How to reheat fried chicken

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Secret To Reheating Fried Chicken
Video: The Secret To Reheating Fried Chicken


There is nothing tastier than golden, crispy, well-done chicken. Unfortunately, a matter of minutes in the refrigerator is enough to wipe out the glory of fried chicken and turn it into a crumbly, moist piece of meat. Fortunately, it is quite possible to warm it up and not spoil it. Of course, the chicken won't look like it just got out of the hot fryer, but a few tricks can help make it look appetizing again a few days after cooking.


Method 1 of 3: Preheat the chicken in the oven

  1. 1 Let the chicken sit at room temperature while the oven heats up to 190 ° C. Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and remove it from the container in which it was stored. Spread the slices evenly on a plate or platter and wait for the meat to reach room temperature. This will take approximately 30 minutes.
    • Use this time wisely. For example, you can do all the preparatory work for now. Preheat oven, garnish and set.
  2. 2 Place the chicken on a baking sheet. Place the chicken pieces on a heatproof baking sheet. If desired, cover it with foil first, which will make it easy to clean later. It is not necessary to grease a baking sheet, but if you do, it won't hurt your chicken.
    • Do not put chicken that has not reached room temperature in the oven. If the meat is cold inside, it will prevent the formation of a crispy crust, which is what gives the chicken its delicious taste.
  3. 3 Place the meat in the oven. Place the baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes.
    • Some online sources recommend sprinkling a little water on the meat to avoid drying it out, while others skip this step.
    • Heating up can take from 10 minutes to half an hour.As you read the next step, you will see that this time can change.
  4. 4 Check the meat frequently. The only difficulty with this reheating method is that different parts of the chicken are heated at different rates. As a rule, large and chunks (breast and thighs) are cooked more slowly than small ones (wings and drumsticks). To prevent the smaller pieces from burning, check the meat every few minutes after about 10 minutes. The chicken is done when it is crispy on the outside and hot on the inside.
    • One of the sources says that it takes 15-20 minutes to warm up the legs and wings perfectly, and about 20-25 minutes for the breast and thighs.
  5. 5 Remove meat from oven and cool. Chicken pieces are ready to eat when they are crispy again and warmed to the bone. Remove the chicken from the oven and transfer it carefully to a wire rack to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving. Bon Appetit!
    • There is no need to re-season the meat as all the seasonings remain in the batter.

Method 2 of 3: Re-fry the chicken

  1. 1 Remove the chicken from the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature. Another great way to get tasty, crispy and golden brown is simply fry the chicken again... As in the previous version with the oven, you need to get the meat out of the refrigerator and, before heating it, let it stand for half an hour or an hour. While waiting, do the necessary preparatory work (set the table, prepare a side dish, etc.).
    • If you do not first defrost the meat, this will affect the entire further roasting process. Cold chicken dipped in hot oil will significantly lower its temperature in just a couple of minutes, and this will not allow for a crispy crust.
  2. 2 Heat the cooking oil in a heavy skillet. When the chicken reaches room temperature, place the skillet on the stove and turn the burner on to maximum heat. A heavy saucepan, cast iron skillet, or roasting pan is best, as they keep you warm. Don't spare the oil - at least the bottom of the pieces should sink into it - and heat it up properly.
    • Do not use olive oil or any other oil that starts smoking even at low temperatures, otherwise it can give the meat a bitter and burnt flavor. Instead, use an oil with a high burning temperature and a neutral flavor, such as canola, peanut, or vegetable oil.
    • The presence of a deep fat fryer will also be a good help in this case, but it is not necessary to use it.
  3. 3 Cook the chicken for a few minutes. Place the meat carefully in the hot oil (use tongs to protect it from splashing). Fry the pieces in oil for 2-3 minutes, turning them over and over.
    • The exact cooking time is up to you. Frying the chicken for longer will result in a drier and crisper crust, but too long will dry out the meat itself. Don't be afraid to check the texture of the meat as you cook it.
  4. 4 Take out the chicken and let it drain. The chicken is done when the crust is dry and crispy. Transfer the pieces one at a time to the wire rack on top of the skillet and let the oil drain. This step is critical as excess oil interferes with the crispiness. This process will take 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. 5 Serve and enjoy the dish. Chill excess oil and carefully discard or leave to reuse. Start your meal as soon as the meat has cooled to the optimum temperature.

Method 3 of 3: Don't Repeat The Following Mistakes

  1. 1 Do not use a microwave oven. The microwave allows you to quickly and conveniently reheat many food items, but it is completely unsuitable for fried chicken, since it is unable to dry wet skin on cold meat.Therefore, the end product will be hot, but with a soft and unattractive skin that cannot be compared to the crispiness of properly reheated chicken.
  2. 2 If possible, refrain from using the toaster oven. You can also reheat fried chicken in a toaster oven, but this should only be done as a last resort, if there are no other options. This appliance heats the meat unevenly, making it hot on the outside and cold on the inside. In addition, many devices are low in power, which will not achieve the much-needed crunchy texture of the crust.
  3. 3 Do not fry the chicken in a shallow skillet. Avoid reheating fried chicken in a skillet that cannot be filled with enough oil. It will be much more difficult to evenly reheat the irregularly shaped chicken pieces, but even if you succeed, there is a risk of overdrying the meat, since the fat flowing from it will be absorbed into the dry frying pan.
  4. 4 Do not refrigerate the chicken on a paper towel. Stack of paper towels seems a good choice to cool fried chicken, as they absorb excess fat. However, the chicken pieces are in direct contact with the hot, evaporating mixture of oil and liquid that drips off the meat. This moisture will saturate the delicious crust you tried to make dry and crispy, and thereby nullify all your efforts.
  5. 5 Ready.


  • The re-frying method described above is also great for Instant Fried Chicken, which will reheat chicken purchased from a fast food establishment.
  • As with cooking with hot oil, proceed with caution during re-frying to avoid possible injury. Careless handling of oil can lead to fire, burns, or even much more tragic consequences.