How to believe in yourself

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach
Video: How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach


Self-confidence is the belief that you are able to control the course of life's events. People who do not feel confident may have low self-esteem, moreover, such people do not see the point in striving to achieve goals and, moreover, they stop making efforts to become happy. You can learn to manage your life through emotional and physical exercise that will help you get to know yourself better.


Part 1 of 3: Meeting Basic Needs

  1. 1 Make sure you have a need for food, water, shelter, and work. Meeting these needs will give you the confidence you need to start taking control of your own life. If these needs are not yet met, you can contact the state social center and / or the labor exchange, to begin with.
  2. 2 Go out for a walk. Exercise and sports are another vital human need. If you have the opportunity, organize a walk or workout away from your home, where you can bask in the sun, enjoy nature and socialize with others.
  3. 3 Think about whether your daily sleep is getting enough time. If you sleep on average less than 7 hours a week, it is worth reevaluating your daily routine to meet the important need for sleep. Well-rested people are less likely to experience stress and feel happier. ...
  4. 4 Plan an event so you can connect with people. Invite a close friend or family member, prepare a romantic dinner for your significant other, or attend a social event where you can meet new people. Social interaction is a basic need, and it is this that contributes to increased self-esteem and self-esteem.
    • If you find it difficult to meet new people, start small. Check the local newspapers, maybe the residents of your city will be organizing an event in the near future.You can also video chat on Skype with a close friend who is far from you. Try to schedule an event and do it at the same time during each week, so that the event becomes an integral part of your life.
    • Your goal is to form a social support system that will help you if you feel exhausted. If you already have close friends and family, take advantage of this if needed and ask them for help.

Part 2 of 3: Taking Care of Your Present

  1. 1 Always try to find your ray of hope. Think about past events that made you feel helpless. Try to understand how these events have improved certain aspects of your life.
    • Once you learn to accept the fact that our life is full of mistakes, and that change is an integral part of it, you immediately feel confident in your abilities. Fear of the future is absolutely normal, and the ability to recover from mistakes and failures is vital for psychological stability and self-confidence.
    • Your ray of hope can be a meeting with someone important to you, doing what you love, discovering yourself, a new job, or a trip to the place that you have always dreamed of.
  2. 2 Stop using the word "can't". This word denotes helplessness, its use implies that you consider yourself unable to change or do anything. Replace it with “I won't” or “I don’t want to,” showing in this way that you can choose how you interact with the world.
  3. 3 Start practicing a mantra that helps you tune in to the positive. It can be anything: a goal, a feeling, or just an offer that makes you happy. Repeat your mantra every time you have negative thoughts.
    • For example, read and repeat quotes about self-confidence.
    • “You can do it, and, moreover, you have to do it. And if you have the courage to start, you will certainly succeed ”(Stephen King).
    • “Do not wait for leaders, do it yourself” (Mother Teresa)
    • You can find more quotes by going to
  4. 4 Join the Grätchen Rubin Project Happiness Group or start your own. Find Project Happiness in your local library. By joining a group, you will receive advice on how to identify the emotions that prevent us from being happy and advice on how to fill our life with happiness.
    • Find a Project Happiness group in your area by visiting the author's website. Please visit the following link:
    • In addition, you can now take the first step towards your happiness by creating a thank you list. Try to celebrate each day for what and to whom you are grateful.
  5. 5 Sign up for group lessons. Having fun taking courses at your local college, learning center, or library is an inexpensive and effective way to change your worldview. Education is a powerful tool for building self-confidence as it gives you many more opportunities.
    • For example, take the time to study a computer, learn how to grow vegetables, build a website, ski, distinguish between bird species, or take photographs. It can boost your confidence at work or make you look at the world with new eyes.
  6. 6 Try to meditate. Breathing deeply and focusing on the present can help you organize your thoughts and gain control over your thoughts and body.

Part 3 of 3: Setting Goals

  1. 1 Determine if you are feeling weakened by the fact that you recently achieved a goal that you have been pursuing for so long. Very often, people become depressed or exhausted after reaching a difficult goal.Allow yourself to rest for a few weeks, and then boldly set new goals.
  2. 2 Make a difference in your life. Pick an insignificant aspect of your life that you would like to change, and boldly act! And remember that several nonessential decisions can be as effective as one big life decision.
  3. 3 Attend a sporting event. Decide on the purpose of your training. Exercise builds mental resilience as you learn to overcome pain and take advantage of it.
    • In addition, having physical strength, you will also have inner strength.
  4. 4 Set short and long term goals. Working towards a specific goal is the culmination of self-improvement, as you will feel that your actions are helping you achieve what you want.
    • As a short-term goal, try to exercise five times a week or slowly increase your performance.
    • Set long-term goals. Save money for a vacation or a certificate.
  5. 5 Donate your time for the benefit of others. Volunteering or charity can help you feel that you have the power to influence the people around you and their lives. Set aside at least one hour a week to improve the lives of others and help them meet their basic needs.