How to use Bluetooth technology

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Bluetooth Works
Video: How Bluetooth Works


Bluetooth technology allows users to exchange data between two or more devices that are several meters apart. And also for establishing a wireless connection between the printer and a computer or making phone calls using a Bluetooth headset. Read on and you will find out how to use Bluetooth technology for your own purposes!


Method 1 of 2: Getting Started with Bluetooth

  1. 1 Explore the capabilities of your Bluetooth device. Each device has 1 or more functions. For example, some cell phones may allow you to use Bluetooth only to make calls, while other cell phones may also transfer files to other devices.
    • Check your phone manual or contact the manufacturer to determine how to use the Bluetooth function
  2. 2 Pairing devices via Bluetooth. To use Bluetooth technologies, it is necessary to pair the devices.
    • Follow the instructions. In most cases, you will need to follow a series of specific steps that will lead to pairing the devices.

Method 2 of 2: Using Bluetooth technology

  1. 1 Transferring files between devices. Some devices allow you to transfer files and documents from one device to another using Bluetooth technology. For example, you can transfer photos from your digital camera to your smartphone if your camera supports Bluetooth technology.
    • Transfer files between cell phones, digital cameras, computers, TVs and more.
  2. 2 Using Bluetooth for phone calls. Using a Bluetooth headset, you can talk on the phone without even touching it.
    • Turn on the Bluetooth headset using the hands-free function for full control of your vehicle. In some regions, it is forbidden to hold your phone in your hand while driving.
  3. 3 Synchronize data between Bluetooth devices. Some devices allow you to sync data such as contact lists, messages, calendar events with other devices.
  4. 4 The use of Bluetooth technology in the home or office to eliminate unnecessary cables and wires. Certain devices such as speakers, stereos and printers can be configured using Bluetooth technology.
    • You will be able to place the printer in any convenient place within the office, as there will be no need to connect it with wires to the computer.
    • With the use of Bluetooth technology, you can conveniently place your speakers without unnecessary wires.
  5. 5 Some Bluetooth devices function as remote controls. With the help of Bluetooth technologies, you can control car alarms, control a TV, etc.


  • To save money on messaging, download the Bluetooth messaging app. Your friends will also need to download this app.