How to understand that a girl is filling her own worth

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity
Video: Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity


During courtship and flirting, a girl can play hard to get to check your interest and force you to persist in seeking her favor. Suddenly it turns out that she does not have time for dates or she does not answer your calls for a long time. How to figure out whether a girl is really filling herself up or she is simply not interested in you?


Part 1 of 2: How to Know if a Girl is Adding Her Price

  1. 1 Ask her out on a date and see if she says no openly. This method will allow you to grasp the ray of hope that the girl leaves behind. She may say she is busy, but you could meet another day. A girl can say no, but immediately tell about the place she would like to visit. It may turn out that the girl is not ready for a date and asks you to wait.
    • Refusal or a clear and definite "no" will mean that you are not interesting to her. She will not accept your repeated invitation and will not keep up the conversation.
    • You should understand when you need to give her time and stop trying. If you invite a girl many times or too often, you will become less attractive to her and look desperate, and girls do not like this.
  2. 2 Contact her and see how long she will respond. If she always answers your calls or messages with a delay (even a simple greeting), then it is likely that she is inflating herself. In the moment the answer she can make excuses for herself in the form of constant employment. She may say that she was at a party or spent time with a loved one. So the girl shows that she has a lot of worries and she spends time not only with you.
    • The hard-to-reach is easy to spot - her lagging responses occur regularly and are part of the strategy. If she doesn't answer for several days or comes up with a strange excuse, then almost certainly you are not so interesting to her that the girl answers on time.
    • Some girls are just used to answering calls and messages at once. It is not necessary to look for hidden implications in this or be offended. If she's showing signs of interest in you, take a breath and accept the fact that people are busy or forgetful.
  3. 3 Signs of rivalry. The girl who pretends to be hard-to-reach also wants to look like touchy. So the girl shows that she is popular among the guys and can choose whoever she wants.
    • She may go to parties with attractive friends to make you jealous.
    • The girl may tease you with stories about the guys she turned down. It may seem that she is laughing at them, but in reality, she emphasizes her attractiveness.
    • If she tells you about who she is dating, then it is likely that she is not interested in a romantic relationship with you and sees only a friend in you.Think of it not as a failure, but as the beginning of a wonderful friendship. It should be understood that not everyone can be friends with the person they like, so be able to come to terms with this fact in time and switch to someone else.

Part 2 of 2: How to Know How Interesting She is in You

  1. 1 Physical signs of flirting. Even if a girl pretends to be touchy, it usually means that she is interested in you. And in this case, she will give you subtle signals of sympathy. Flirting is not always recognizable, so pay close attention to the girl's gestures and facial expressions. Here are some signs of flirting:
    • She touches you all the time. The girl may touch your shoulder or arm while talking. She may be leaning closer or leaning on you. At the same time, she will constantly have many excuses for such touches.
    • She smiles at you a lot. The girl catches your eye and answers it with an open smile.
    • She draws attention to her body. The girl can bite her lip, straighten her hair, cross or straighten her legs. These actions can be unconscious or deliberate, but they all draw your attention to a specific part of her body.
    • She gives you a special hug. If the girl does not hug others often, then it will not be difficult for you to understand that these hugs are of great importance to her. This is an excuse to get close to you and show your affection. If you are not one hundred percent sure, then you can just enjoy the pleasant gesture.
  2. 2 Listen to how she speaks to you. If a girl likes you, she will show subtle hints in her speech. Learn to read between the lines. A simple “hello” can have a very seductive calculation if you listen carefully to the manner of speaking.
    • The girl laughs at your ridiculous jokes. Perhaps you told this joke to your friends, and they barely smiled, and the girl counted it hilarious... She may want you to feel like a star, but don't mistake this for an awkward laugh.
    • She often compliments you. According to her, you have beautiful hair, you are very cheerful and kind. However, some girls may say opposite things and hurt you. This is a long-standing method of flirting that is used all over the place. This behavior lowers the self-esteem of the object of ridicule and thus increases the attractiveness of the offender .. Do not confuse this flirting with a situation where you are completely uninteresting to the girl. A couple of frivolous injections will not harm anyone, but if she constantly hurts you sharply, then this almost certainly means that she is not interested in you.
  3. 3 Watch the girl's behavior in your presence and with others. Perhaps she behaves very differently around you. Behavior changes such as being agitated, overly indifferent, or flirting can show that she cares about you.
    • The usual behavior of a girl manifests itself at a time when she is in the company of her friends. Try to discreetly follow her behavior without revealing your presence, and then pay attention to her actions after she notices you. Perhaps she will begin to straighten her hair, become serious and silent, or be happy about you.
    • Pay attention to how her friends behave in your presence. If they begin to whisper, giggle, or glance at you, then it is likely that they were talking about you.
    • Changing behavior doesn't necessarily mean she likes you. Perhaps she is pretending to be hard to touch, or she really doesn't like you.
  4. 4 Try to add value to yourself. If you are unsure of your findings, then try a similar tactic. If you know for sure that the girl is pretending to be touchy or she likes you, then this approach will be even more effective.
    • Flirt discreetly. Make her question your liking. This way you can have fun and refresh your communication.
    • Create an aura of mystery. Leave vague prompts to keep her interested in you.This will create intrigue and increase your attractiveness.
    • Some girls may not like this approach, even if they themselves fill their own worth. Remember that the point of this behavior is to get the person you are interested in to make more efforts in trying to get closer to you, and not vice versa. Try to play by her rules and show what you are ready for in order to earn the girl's favor.
  5. 5 Leave the girl alone. In the end, she herself must decide how to communicate her sympathy or lack of it to you. The worst thing you can do is succumb to the obsessive desire to be with her. This behavior can be perceived as harassment or harassment.
    • No means no... If a girl rejects your advances or asks you not to seek a meeting with her anymore, then you need to respect her wishes and stop.
    • You don't have to constantly ask her out or constantly try to get her attention.
    • You don't need to chase the girl or her friends to find out the information you are interested in.


  • Learn to understand when a girl overly fills his own worth. If she begins to ridiculously complicate the situation, then it is better to think carefully about how much you need all this. Your time is as valuable as the time of the girl you are trying to charm.
  • Be yourself. If a girl falls in love with you because you are pretending to be someone else, then nothing good will come of it. It will be difficult for you to maintain the created image and will not be able to build a long-term relationship.
  • If you have confessed everything to each other, then it is better to stop pretending to be touchy. It's time to show her who you really are, as well as get to know the girl better. Treat her with love and respect.
  • If you cannot understand how interesting you are to her, then the best and most reliable way is to simply tell the girl that you like her. It is not easy and requires courage, but this way you will stop guessing and find out the answer to your question.


  • The above signs may have exceptions. Not all girls behave the same. Each girl is a unique personality.
  • All relationships are based on mutual consent. Remember to consult with each other to make decisions together. It is especially important to get consent before starting an intimate relationship. The consent must be voluntary, sincere and sound like a clear "YES".