How to use crutches

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Use Crutches Properly - The Nebraska Medical Center
Video: How To Use Crutches Properly - The Nebraska Medical Center


If you are unable to support your weight on one leg due to injury or surgery, you will need to learn how to use crutches. It is very important to use the correct technique to avoid further injury to the leg or foot. Learn how to fit and place crutches, how to walk, sit, stand, and walk up or down stairs.


Part 1 of 3: Fit and hold

  1. 1 Get new or used crutches in very good condition. Make sure they are strong and that the rubber pads that your armpits rest on are still springy. Make sure there are rubber tips on the ends of the crutches.
  2. 2 Adjust the height of the crutches. Stand up straight and grasp the handles with your palms. If the crutches are set correctly, the top of the crutches should be 4-5 centimeters below the armpits. The handles should be at the top of your thighs.
    • If the crutches fit correctly, your arms should be bent in a comfortable position when you are standing.
    • When adjusting the crutches, wear the shoes you will most often wear when using the crutches. She should have low heels and good support.
  3. 3 Hold your crutches correctly. For maximum control, crutches should be pressed firmly against the side. The pads on the top of the crutches should not touch your armpits, and your body weight should be absorbed by your hands as you move.

Part 2 of 3: Walking and Sitting

  1. 1 Use crutches to help you walk. Lean forward and place both crutches about 30 centimeters in front of you. Walk as if you were walking with an injured leg, but support your weight on the crutch handles. Bring your body forward and place your good leg on the ground. Repeat these steps to continue moving forward.
    • Keep the affected leg slightly bent slightly behind your body, a few centimeters above the ground, so that it does not drag.
    • Practice walking like this with your head up, without looking down at your legs. Walking feels more natural with exercise.
    • Practice looking around as well. Look around to make sure there are no furniture or other objects in your path.
  2. 2 Use crutches to sit up. Find a sturdy chair that won't slide back when you sit down. Stand with your back to him and take both crutches in one hand, leaning slightly on them and placing the patient's legs in front of you. Place your other hand on a chair and sit down on it.
    • Lean your crutches against a wall or a sturdy chair with your armpits down. If you lean them with the tips down, they can tip over.
    • When you are ready to stand up, flip the crutches into the correct position and take them in the hand on the side of your good leg. Lift up and shift your weight onto your good leg, then shift one crutch to the side of the affected leg and use the handles to find a stable position.

Part 3 of 3: Moving up the stairs

  1. 1 As you climb the stairs, use your good leg as your lead. Stand facing the steps and grab the railing with your hand. Hold both crutches under your armpit on the other side. Take a step with your good leg, keeping your injured leg behind. Lean on crutches, take the next step with your good leg, and again lift the affected leg, holding it from behind.
    • First time using crutches on stairs? You can ask a friend to help you, as balance can be difficult at first.
    • If you are climbing stairs without a handrail, keep crutches under both hands. Take a step with your good leg, lift your bad leg, and shift your weight onto crutches.
  2. 2 Go down the steps, keeping the affected leg in front of you. Hold the crutches under your arm while grasping the railing with your other hand. Jump down carefully to the next step. Jump down the next steps until you go down.
    • If the stairs do not have a railing, place the crutches one step lower, lower the affected leg, and then step down with your good leg, shifting your weight onto the crutch handles.
    • To reduce the risk of an accidental fall, you can also sit on the top step with your injured leg in front of you and start going down while supporting yourself with your hands. You will have to ask someone to move the crutches down.


  • If you know in advance that you will need crutches, for example, if you have a planned operation, get them in advance and practice using them correctly.
  • Plan ahead of time where you will go and where you will leave your crutches.


  • Never do not lean your mass, in whole or in part, on your armpits. Crutches should not touch the armpits at all. Your entire weight should be supported by your palms, arms, and a good leg.