How to boost energy levels in the afternoon

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Beat Afternoon Energy Slumps | Boost Performance & Elevate Mood (Caffeine vs. Theacrine)
Video: Beat Afternoon Energy Slumps | Boost Performance & Elevate Mood (Caffeine vs. Theacrine)


The working day is already long, and the last thing we want to deal with is afternoon sleepiness. Very often, around 15-16 o'clock, we begin to feel sleepy, we yawn and struggle with the drowsiness that rolls over us. Since most of us do not have the opportunity to take a nap during the day, it is worth knowing about some ways to increase our energy levels. In this article, you'll find some helpful tips to help you boost your energy levels and prevent afternoon fatigue.


Part 1 of 2: How to Boost Your Energy Levels in the Afternoon

  1. 1 Listen to music. In some cases, you just need a little motivation to feel energized. Play your favorite music with a fast beat. This kind of music will fill you with the energy you need.
    • Play your music loudly if possible. This will help cheer you up during your nap. If you are not alone in the room, listen to music through headphones so as not to disturb your colleagues.
    • Try singing or humming to the music you are listening to. This will help your brain focus instead of shutting down.
  2. 2 Have an afternoon snack. A small snack in the afternoon can recharge your body with nutrients and energy. The main thing is to choose the right products for this.
    • Choose protein and complex carbohydrates for snacks. Protein foods give the body strength and a feeling of fullness. Foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates can help prevent spikes in blood sugar. Protein and complex carbohydrates are a great combination for a healthy afternoon snack.
    • Try these afternoon tea options: carrots and hummus, low fat Greek yogurt, fruit and cheese, and a small serving of oatmeal.
    • Eat a piece of dark chocolate. It contains caffeine and helps improve concentration. Choose chocolate with at least 60% cocoa.
    • Resist the temptation to snack on sweets, such as candy, sugary drinks, or desserts.All sweets are fast carbohydrates that cause a spike in blood sugar and, subsequently, fatigue.
    • Also, skip foods high in fat. The body has to spend a lot of energy digesting fatty foods. Because of this, we experience fatigue and weakness.
  3. 3 Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee. In small amounts, caffeine can help overcome afternoon fatigue. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps you stay alert and focused.
    • Prepare tea or coffee to help you wake up. However, do not overdo it with sugar, remember the measure. If you choose to add sugar, use a calorie-free natural sweetener or a small amount of regular sugar. If possible, skip sugar altogether.
    • Don't overdo caffeine. Too much can be harmful to health in the long term. However, most researchers agree that 2-3 cups of coffee throughout the day are generally safe for a healthy adult.
    • Note that consuming large amounts of caffeine can have the exact opposite effect. If you are a coffee lover, try eliminating this drink from your diet and see the results after a few weeks. Perhaps there will be no trace of your fatigue.
  4. 4 Wash yourself with cold water. To relieve daytime stress, splash cold water on your face and neck. According to some studies, cool water can help you wake up and feel more focused.
    • When you feel sleepy, go to the bathroom and turn on the cold water tap. Wash your face for a few minutes until you feel refreshed and energized again.
    • Research has also shown that a cold shower in the morning, while unpleasant at first, can help wake you up and also invigorates you more than a regular warm shower.
  5. 5 Take time for some light stretching and breathing exercises. It only takes a few seconds, but surprisingly effectively brings you to life. Stretch a little, stretch your muscles to wake up, relieve stress and relax.
    • This is especially useful if you sit at your desk all day. You may be slouching or straining your neck while looking at the monitor. Stand up and warm up to relax tense muscles.
    • Here are some stretching exercises: neck rotations, lower back bends, toe bends, side bends, and seated bends.
  6. 6 Chat with colleagues. Take a short break, literally a few minutes, and chat with your friends, have a cup of coffee and discuss plans for the weekend.
    • Even a minute chat will be a great way to cheer up. This will distract the brain from stress, and laughter will cheer you up.
    • Invite a friend or coworker to take a regular coffee break around 3 or 4 pm. During this time, you can get up, move around, and chat with your coworkers (all of which will help you cheer up).
    • You can even invite coworkers to join in a 10-minute yoga class, do stretching exercises, or go for a walk with you. After all, you are probably not the only one feeling a little sleepy after dinner.
  7. 7 Go for a walk. According to numerous studies, brisk walking can help you feel energized and energized in the afternoon.
    • Allocate at least 10 minutes to walk. Of course, if you can manage to allocate more time, for example 30 minutes, you will get an even better result.
    • Take a walk in the fresh air. Fresh air will give you the energy and motivation you need. Brisk walking makes the heart pump more blood, and improved blood circulation, in turn, increases mental and physical activity.
    • Consider going to the gym in the morning.Exercising in the morning hours, you can set yourself up for the upcoming work mood, as well as recharge with vivacity and energy for the whole day. Cardio or yoga can improve endurance and relieve stress.
  8. 8 Take a nap. If you have the opportunity to retreat and take a nap after lunch (in an unused conference room, in your own car, or locked in your office if you occupy it alone), 15-20 minutes of sleep may be enough to fill you with energy for the rest of the day. make you more agile and improve your motor skills.
    • A longer nap, 30-60 minutes, is beneficial for memory and decision-making skills.
    • To take full advantage of the benefits of naps, try to be consistent with your timing. Try to sleep between 2 pm and 4 pm. Wear a sleep mask to keep out the light, and cover yourself with a blanket or your own jacket if possible.

Part 2 of 2: How to Prevent Afternoon Fatigue

  1. 1 Exercise regularly. According to numerous studies, regular exercise is the best way to combat fatigue and a great opportunity to increase your energy levels.
    • According to doctors, regular exercise can increase dopamine and serotanin levels, which can help fight fatigue.
    • In addition, health professionals recommend at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week.
    • In addition to aerobic exercise, include strength training in your schedule. Thanks to this, an integrated approach to solving the problem is possible.
  2. 2 Eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet is important for maintaining good health and wellness.
    • Eating a balanced diet means designing your diet in such a way that it contains one of the elements of each group. In addition, your diet should consist of a variety of foods.
    • To prevent fatigue, watch your diet. Remember to keep it balanced.
    • For example, high-carb meals (such as pancakes for breakfast or spaghetti for lunch) can cause fatigue in the afternoon.
    • Include lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and foods high in fiber in your diet. This will increase your energy level.
  3. 3 Eat small and frequent meals. Frequent meals can help stabilize blood sugar levels and maintain energy balance.
    • Many people eat three large meals a day. However, if you feel that this is not enough for you, try eating more often.
    • Your diet should be 4-6 meals a day. With small but frequent meals, your body will get enough nutrients and the necessary energy for the whole day.
  4. 4 Keep your lunch portion small. As mentioned above, the main meals should be small, and lunch is no exception. This will give you enough energy in the afternoon.
    • According to some studies, circadian rhythms in people who eat small meals differ significantly from those who allow themselves to eat large meals. This results in lethargy and a feeling of fatigue in the afternoon. The reason lies in the level of glucose in the blood.
    • In order to minimize discomfort, make sure that your lunch consists of a small portion. Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Otherwise, you cannot avoid drowsiness.
    • If you still feel hungry in the afternoon after reducing the size of your lunch portion, have small snacks that will satisfy your hunger and fill you with the energy you need.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is one of the main causes of afternoon fatigue and lethargy.Drink enough water to prevent fatigue after lunch.
    • If the body is dehydrated, you will experience a lack of energy. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day to avoid unpleasant fatigue after lunch.
    • Most experts recommend drinking 8-13 glasses of water or other liquids daily. You can drink plain water, flavored water, and decaf tea or coffee.
    • Also, keep track of the amount of caffeine you consume throughout the day. While caffeine can increase energy levels, overuse can lead to dehydration.
  6. 6 Sleep 7-9 hours a day. It's no secret that sleep plays an important role in maintaining the required energy level. If we don't get enough sleep, we feel overwhelmed and depressed. Therefore, get enough sleep every night to prevent afternoon fatigue.
    • Sleep experts strongly recommend that adults get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night.
    • Go to bed earlier or wake up later to get enough sleep.
    • If you are experiencing chronic sleep problems, this is a reason to see a sleep doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.
  7. 7 Learn to manage stress. According to some studies, stress is the cause of afternoon fatigue in more than half of the cases. Since stress affects energy levels, learn to control it.
    • Talk about your concerns. This will help relieve tension. You can pour out what is in your heart to your friend, relative, or psychologist.
    • Also, do things that can help you reduce your stress levels: meditate, take walks, listen to music, or read.
  8. 8 Consult your doctor. If you are experiencing severe, unexplained fatigue, this is a reason to consult your doctor.
    • In rare cases, fatigue can be caused by a serious illness. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor.
    • Tell your doctor how long you feel tired and how often you experience this unpleasant condition. This will help your doctor determine the cause of your problem and suggest a solution.
    • Many chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity or sleep apnea can cause fatigue. If you have the aforementioned medical conditions, be sure to consult your doctor.


  • Do not delay consulting your doctor if you have health problems. Do not take any action without consulting your doctor.
  • Good nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle are important ingredients in fighting fatigue.
  • Get enough sleep to feel refreshed in the morning. The sleep rate for an adult fluctuates around 7-9 hours a day.