How to build a children's playhouse

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build a Kid’s Playhouse!
Video: How to Build a Kid’s Playhouse!


1 Prepare the necessary materials. This method of building a house is the longest and most laborious, but it gives the best result. The method includes quite a few materials, so make sure you have everything you need ready before you start.
  • Required materials: boards 50x200 (mm), boards 50x100 (mm), plywood 20 mm, 80 mm galvanized self-tapping screws for wood, wooden panels for flooring 25x150 (mm), wood siding, rounded skirting boards, soft tiles and roofing nails.
  • You will also need some tools: circular saw, jigsaw, reciprocating saw, drill, level, square, hammer, construction knife and measuring tape.
  • In addition, you can take plexiglass in order to close the windows, and not leave holes in them.
  • 2 Choose a suitable location. The size of the house is 1.8 by 2.4 meters, so you need at least 4.3 m2 of terrain plus a place to enter the house. Despite the fact that the structure is intended for outdoor use, if you wish, you can install it indoors.
  • 3 Assemble the base. To make the base of the house, use 50x200 boards and wood panels. It will serve as a platform on which the house will stand, and also raise the floor level slightly above the ground.
    • Measure, cut and fold 50x200 boards so that they form a 1.8x2.4 meter rectangle. Remember to trim the side boards a little so that they fit snugly between the front and back.
    • Fasten the boards with self-tapping screws. The result should be a rectangle.
    • To make the floor more stable, create "beams" by adding a few perpendicular planks. Cut them off and arrange them crosswise, securing them with self-tapping screws.
    • To make a floor, cut several 1.8m panels and position them side-to-side across the base. Fasten everything with self-tapping screws.
    • Saw off excess pieces of boards if they remain.
  • 4 Assemble the frame of the house. Measure 25 mm from each side of the base to install the frame.
    • Before making a "frame" for the back wall, you need to deal with the top and bottom boards. From 50x100 boards, cut the sticks 2.4 meters long so that they do not go beyond the edges of the floor. Then take five more of the same planks and cut a piece of 1.1 meters from them so that they perfectly fit the dimensions of the planks connected to them, and at the end you have a wall of the desired length.Join 2 boards 2.4 meters long and two boards 1.1 meters long so that they form a rectangle. Then “divide” it into equal sections with the three remaining planks to make the structure stronger and more stable.
    • Create the frame for the front wall in the same way. But don't forget the door. To do this, use an additional board, which must be positioned at a distance of 5 cm from the top board in one of the “sections” of the frame. The choice of door section is entirely up to you and your child.
    • Create side frames for the walls by taking four 50x100 planks and cutting 1.1 meters from each (vertical components). From four more of the same planks, cut a piece 1 meter long (horizontal components). Using self-tapping screws, fasten the boards so that you get two identical rectangles. For each rectangular frame, cut one additional 1.1 meter long planks and position them in the center, thereby dividing the rectangle into two equal parts. This will help make the frame more durable.
    • In the side frames, measure 25 cm from the top and bottom and install additional boards of the desired size at this distance. So you can make windows for your house.
  • 5 Install the wall frame on the base of the house. Start with the back wall frame. Place it firmly against the edge of the base so that the corners of the frame and floor match, and secure with several self-tapping screws. Then fix the side wall frames with self-tapping screws, first with the base, and then with the rear frame. The frame of the front wall should be installed last. Do not forget that in front of it you need additional space (approximately 0.6 m) for the porch. In a similar way, first you should fix the frame on the base and then, making sure that all the composite frames of the house are connected easily, and there are no irregularities in the dimensions of the frames, connect with self-tapping screws to neighboring frames.
  • 6 Roof creation. Once the wall frame is fully constructed and firmly bonded to the base, you can move on to creating the roof. To do this, you need to create a frame for the roof and “close” it with plywood.
    • Measure a board with a length of 2.4 m, this will be the ridge of the gable roof of your house.
    • Cut 35.5 cm long racks from 50x100 boards. Position them at the desired angle so that they connect on one side to the ridge, on the other to the wall frame.
    • From 50x100 planks, construct eight "rafters" for the roof. Use 4 boards on each side between the posts. This will make the frame stronger. Place them also at an angle so that they connect the top of the wall frame and the ridge.
    • First, you should install and fix the side racks with the ridge, and then the “rafters” with the ridge. Then fasten the roof frame and the top boards of the walls of the house together. You should have two isosceles triangles above the side frames.
    • Cut the plywood sheets to “cover” the roof frame. Before cutting and securing the plywood sheets, make sure that you can then cover the entire surface of the roof slopes with tiles. After the dimensions of the plywood sheets have been determined, feel free to cut and fix them on the slopes.
    • Screw the beams and struts to the frame just above the uprights to add stability to the structure of the house.
  • 7 Wall decoration. Use wood siding for this. Measure and cut the panels according to the dimensions of your wall. And don't forget that the side wall panels should be pentagon-shaped to also cover the triangular part formed by the roof.
    • Screw the cut-out “walls” to the frame along its support boards.
    • Mark out the space for the windows and doors. Using a jigsaw, cut out excess bushes and sand the sharp edges and corners. If you decide to use plexiglass for windows, now you should install it in each window. Decorate the windows with a semicircular skirting board around the edges (regardless of whether you used plexiglass or not).
  • 8 Cover the roof with soft tiles. Moving from bottom to top, attach the rows of shingles in such a way that each next row overlaps the previous one. Use four roofing nails to secure each row. When you reach the ridge of the roof, cut the shingle sheet into separate sheets and, turning each of them 90 degrees, fasten with nails also overlapping. Now the entire roof is covered with tiles and, if necessary, it remains only to remove unnecessary parts along the edges of the roof with a knife.
  • 9 Playhouse decor. At this stage, the construction of the house is completed, and now you can add brightness, uniqueness and color to your design. Paint it on the outside, decorate the windows, or install children's toy furniture on the inside. Enjoy a home made by your own hands.
  • Method 2 of 4: PVC pipe house

    1. 1 Prepare the necessary materials. You will need seven PVC pipes with a length of 3 meters and a diameter of 20 mm, plastic connectors for PVC pipes (4 T-shaped, 4 elbowed at 45 degrees and 10 angled in three directions), a PVC pipe cutter, fabric and a sewing kit (or a sewing machine ).
      • All connectors must fit 20mm PVC pipes.
    2. 2 Use an unlined curtain to get a fairly large fabric to cover the entire house and save money at the same time. You can buy new ones or use old ones after washing them well.
      • You can also sew ribbon ties to the inside of the fabric so you can tie or untie parts of the house (for example for washing) whenever you want.
    3. 3 Assemble the frame. The frame consists of a base, a top, four support beams and a triangular roof. All of this must be attached to each other using PVC pipe connectors.
      • To make the base and top of the frame, cut four PVC pipes 1.8 meters long and four pipes 1.2 meters long. Assemble two large, separate rectangles with three-way corner connectors at each corner.
      • Position the T-connectors at each corner of the top of the frame so that the roof can be attached to them. You may need to cut the pipes 2-4 cm to fit the connectors tightly onto the pipes.
      • Install additional pipe beams for the walls. The height of the pipes depends on your preference. Cut four pipes to the same length. Install them in the two corner slots of the connectors at the top and bottom of the pipes to create a cube.
      • Assemble the roof frame. To do this, cut four pipes to the same length as the side walls. Join them together at a 90 degree angle, you have two L-shaped shapes. Use triple corner connectors for connection. Then cut the pipe to a length of 1.8 meters and connect it to the two previous pieces so that the last cut pipe is in the middle. Connect the created roof frame to the base of the house using T-shaped connectors.
      • Make sure all pipes are well and firmly attached. If so, then you're done with the wireframe!
    4. 4 Close the frame of the house with a cloth. Measure all sides of the house and its roof and cut out pieces corresponding to these dimensions from your material and sew them together using a sewing machine so that the resulting cover can be easily put on the frame.
      • For ease of putting the cover on the frame, you can take the dimensions slightly larger than the real ones. Then washing your cover won't be as problematic.
      • Sew 15 cm tapes to the inside of the cover, perpendicular to the pipe beams. Then the cover will be more firmly fixed and this will allow, if necessary, to partially raise the “walls” of the house.
      • Make a vertical cut on one side of the house, about ¾ of the entire height of the wall. You will get the entrance to the house like a tent.
      • If you wish, you can cut out the windows and cover them with a thick protective film.
    5. 5 Place the cover over the pipes. Once the cover is attached to the pipes, your house is ready! This design can be installed both outdoors and indoors, and the fabric cover is extremely convenient - it can be easily removed and washed.

    Method 3 of 4: Table and Cloth House

    1. 1 Prepare the necessary materials. You can use an unused table or buy a new one specifically for building a house. You will also need a few yards of fabric (enough to cover all sides of the table you choose), scissors, and fabric decorations (optional).
    2. 2 Measure the table. In order to make the right table cover, you need to be of all sizes. Length, height and width are the main dimensions that you need. It will be more convenient to write them down so as not to accidentally forget or get confused.
    3. 3 Measure the fabric. You will need five pieces of cloth for the cover. One for the top of the table (table length and width), two long ones for the side walls (length and height) and two short ones also for the walls (width and height).
      • When you have completed all measurements, cut the fabric into desired pieces.
      • Now cut out the windows and doors on the four side “walls”. Their location and number depends entirely on you.
    4. 4 Sew the pieces of fabric together. Arrange the fabric in the right order on the surface in order to avoid mistakes and sew everything correctly. Use your sewing machine to sew five pieces along the seams into one cover.
    5. 5 Decorate the fabric. To make the house look more interesting than just the fabric thrown on the table, you can use whatever comes to your mind: embroidery, floss, painting on fabric. You can paint flower pots under the windows or paint the walls like a wooden house.
    6. 6 Final touches. When you have finished all the decorations and put on the table cover, you can place toy furniture and toys for your child inside the house. He will definitely like it!

    Method 4 of 4: Cardboard box house

    1. 1 Prepare materials. You will need: 1-2 large cardboard boxes, glue, wrapping paper or wallpaper, tape, and a utility knife or scissors.
    2. 2 Prepare the box. Start by cutting out the unnecessary parts so that the box has no bottom. Check all seams and connections - the box should not fall apart.
    3. 3 Paint the walls. To give your house a nice look, cover the sides with wrapping paper or wallpaper (whichever you prefer).
    4. 4 Cut out doors and windows. Using a utility knife or scissors, cut out the door on one side. You can also cut out as many windows as you like.
      • You can skip the door and leave it on one side. Then the “door” will seem to hang on hinges and instead of an empty space the “door” will be able to open and close.
      • You can also attach clear plastic or cellophane to the inside of the box to “create” windows.
    5. 5 Roof creation. To do this, cut two large isosceles triangles with a base equal to the width of the house from the remaining piece or from the second box. Then cut out two large rectangles so that the length is equal to the length of the house and the height is equal to the length of the side of the triangle.
      • Attach the resulting four pieces together with glue and tape.
      • Cut small rectangles or semicircles out of cardboard and glue them overlapping onto the roof slabs to create “shingles”. Trim off any excess on the sides.
      • If you want, you can use spray paint to paint the roof of the house.
    6. 6 Connect the roof and base. Once you have finished the roof and it is ready, use glue and tape to connect the roof to the top of the box. You're done! Now, if you wish, you can decorate your house or enjoy what has already been created.


    • To avoid squeaking floorboards, you can insert roofing felt between the joists and the floorboards.
    • Consider the requirements of your region when planning and building your playhouse.If your structure exceeds certain dimensions, you may need a building permit.
    • Even if you plan to run electricity to your house, build it where there is sufficient sunlight.