How to listen to a fetal heartbeat

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Monitor Your Fetal Heart Rate
Video: How to Monitor Your Fetal Heart Rate


Hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time is an amazing and exciting moment. Listening to your heartbeat can tell your doctor a lot about your child's health. It is extremely important for expectant mothers and fathers to hear the baby's heartbeat as they can make sure that the baby is growing correctly. There are several ways in which you can hear the fetal heartbeat. Some of these you can do at home, while others can be done in the doctor's office. Before using home remedies, be sure to check with your doctor.


Method 1 of 3: Listen to your heartbeat at home

  1. 1 With a stethoscope. One of the easiest ways to hear a fetal heartbeat at home is to use a conventional stethoscope. At 18-20 weeks of gestation, the heartbeat should already be strong enough for you to hear through a stethoscope. Just place it on your belly and listen. You may have to move the stethoscope silently over your belly to find your heartbeat. Be patient.
    • The quality of a stethoscope is very important, so only get one from a reputable dealer. A variety of brands of stethoscopes will be available from your local pharmacy and even some office supply stores of your choice. If you can, you can also borrow a stethoscope from a friend or relative in the medical field.
  2. 2 Download the app. New technologies allow you to effortlessly hear your baby's heartbeat. There are several different applications that you can buy and download to your phone to listen to your heartbeat. Some of them will even let you record your heartbeat sound so you can play it back for your friends and family.
    • This app is best used in the late stages of pregnancy.
  3. 3 With the help of a heart monitor. You can buy a relatively inexpensive fetal heart monitor and use it at home. This is a pretty good choice if you are anxious between going to the doctor and the sound of your heartbeat calms you down. However, you should be aware that these monitors are not as powerful as those used by doctors. He will not be able to pick up the baby's heartbeat unless you are at least five months pregnant.
    • Always check with your doctor before purchasing a home heart rate monitor. After purchasing it, strictly follow the instructions for use.
  4. 4 Learn about the factors that affect sound. Even with the right devices, there are many reasons why you may not be able to hear the fetal heartbeat. It is very important to know that things like fetal position and your weight can affect whether you can hear your heartbeat clearly. If you think there is a cause for concern, see your doctor immediately.

Method 2 of 3: Going to the doctor

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor. The relationship between you and your doctor or midwife is very important. When pregnant, make sure you work with a healthcare provider you trust. Talk to your doctor about your child's development and how you can hear their heartbeat both at home and in their office. Give preference to a doctor who answers all your questions thoroughly and patiently.
  2. 2 Prepare for your doctor's appointment. Ask your doctor when you can first hear a fetal heartbeat. Most doctors schedule a prenatal checkup at the ninth or tenth week of pregnancy. Before your visit, you should prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor. This moment will be even more special if you understand what is happening and what to expect.
    • It will be a very exciting and emotional visit. Ask your partner, close friend, or relative to come with you to your appointment and share these pleasant experiences with you.
  3. 3 Fetal doppler. Ask your doctor about what he or she will use to listen to your heartbeat. Usually, the first heartbeat sounds you hear when a doctor or nurse uses fetal Doppler, which uses sound waves to amplify the heartbeat. You will lie on the examination table and your doctor will run a small probe over your abdomen. This procedure is painless.
    • Although the doctor will usually be able to find a fetal heartbeat in the ninth or tenth week, sometimes the procedure is best done at 12 weeks so that the search for a heartbeat is not difficult.
  4. 4 Do an ultrasound. If your doctor orders an early ultrasound, you will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat through the ultrasound at the earliest in the eighth week of pregnancy. Ultrasound is usually prescribed early because of the increased risk factors for pregnancy. Otherwise, ultrasound is performed no earlier than 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. 5 Distinguish between appliances. Be aware that your doctor may use a stethoscope to listen to the fetal heartbeat. However, this device is not as powerful as others, so the doctor will use it no earlier than in the second trimester of pregnancy. The doctor or midwife can also use a fetoscope, a device specifically designed to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Method 3 of 3: Fetal Heartbeat

  1. 1 Be aware of fetal development. As a pregnant woman, it is very important to know the developmental stages of your baby. This way, you will know when you can expect to hear a heartbeat and correlate this information with other stages of fetal development. For example, it might be helpful for you to know that your doctor may hear your baby's heartbeat as early as the eighth, ninth, or tenth week of pregnancy.
    • Remember that the fertilization period is not always accurate. Don't panic right away if you think your child's development is not going fast enough. It is likely that the fertilization period had a deviation of one or two weeks.
  2. 2 Monitor your heart health. There are many things you can do to help your child's heart grow strong and healthy. Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs during pregnancy. To help your child's development, you will need to take folic acid.
    • Eat healthy foods and avoid caffeine.
  3. 3 Be aware of the risk factors. Even though you are anxious to hear the fetal heartbeat, you should first familiarize yourself with the risks associated with using a heart rate monitor to monitor fetal heart activity.The main disadvantage is that the sound of a healthy heartbeat can give pregnant women a false sense of security. For example, if you are not feeling well but still hear a heartbeat, you may want to postpone going to the doctor. Listen to your body and contact your doctor at the first sign of sickness. Don't rely too heavily on home heart rate monitors. What's more, having a monitor like this at home can increase your stress levels.
  4. 4 Get close to your child. With your doctor's permission, start listening to your baby's heartbeat regularly. This feeling will allow you to bond with your little one. To relax, try a warm bath and talk to your tummy. In the later stages of pregnancy, your baby will begin to respond to your voice and mood. The baby begins to hear sounds at about 23 weeks.


  • Share this experience with your partner. It will be an exciting moment for both of you.
  • Try several methods to find the one that works best for you.


  • Before trying to listen to your baby's heartbeat, check with your doctor first.