your partner. This is, in principle, understandable. You have known your partner for a long time (I would like to believe) before introducing the child, and the child will need a little time to get used to the new person. Don't worry if something goes wrong. Perseverance and stubbornness are the main ones in these cases.