How to prevent environmental pollution

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How Can We Stop Pollution?
Video: How Can We Stop Pollution?


Today, most people believe that garbage is a problem of the past. Unfortunately, this still remains a global global problem. People litter for a variety of reasons. For example, they are simply irresponsible and do not care about the environment, because they believe that someone else can take care of the garbage collection. It happens that because of the huge amount of garbage, people think that it would be okay if they also throw out their garbage. If you are concerned about the pollution of the city or area you live in, there are a few things you can do to encourage others to throw their trash in the trash can. In addition, you can take steps to organize the collection of garbage.


Part 1 of 3: Influence Friends and Family to Stop Pollution

  1. 1 Set a good example. By setting the right example, you can dissuade people from littering on the street. Don't throw rubbish on the ground, pick up any rubbish you see and put it in the trash can. Do not throw cigarette butts and other debris out of your car window.
    • You can check if the lid is tight enough for trash cans and baskets. Trash cans are often a source of garbage, which we put up for collection. If the lid does not close the tank tightly, it can be easily overturned, dumping all the debris out of it.
  2. 2 Remind people of the environmental consequences of environmental pollution. If you see your friend or relative littering the street, explain to them how the garbage they throw out can affect the environment. Explain the fact that this garbage may seem insignificant to them, but over time it can be carried by the wind to other areas, get into a stream or river. In addition, litter can cause great harm to animals, which may accidentally swallow it or use it as building material for their nest or burrow.
    • Remind people that even if they don’t understand what’s going on, the garbage they throw away may at some point harm another person or animal.
  3. 3 Do not scold passers-by and strangers. You may want to point out to passers-by how bad it is to litter, but this can provoke them into conflict, especially if one of them is having a hard day. If you really want to do something with the trash, pick it up and dump it in the nearest trash can.
  4. 4 Tell people about the pollution laws in your area. Unfortunately, some people don't really think about the environmental consequences at all, but they certainly won't want to spend money on it. Talk about the fines and charges a person might face if the law is broken - this is how you motivate people to throw out the trash where it's supposed to.
    • In Russia, each region has its own laws on environmental pollution. If you are accused of environmental pollution, you may have to pay an administrative fine, which ranges from 3000 to 6000. Plus, you may face more serious consequences (depending on the circumstances). Remember to warn people that leaving their trash in the wrong places is breaking the law.
    • On this site you can find information on what is the fine for pollution of the environment.
  5. 5 Remind others that garbage costs taxpayer money. What many fail to realize is that the government spends millions of tax savings on garbage collection. For many, it will be enough to explain that trash left on the street can cost them money - it will encourage people not to litter.
    • In fact, you can find information on the internet about how much money is spent in your area on a garbage collection program. For example, you can enter keywords in the search: "recycling program" and the name of your region.

Part 2 of 3: Become an Activist

  1. 1 Teach children about the importance of disposing of waste properly. It is especially important to show children a good example, because children often look at the behavior of adults in order to decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. If you have children, never throw rubbish on the ground with them. If you start littering in front of children, you are showing them that this behavior is acceptable.
    • If you are walking with your child and he sees that someone is littering on the street, set the right example for him. Come, pick up the discarded trash and throw it into the nearest bin. Explain to the child that the person did something wrong because he threw the trash on the ground, and the child should not follow his example.
    • Talk to the children about why it is important not to litter. Explain how waste and pollution harm the planet, people and animals.
    • If you are a child and you see your family members littering on the street, feel free to remind them that they are doing the wrong thing.
  2. 2 Inform that people are littering on the street. In some cities and regions, it is possible to report your observations. For example, if you see a car driver throwing trash or a cigarette butt out of the car window, you can report it by capturing the license plate, make and model of the car. The state can issue a warning to this driver and send information on the prevention of environmental pollution.
    • You can find out if there is such a program in your area. Just type in any search engine on the Internet for the keywords "pollution prevention program" plus the name of the region.
  3. 3 Encourage company owners to place dumpsters. If you notice a container full of garbage in an office or company, or garbage scattered around the room or on the street, try talking to the manager of this company. Politely report that you have noticed problems with garbage disposal. Tell them that you look forward to taking action and solving this problem soon. Most companies are trying to maintain their reputation and appear as a tight-knit, goal-oriented team, so most likely they will want to solve this problem, especially if someone from a potential client has reported about it.
    • It might be worth coming back in a few days to see if this issue is resolved. If the problem is not resolved, you can inform the manager about your observation, as well as about your intention to report this violation to the local authorities, if no action is taken in the near future.
  4. 4 Place more dumpsters in your neighborhood or city. People will litter less if they have the ability to throw garbage in trash cans. You can contact the mayor of your city or ask businessmen to place trash cans with signs outside your company and ask them not to litter on the street.
    • Certain types of businesses may be interested in participating in such cases. For example, the owners of various cafes, restaurants and large chain stores may be interested in your offer because they generate a lot of waste that people often leave lying around right on the street.

Part 3 of 3: Organize a cleanup

  1. 1 Pick a day. The first step in organizing garbage collection is deciding when you will do it. Try to choose a day and time when most people can come and participate. Of course, it is impossible to predict the weather, but try to look at the forecast and pick a day when it will be warm and sunny.
    • For example, if you decide to have a Saturday cleanup on a weekday at 2 pm, most likely, none of the working people will be able to attend. Therefore, if possible, choose Saturday or Sunday.If you want to have a Saturday clean-up during the week, it is best to choose the evening time, but it is still light outside.
  2. 2 Select a territory. You will need to tell people where you will collect your garbage. Choose an area for the cleanup that seemed too contaminated to you. If you wish, you can hold a clean-up day in your yard.
    • Choose a confined area so people don't think they are being asked to clear an entire park or forest from garbage in one day.
  3. 3 Limit your time. People are more likely to come to the cleanup if you schedule cleaning in a short amount of time. If people think that they will have to spend the whole day at the subbotnik, they are unlikely to want to participate.
    • Pick a window at one or two o'clock during the day and set that time as the time for the cleanup. If you wish, you can always stay longer, but this way people will not feel obliged to spend a whole working day or day off on a Saturday clean-up.
  4. 4 Collect everything you need. Fortunately, you don't need any special equipment to collect your garbage. But you definitely need to take garbage bags with you, household gloves for yourself and the rest of the participants, and also choose a place to throw garbage bags after the cleanup.
    • Participants may be asked to bring household gloves with them. Still, it's best to bring a few spare pairs for those who forget to bring their own.
  5. 5 Try to advertise your subbotnik. Print flyers and distribute them throughout the area. Do not forget to indicate the day, time and address of the subbotnik. If you want the participants of the cleanup to take household gloves or something else with them, be sure to indicate this in the leaflet.
    • Don't forget to invite people in person. For example, you can talk to neighbors and acquaintances from your area. Communicate your idea and ask them to help.
    • You can contact some news radio station. Perhaps there they will help you to advertise your idea and make a short announcement about the clean-up day.
    • Tell the schools in your area about the upcoming cleanup. Many schools encourage students to participate in community activities as volunteers. Therefore, some students will also be able to help you.
  6. 6 Think about the incentive. Of course, this is not a prerequisite, but if you have the opportunity to treat the participants of the cleanup with refreshing drinks at the end of the cleaning, this may encourage more people to participate. For example, you can bring lemonade or iced tea for volunteers. You can bring snacks. For example, you can bake a bunch of cookies and treat the participants.
  7. 7 Be prepared to do the cleanup yourself. Unfortunately, there is a chance that no one can help you with the cleaning. If this happens, do not give up and return home. Collect the trash yourself. After all, your family or friends can help you. But even if you do it yourself, you will set a good example for others.
    • If you decide to pick up the trash yourself, call someone from your family and let them know what you are doing, where you are and when you are going to return.


  • When telling people about the environmental impact of garbage, try not to blame or educate them. Most people react negatively when someone speaks to them in this tone.


  • Do not expect understanding and participation from all people. There are people who, for some reason, are not worried about environmental pollution. If you can't convince them otherwise, just remind yourself that you did everything you could to improve the situation.