How to invite a girl to be with you

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Invite a Girl Home
Video: How to Invite a Girl Home


Most guys find it quite difficult to invite a girl to date, so if this also applies to you, most likely you will be interested to know how to get her location and sympathy. In fact, it is not so difficult to attract the attention of a girl: compliment her, ask her about topics that are interesting to her, be interested in her hobbies and be yourself. In addition, when it comes to directly asking to date, you have many options for how to bring up the topic of the relationship and invite her to become your girlfriend. Regardless of whether she agrees or refuses, you need to respect her decision and be proud of yourself for daring to try.


Method 1 of 3: Get Her Attention

  1. 1 Take care of your appearance and do not neglect your personal hygiene. This is the easiest way to get the attention of most girls. Shower regularly, make sure you smell good, keep your hair tidy, and choose clothes that make you feel confident and attractive.
    • It is the little things, like good hair styling or a stylish combination of things, that most often attract the attention of girls.
  2. 2 To get a girl interested, look her in the eyes and make eye contact. Once you have managed to catch the girl's gaze, look into her eyes and hold your gaze for a few seconds, and then just smile and look away. This is a pretty clear hint that you are sympathetic to this girl, in addition, this technique will help to interest the object of your sympathy.
    • When talking to a girl you like, look her in the eyes - it is eye contact that helps form the bond that is at the heart of a relationship.
    • You should not maintain eye contact for more than three seconds, otherwise such a sign of attention will seem too intrusive and intent.
  3. 3 Making sure your body language is positive will help demonstrate that your focus is on the girl. This includes non-verbal cues, such as sitting or standing next to her, fully facing her.Try to smile more when she is around, and also pay attention to any hints and signs with the help of which the girl shows that you are also interesting to her.
    • If you are sitting or standing, do not forget about posture and keep your back straight.
    • Avoid crossing your arms over your chest - this will make you look more open and friendly.
    • If the girl also has sympathy for you, most likely she will try to do so to be closer to you. Do not be afraid to play gently with her hair, smile more, you can lightly bite her lip.
  4. 4 Compliment her to show you sympathy. These compliments must be sincere, in addition, it is important to note her personality traits, and not just her appearance. For example, you might say that you are delighted with her inner world, her relationship to friends and family, and her success at work or academically.
    • Praise her skills and abilities (for example, in sports or in the arts).
    • Say something like, "You have a magical smile," or, "You always manage to make me laugh."
  5. 5 To show how funny and funny you are, try to make the girl laugh. For example, you can tell a joke or a funny story, or you can tease her from time to time to cheer and laugh. If you succeed, she will feel more comfortable with you, and in that very second you will become much more attractive to her.
    • You can tell some funny story that happened to you as a child.
    • You can tease her about something cute and stupid, such as a kind joke about her collection of stuffed animals or some of her funny habits.
  6. 6 To show that you are comfortable and good with her, you can lightly touch her and hug her from time to time. Gently touch her hand, hug when you meet or say goodbye, hug her shoulders with one hand when you stand next to her. Such innocent touching is a great way to show the girl that you like her, without resorting to obvious ways.
    • Squeeze her hand gently and gently as you walk alongside.
    • While talking, lightly touch her knee if you are sitting next to her.
  7. 7 Exude confidence by enjoying who you are. Don't try to act differently in order to gain the girl's liking. Girls love genuine confidence the most, so you're more likely to win her favor if you just be yourself.
    • Don't take yourself too seriously and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself once more.
    • If you are confident, she will notice this and feel more comfortable around you.

Method 2 of 3: Start building relationships

  1. 1 To get to know each other better, try to communicate more often. You can communicate through messages, in person, through social networks and even using simple notes to each other. Chatting with her throughout the day will help you learn more about each other and show that you often think of her.
    • Send her a simple message with the text: "Hope you have a great day!" - or: "What are your plans for the weekend?"
    • Leave her cute notes in her bag or other places where she can find them later.
    • But do not overdo it, do not overwhelm her with messages and letters! From time to time, such a sign of attention will be pleasant, but if she does not reciprocate, it is better to hush up the situation.
  2. 2 Ask her about everything to show your interest. This will not only help you get to know her better - the girl will definitely appreciate your efforts. Ask her different questions about school or work, ask about the family and find out about her hobbies.
    • Find out what she likes to do on the weekend, what TV shows and TV shows she likes, in which cafes and restaurants she likes to spend time.
    • If you manage to strike up a conversation, she will most likely start asking you counter questions too - this will be a clear sign that she, too, wants to get to know you better.
  3. 3 In fact, the best foundation for any relationship is a community of views and interests. For example, it can be a love of sports, an interest in some school subject, a desire to participate in various activities. A bond based on common hobbies and hobbies will not only strengthen your relationship, but also provide new ideas for hanging out together that you both will love.
    • If you like nature with her, you can go hiking or just go for a walk when the weather is nice.
    • Perhaps you both enjoy reading, watching horror movies, or playing board games?
  4. 4 Memorize any little things she mentions in the conversation. When a girl tells you something, you need to listen carefully to her. Remember what she tells you (for example, about her hobbies, about places she would like to visit, about her favorite dishes).
    • If a girl once mentioned that she likes chocolate, surprise her with a chocolate bar the next time you meet.
    • Invite her to a park she likes, or go to her favorite mall or store together. If you are driving somewhere in the car together, play her favorite music.
    • You can send her a message with the text: “I remember you said that you were worried about an important test that you will have today. I just want to wish you good luck! "
  5. 5 Do something special for her, like ask her out on a cute date. You can cook her a delicious dinner or even breakfast, go on a trip together, or just show her attention by helping her with something or buying her medicine when she is sick. Take the time to do something nice for the girl; incorporating her into your plans will show her how much she means to you.
    • Invite her to go bowling, go to the movies, or play a board game.
    • Have a picnic in the park for two.
    • Find out what kind of date she is dreaming of, and then think about how you can make her dreams come true.
  6. 6 Tell her how you feel. If you tell a girl how you feel about her, she will guess your intentions when you start talking about relationships and ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend. You can start a casual conversation in which you tell her about your feelings, or you can prepare and make this conversation special. If you want, ask her how she feels about you.
    • You can tell her: "I like you very much, and I want to get to know you better."
    • You can tell her how you feel over a romantic dinner or while walking.
    • If you confessed your sympathy to a girl, but she did not reciprocate with you, respect her feelings.

Method 3 of 3: Invite her to date

  1. 1 If possible, it is better to start such a conversation in person. You should not invite a girl to meet through messages or social networks, because such communication can hardly be called personal, in addition, you will not see her real emotions and her reaction. Yes, this is a very exciting moment, but she will appreciate the efforts, courage and determination it took for this conversation.
    • You can rehearse this conversation in front of the mirror beforehand if you are too nervous.
    • It is not at all necessary to make some grandiose event out of this - it is enough to raise this issue in ordinary everyday conversation, and then smoothly move on to another topic.
  2. 2 If you do decide to invite her to meet through a message, try to add an element of live presence and emotion to this correspondence. For example, you might write, "Will you be my girlfriend?" - and then add a smiley, picture or gif-animation to the message. You can make this post more original by writing what you like about it.
    • You can send her the following message: “I liked you from the first day of our meeting, when you smiled at me. Be my girlfriend?"
    • As already mentioned, it is not recommended to invite a girl to meet via SMS, because a personal conversation is always much more advantageous.
  3. 3 Be straightforward and ask the question clearly and clearly. If you want to invite a girl to date, but do not want to inflate this with a big event, just catch the moment when you are alone with her, and ask: "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" or something like that. Most girls love being straightforward, and it's also a great way to show your intentions with respect and courtesy.
    • You can ask this question on a walk, at dinner, or when you are just having a good and fun time together.
  4. 4 To add an element of romance to a conversation, you can send her a letter or a note. If you are too worried and embarrassed to talk about it out loud or want to explain your feelings in all the details, a love letter or a sweet note will be a great way to invite your girlfriend to date. Write down everything you want to tell her, and then add a question at the end: "Will you be my girlfriend?"
    • This letter can be of any length (depending on your preference). In fact, it can even be a simple cute note in which you can write a few kind pleasant words, and at the end you can ask an intimate question.
    • You can write about those funny and funny situations that you experienced together, what you like about her, and what feelings she awakens in you.
    • When you write the letter, you can invite her to read the letter right in your presence, or you can hand it over and ask her to read it later.
  5. 5 In order not to make a big event out of this conversation, you can ask this question not directly, but covertly. Instead of inviting her to date right away, you can use one of the options below. For example, you can ask: "Hey, when I introduce you to someone, what should I say: my friend or my girlfriend?"
    • You can ask this question: "And when you tell your friends about us, what do you say?" Then a little later it will be possible to ask: "Hmm, will you mind if I call you my girlfriend?"
    • You can take a girl out on a special date or event to show that you are serious.
  6. 6 Before expressing your feelings and inviting a girl to date, compliment her. You should not go straight to the main question; first, tell us what you like about her so much. This technique will help make the conversation more open and honest, and also demonstrate that you really really want her to be your girlfriend.
    • For example, you might say, “I really enjoy spending time with you. You are so smart and amazing. Be my girlfriend?"
    • You can compliment her by noting that she is very kind, she has a magical smile, and it is a lot of fun to be with her.
  7. 7 To show your personality, come up with an original way to invite her to date. For example, you can make something like a road sign with the words: "Will you be my girlfriend?" - or write this question in the yard near her house so that she can see your message from the window. There are many ways to invite a girl to date in an original and creative way. She will be amazed and impressed that you made this surprise with all your heart.
    • If you sing and write songs and music, write a cute short song for her to invite her to date.
    • Write this question on the cake with icing, or lay out on top of the pizza with topping or colored dragees.
    • Invite her to date by writing a cute message in chalk in front of her entrance or laying it out of flowers.
  8. 8 If the girl does not have mutual feelings towards you, treat her decision with respect. If she refuses you, try not to take her refusal to heart.Just take a break to cool down and sort out your feelings, and remember that there is bound to be someone in this world who is perfect for you.
    • Allow yourself to fully experience the feelings and emotions that overwhelm you, even if it is sadness, anger, or disappointment.
    • Spending some time in nature or starting to play sports will help you feel better. You can also take your mind off the situation by taking time out for your hobbies.


  • Before inviting a girl to date, make sure that you are also attractive and interesting to her.
  • Don't rush things! Get to know each other better and start talking about relationships when you and your girlfriend get to know each other better.
  • Don't be overly aggressive or too soft. Your behavior and your appearance should indicate that you are affectionate, but you have an inner core that you can care and be gentle, but also be able to fight for your love if need be.