How to take a ball correctly in baseball

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Throw a Baseball - Baseball Throwing Mechanics
Video: How to Throw a Baseball - Baseball Throwing Mechanics


Moving the player and taking the ball onto the field is the foundation of baseball and it takes a lot of practice to do it well. You need to be alert and ready to react quickly when you receive the ball. You have to practice getting the ball in the correct position as the ball gets closer and bouncing to throw the ball in one smooth motion. See step 1 for how to do this.


Part 1 of 3: Taking the Right Position

  1. 1 Take the right position. Before the ball is thrown, you must already be in the correct position. Stand on your toes, bend your knees slightly and hold the glove in front of you. Focus on the batter. As soon as he hits the ball, keep your eyes on him.
  2. 2 Be prepared to move if the ball flies towards you. You will only have a few seconds to react when he is hit, so you must reflexively move in his direction. Some outfield players find it helpful to move a little from side to side as they wait for the blow. By shifting your weight back and forth, you can feel ready to jump quickly in the direction of the ball.
  3. 3 Move in front of the ball. When the ball is hit, run as fast as you can to be in front of it. The angle at which you run depends on how fast the ball is moving. Here are some different scenarios:
    • If the ball is moving slowly, you might want to hit it, that is, work towards the ball at an angle that will help you reach it as quickly as possible.
    • If the ball is hit low, it will move quickly and in an irregular trajectory. Getting to him as quickly as possible is a good way to prevent him from bouncing or bouncing off of you in an unexpected direction.
    • If it is a very fast moving ball, it is very important to run at an angle that will give you time to spot the ball with ease, rather than diving or stretching with a glove at an odd angle.Instead of running in the direction of the ball, run in the right direction to get into position when the ball comes straight towards you in the glove.
    • Over time, you will be able to discern which approach is correct for a given speed. Timing is everything when it comes to catching the ball.
  4. 4 Determine how you want to target the ball, on a long or short flight. A low ball can be very difficult to catch because each bounce can send it in an unpredictable direction. It is best to try to catch the ball on the longest hop as possible, because you will know where to put your glove to catch it. On a short flight, this will be more difficult because you will have less time to react to the bounce of the ball. If you try to catch the ball right in front of your glove, it can easily jump over your shoulder or left / right, forcing you to unnecessary movement.
    • Try adjusting your timing so that the ball doesn't bounce right in front of your glove. Catch him after he has jumped a few meters. This way, you will have time to move to and catch him.
    • If the ball jumps right in front of you, you will have to react very quickly to catch it. Keep your torso in front of the ball. If he goes through the glove, you can stop him with your foot or other part of your body. Do everything so that he does not pass by!
  5. 5 Unfold to make the process easier. This is the most comfortable way to catch the ball from the same side of your body as your glove. If this is your right hand, try to position yourself so that the ball moves slightly towards your right side. If it's your left hand, position yourself so you can catch the ball on the same side.
    • In any case, you should have enough area with the ball. Try to get up in a position where you need to dive or reach out to catch him.
    • If the ball is going very fast, you won't always have time to get into the ideal position. You may need to dive, stretch, or catch on the fly.

Part 2 of 3: Capturing a Low Ball

  1. 1 Bend your knees and lean back. When the ball is close, it's time to take it in a low stance. If you don’t, you’ll get the chance to miss him between your legs - the most annoying mistake for a fielder. Crouch down to move quickly if you need to catch the ball on a short bounce.
  2. 2 Place the glove in front of you. This is where hand-eye coordination comes into play. Open the glove towards the ball, keeping the elbow slightly bent. Position the glove so the ball rolls or bounces straight into it.
    • A common mistake outfield players make is not holding the glove down. It is easier to hold it there than to put your hand down quickly, so keep the glove low for better coverage.
  3. 3 Cover the glove with your other hand. Make sure that it does not interfere with the trajectory of the ball, but do not hold it too close so that you can easily use it when needed. Two hands are better than one, so with the other hand you should be prepared to trap the ball while wearing the glove.
  4. 4 Watch the ball with a gloved hand. Rule # 1 in baseball - keeping your finger on the pulse - applies to both catching and hitting. Make sure to look at the ball until it is safe in your glove, and be prepared to move if it behaves unexpectedly.
  5. 5 Lure him into the trap with your other hand. When the ball is in the glove, close it firmly with the other hand. This will give you the perfect position to throw the ball as quickly as possible.

Part 3 of 3: Passing and Throwing the Ball

  1. 1 Move the ball to the throwing hand. When the ball is safe, immediately transfer it to the throwing hand. If you used your throwing hand to catch the ball, you can simply grab it and throw it quickly.If you catch it with a gloved hand in a stretch on one side, or if it is not very comfortable for you, move the glove to the throwing hand and grab the ball.
    • Practice good grip on the ball when catching it. Practice catching the ball quickly and blindly. If you have developed this reflex, then your shots will sooner reach the target, and the ball will be much easier for you to catch.
    • Passing the ball must be done on purpose and quickly. You don't have time to fiddle with the ball after you have successfully routed it. So the transfer should be done the same way. Work on the transmission. Practice passing the ball from the glove to the throwing hand. Do this every free minute.
  2. 2 Lift up and adjust your foot. Now it's time to quickly get into the ball throwing position. Stand up and take a step forward with your leading foot, then after throwing, return to the starting position. By taking these steps quickly, you are practicing a quick sequence that looks like a stroke. This will allow you to get into the correct position for an effective throw.
  3. 3 Throw the ball in one smooth motion. After the swing, make sure you are focused enough to make a good shot. An inaccurate throw will completely kill all your good efforts to catch the ball. Throw firmly and purposefully to a specific outfield player.
    • You can also practice throwing from a wrong position when you don't have enough time to get up and throw properly.
    • In other cases, you may need to kick or kick the ball towards another fielder.


  • Exercise thoroughly. Start with slow kicks or rolling the ball so you can improve your footwork and develop rhythm and timing. Then, gradually increase the pace. In every workout, work with every type of hit you might get, and always pass and throw the ball in a way that becomes second nature to you.
  • To work on short serves, you need to have someone standing in front of you and hitting the ball on the smooth pavement.
  • Try doing some of these workouts with your bare hands.


  • Always warm up and warm up before exercising.
  • Keep the glove in good condition. Check the laces and tighten them if they are too loose. A heavy blow can get stuck in them or even go right through. Make sure the pocket is well formed. The flexible pocket can open when the ball is hit hard. The palm of the glove should be as flat and smooth as possible in order to hold any blows and prevent the ball from bouncing.