How to build a relationship with a boy if you are an elementary school student

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Power of Relationships in Schools
Video: The Power of Relationships in Schools


If you're an elementary school student, chances are it's too early for you to think about dating.If you like a boy, then set a goal to win his friendship. This article will explain how to do this.


  1. 1 Decide on your choice. You shouldn't choose a friend just because all your friends are friends with him! Also, don't go for a celebrity, as you are unlikely to be able to date him in the future (discard the idea of ​​dating Aston Merrigold or Taylor Lautner or someone you really like). Pick a boy you are familiar with, such as a neighbor boy or a classmate of yours.
  2. 2 Make sure it's free. If he is dating some girl, then it is unlikely that you will be able to build a relationship. He may not invest much in relationships, but girls are more emotional and sensitive and take such things more seriously. You can ask his friends if he has a girlfriend so that in case of refusal, your feelings will not be greatly hurt.
  3. 3 Make friends with him. Get to know this boy better before talking about your feelings. Find out his preferences, ask him who he wants to be when he grows up, what is his favorite TV show! You will most likely find that you have something in common.
    • Agree to do the project together if you are in the same class. Make it casual. You may notice a lot in common, as a project is a great way to be around the person you like.
  4. 4 Attend events where this boy will be. Special events like the school disco or holiday party can be a great time to get to know each other. This means that you and the boy you like will be familiar with the people around you. In addition, there will be your friends around whom you can switch to if your communication goes wrong. Although you can rest assured that everything will be fine.
  5. 5 Be confident. Before you muster the courage to offer the boy your friendship, relax, wash yourself, and start talking while smiling sweetly. This will mean that you are available and friendly and it will be easy to communicate with you. Boys are not happy with girls who hide their eyes under their hair and are too shy. They love bright girls.
    • Make sure you are clean and looking good before approaching him with a friendship proposal. In fact, make sure you look neat and tidy when you meet him. You never know when an opportunity will present itself, so always be ready.
    • If you're nervous, tell yourself it's just a boy. You might like him a lot - and he's probably adorable - but it won't matter much if he says no. Remember, you are special and other boys would be very lucky if they had such a girlfriend.
    • Talk to him yourself. Don't ask your friend to do it for you. You will make a greater impression on him if you talk to him yourself. Decide if you will talk to him in person or using electronic devices. It is certainly best to talk to the person directly, but if you are very nervous, text him or her.
  6. 6 Find the right situation. One of the biggest mistakes girls often make is that they give the boy a note during class. This boy will certainly tell his friends about it, and they can tease you! Capture the moment when the boy you like is alone and feel free to talk about your feelings.
    • However, if he is constantly with his friends, ask him to talk in private, and just ignore his friends if they start to giggle. You don't care, do you? You think about the boy, not his friends.
  7. 7 Keep calm. If the boy refuses you, try not to worry too much about it. In life, you will encounter similar situations many times, so if he says no, this is not the end of the world. Tell him that you want you to be friends.And don't worry, you still have hope.
  8. 8 If he says yes to you, stay calm and smile. But do not show excessive calmness, otherwise he will think that someone made you do this, and this may offend him; boys are not as confident as they seem! You might say, "Really? Cool!" or "Super!" The boy will be pleased to hear enthusiastic phrases from your lips, and he will certainly want to get to know you better. Before yelling at your friends, ask him if you can tell someone about your relationship. Make him think he is in control of your relationship, even if he is not.


  • End the relationship if he is attracted only by your beauty, find someone who will be attracted to your heart.
  • Show your love, chat and sit together.
  • If you're a little upset about a rejection, don't tell him it's okay, but don't be offended or make him feel guilty. Ask him if you can be friends. If you are sad about a rejection, remember that you have friends you can rely on in difficult times.
  • Boys can understand what you are by the following points:
  • Fixing your hair - cocky (some boys love it!)
  • Giggle all the time - persistent!
  • Slouch - lazy


  • If you know each other for 2 months, then invite him to the cinema. Invite your girlfriend with her friend, and the boy you like in the movies. Buy popcorn and treat your friends. While you leave for the ladies' room, the three friends will stay together. Ask your girlfriend to tell her boyfriend that she is cold, most likely he will hug her to warm her. When you return with the popcorn, your crush will likely hug you too! Remember, everything needs a measure, flirting, do not forget about it.