How to build a mathematical model

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create A Mathematical Model?
Video: How To Create A Mathematical Model?


A mathematical model describes the behavior of a system in mathematical language. Mathematical models are used not only in natural sciences and engineering, but also in biology, economics and sociology. Mathematical models can be very different and have varying degrees of complexity. Read this article to learn how to create mathematical models.


Part 1 of 2: Preparing to Create a Mathematical Model

  1. 1 Determine what you need to know. What is the purpose of creating a model? List the data to be determined using the mathematical model. Before you start building a model, you should set specific goals for yourself, otherwise you risk creating a model that will not correspond to the task at hand.
    • Do you want to predict something? Or figuring out how to manage something? Or are you going to achieve something else?
    • Let's say you want to know how much space is in your closet in order to determine how many boxes will fit in it. You can create a suitable model for this.
  2. 2 Determine what you know. What initial data do you have? Write down everything you know. When making a list, look at which data is of primary importance and which is not so important.
    • Any information that can be derived from the original data should also be recorded.
    • Note that you may have to take some measurements to get the data you need.
    • To find the volume of your pantry, you need to measure its height, width, and length.
  3. 3 Determine the physical principles that underlie the model you are creating. Should factors such as gravity, volume, time, and so on be considered? Write down any factors that you will need to take into account when building your model.
    • To determine how much space is in the pantry, you need to find its volume.
    • It should also be remembered that a certain part of the volume will remain unoccupied, since the stored items may have an irregular shape, and it will be difficult to use every centimeter of the pantry.
  4. 4 Determine the equations that you will need to solve the problem at hand. What equations and formulas are required to find the answer? How should they be used? It is necessary to clearly understand how you will substitute the initial data in the existing formulas.
    • To find the volume of the pantry, you should multiply its height by its width and length: V = h x w x l
  5. 5 See what others have already done. There is no need to reinvent the wheel if someone has already created a model that suits you. Take a look at the textbook or consult with your teacher. In doing so, you should make sure that the finished model can be used in your case.
    • To find out how to find the volume of a body, consult a textbook or consult a teacher.
  6. 6 Draw the model as a diagram. In the case of a simple mathematical model, you can do without a circuit. However, if you are looking at more complex issues, the diagram will help you understand exactly how your model works. Try to sketch out the model you are creating.
    • Be sure to include the raw data in the schema to help you further develop the model.

Part 2 of 2: Creating a Mathematical Model

  1. 1 Create a model. After the preliminary preparation and planning stage, you should start building the model itself. In doing so, use the previously created schema, source data, and other useful information. Check your actions often to avoid mistakes.
    • Make sure that your model actually describes the observed relationships between these quantities and processes.
    • A computer program may be required to create a complex model.
  2. 2 Check your model. Before using the model, you need to verify that it is correct. Plug in the numbers and see if you get the correct results. Did you expect to get exactly these results? Do they make sense? Are they reproducible?
    • Plug in numerical values ​​into the formula V = h x w x l and determine if the result is meaningful. Repeat your steps to ensure reproducible results are obtained.
  3. 3 Think about how you can improve the model. It is possible that you will be able to improve your model, and it will become more suitable for further use. Are there additional factors to consider? Does the model have avoidable constraints? Before using the model further, think about how you can improve it.
    • For example, if you want to leave a 1 meter wide passage in the pantry, you can take this into account in the equation. Just subtract the aisle width from the total room width. As a result, the equation will take the following form: V = h x (w-1) x l
    • After you identify ways to improve your model, make the appropriate changes and retest it.


  • If you are unclear about anything, check with your math teacher.
  • Before starting to create a model, carefully re-read the problem statement several times.

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