How to get a good final grade in English

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how i ALWAYS get straight A’s EFFORTLESSLY đź“š(my tips, habits + college vlog)
Video: how i ALWAYS get straight A’s EFFORTLESSLY đź“š(my tips, habits + college vlog)


It may seem impossible to get a good grade in English, especially if you have had problems with the subject in the past. However, there are some strategic methods that can help you with this. Completing an English course will require you to reorganize your studies, learn to get the most out of each lesson, and develop some good habits for taking English tests. If you are willing to devote a little more time and energy to this, you can get a good final grade in English.


Method 1 of 6: Reading Difficult Literature

  1. 1 Ask questions before you start. If you ask yourself a few questions before you start reading, it will help you to better assimilate what you read. Before you start reading the text, determine what you need to find in it.
    • Some teachers will provide students with a list of questions to keep in mind when reading.
    • You can also create your own questions. For example, you might just ask yourself what is the main point in this chapter?
  2. 2 Take time to read. Take time to read and take breaks if necessary. It is better to read the text slowly than to go over it and then reread it. Make sure you have plenty of time for reading and reading comprehension.
    • For example, if you need to read 40 pages of a book before Wednesday, start reading on Monday and read 10 pages every night. Don't put off reading the entire volume until Thursday evening.
  3. 3 Make notes in the margins. Making notes in the margins every time you find something important in the text will give you much more than underlining or highlighting passages.
    • In the margins, you can write down keywords, ask questions, or leave comments about events in the book.
  4. 4 Summarize what you read. Writing a short summary of what you just read will help you remember the information better. After reading each chapter in a book or story, take a moment to summarize what you read.
    • Do not try to point out all the small details in this statement. Just try to give a general overview of the action.
    • Perhaps you can add a discussion of what you read here as well. For example, if something unexpected happens in a chapter you have read, you can talk to your classmates about how you would behave in a similar situation and why.
    • Resumes like these provide a great way to record information about symbols, themes, and characters. For example, you might note that the author uses natural symbolism to describe some of the characters.
  5. 5 After reading, use online resources. On the Internet, you can find sites that are useful for understanding the literature read. On them you can find summaries, character analysis, reasoning about what the author had in mind, useful tips and advice about writing essays. After reading the text assigned to you, read this material to better understand what you read.
    • Do not think that these materials will replace reading the texts themselves: they will only provide you with useful additional information.
  6. 6 Share what you read. When you tell someone about what you read in a text, this is a great way to consolidate the information in memory. Try telling a classmate about what you read in this chapter.
    • When talking about what you read, try to summarize the main points and explain anything that can be difficult to understand if you have not read the book.
    • Try to retell the book in your own words. Do not repeat passages from the book word for word.

Method 2 of 6: How to write and edit well a written work

  1. 1 Take some time to do the preliminary work. Drafting is about generating ideas, even before you start writing the actual work. You may want to skip the sketching step and immediately start drafting your English essay, but it's best to find time for preliminary work and sketching. Developing your ideas before you even start writing will improve the quality of your work.
    • ’Free writing (freewriting). This is when you write without stopping, as much as you can. Even if you have nothing in your head, keep writing “my head is empty” until you have an idea of ​​what to write about. After you finish writing, re-read your free letter and identify important thoughts that can be used in your work.
    • Making a list. This is when you make a list of everything that only has something to do with the topic of your work. When you've listed everything you can, re-read the list and isolate useful information from it.
    • Clustering. This is when you use lines and circles to connect your ideas on a piece of paper. For example, you can write the topic of your essay in the center of the sheet, and then draw lines from this idea. Keep drawing lines and signing associations until you run out of ideas.
  2. 2 Explore the topic. Some English papers may require you to do research before you can write them. If your assignment is to write a research paper, find quality resources first and read them carefully.
    • Before you start searching on the Internet, look through the databases of your library. There you will have a better chance of finding quality sources. If you are not yet familiar with the library's databases, consult a librarian.
  3. 3 Make a plan. The outline reflects the basic structure of the essay. Plans can be as detailed as you like. This will help you stick to the main storyline as you start drafting your essay. Planning your essay before you even start writing it will help you write better, too.
  4. 4 Write a draft essay. When you write a draft, you take all your notes, an outline, and all the ideas you have in your head, and then express them on paper in the form of an essay. If you have done well in the free writing phase, this step will not be too difficult for you.
    • Remember that if you find it difficult to write a draft essay, you can always return to the previous phases of the work. And then go back to writing a draft when you're ready.
    • Remember to use your outline as a guide for your writing.
  5. 5 Correct your work. When you revise, you look at a piece of what you've written and decide if you need to add, shorten, reorganize, or refine. Proofreading your work will help you develop your ideas as well as fix minor mistakes. Take enough time to re-read your work and proofread it if necessary.
    • You can always exchange notebooks with one of your classmates and comment on each other's work.
    • You can also ask a teacher or tutor to review your work and suggest what needs to be redone.
    • Ideally, it would be nice to have a few days to correct, but if you only have a couple of hours, that's not bad either.
    • Proofreading is useful for all essays, so do not consider this step unnecessary.
    • Try to take a break before you start correcting your work. Even if you can put work aside for at least a few hours, this will already allow you to look at it with a fresh eye.
  6. 6 Ask if you can rewrite a bad essay. If you did your best, but still wrote an essay for a low score, try to find out from the teacher how you could improve it. After receiving clarification, ask if you can rewrite the essay and submit it again, at least as a work on mistakes. If you get an extra point for it, that's even better.
    • This is a good opportunity to improve, if not your grade, then at least your essay writing skills. The worst thing that can happen is if the teacher says no to you.

Method 3 of 6: Enrich Your Vocabulary

  1. 1 Make word cards. If you need to master terminology from a specific area for the test, then it will be easier for you to memorize them using flashcards. Write a word on one side of the card and its translation on the other.
    • You can also add examples of how the word is used in the sentence, if this is useful to you.
    • Carry the cards with you and study them as soon as you have a free moment. For example, you can view cards while waiting in line or on the bus.
  2. 2 Read just for fun. Reading is a great way to enrich your vocabulary and improve your grammar skills. Find books or book series that are simply interesting to you and read them in your spare time.
    • Read as much as you can. Choose books that are both difficult and interesting for you.
    • If you don't understand any words while reading, look for them in the dictionary. Also try to write down the definitions of the words.
  3. 3 Use new words in conversation and writing. Using new words will help you remember them and learn to use them correctly. Try to use new words as often as possible.
    • For example, you can use a new word in a conversation with a friend, or include a few new words that you recently learned in your English essay. Another useful method is to keep a vocabulary book in which you will write down new words.
  4. 4 Think about a tutor. If you sometimes have difficulty with English, it would be a good idea to find a tutor to help you develop your skills. A tutor can help you work through any areas that are difficult for you, be it grammar, speaking or reading.
    • If you are preparing for an exam of a certain format (for example, the Unified State Exam), it is important that the tutor has experience in preparing for that particular exam.

Method 4 of 6: Set yourself up for success

  1. 1 Find out what is required of you. At the beginning of the semester, read the course syllabus and make sure you understand what is expected of you. If you do not understand something, ask the teacher to explain to you.
    • Highlight important details in your assignments and other teaching materials. For example, you can highlight words like “describe”, “discuss”, “compare” and so on in tasks.
    • Write down all the important dates related to the English course in your diary or mark them on your wall calendar to make it easier for you to remember them.
  2. 2 Plan your work on the material in advance. Estimate how long it will take you to complete assignments, read books, write essays, and prepare for tests. Set aside enough time to work on these assignments each week. Putting it aside for later and doing everything in a hurry at the end is a sure way to failure.
    • If possible, start completing assignments at least a week before their due date. It is especially important to have a lot of time to work when you are writing an essay or abstract. If you start early enough, you will have time to prepare and refine your work well.
    • Keep in mind that in a university English course, your grades will mainly depend on the grades for assignments to be completed towards the end of the semester. So try not to burn out early in the semester. Take care of yourself and save your energy to finish the semester successfully.
  3. 3 Find a study partner in the group. Studying with one or more of your classmates will help you improve your academic performance and make the course easier to master. Agree to meet at least once a week to study together and test each other.
    • Try to study with classmates who are doing well. Studying with good learners will make it easier for you to succeed in learning English, compared to teaching with those who have learning difficulties themselves.
    • If you plan to study with a friend or a group of friends, you run the risk of being distracted by extraneous things. To avoid this, you can study in the library. The calm environment of the library will help you focus on your studies.

Method 5 of 6: How to do well in the lesson

  1. 1 Take classes. Good attendance is very important to study in any subject, but it is especially important when learning English, your grade here will largely depend on your attendance. Try to be present in class not only physically, your mind should also be in class.
    • Never sleep in class.
    • Put your phone on silent mode and put it away during class.
    • Don't talk to classmates, especially when the teacher is speaking.
  2. 2 Take notes during class. Most of what the teacher talks about will then go into the content of the tests and exams. This information will also be useful to you when performing written work. Try to take notes and get good grades in class.
    • During the lesson, try to write as much as possible to remember the information. If your instructor is writing something on the board or showing it in PowerPoint presentations, this is very important to remember. Be sure to write down all of this information.
    • If you don't have time to record a lecture, ask permission to record them on a dictaphone or compare your notes with the notes of someone from your friends after class.
  3. 3 Do not be silent in the classroom. If the teacher says something that you do not understand, or you would like to learn more about it, be sure to say it. Raise your hand and ask him to repeat, explain, or elaborate on what he just said.
    • Remember that most teachers are always happy to explain a point in more detail if it helps you understand it better. Just listen carefully, otherwise the teacher will get bored if you keep asking him to repeat what he just explained.
  4. 4 Chat with your teacher outside of school hours. Your teacher probably has hours when he is in the staff room and you can talk to him. Or arrange a one-to-one conversation with him. Try to use this precious opportunity.
    • Meeting with the teacher outside of school hours will give you the opportunity to get additional help with assignments, ask questions you didn’t want to ask in class, or simply get more information on a question.
    • Try to consult with your English teacher at least once every six months in this way.
  5. 5 Try to do more than is required of you. If you really want to excel at learning English, try to do more than the teacher expects of you. If he says that it would be nice to do something, but this is not a required task, do it anyway. These additional assignments will help you expand your knowledge and improve your grades. Some teachers even give extra points for completing such tasks.
    • For example, if you were asked to read a story, and the teacher says that it would be nice to also learn a little about the background of this story after reading it, do it! If he recommends making flashcards to expand your vocabulary, make yourself these flashcards.

Method 6 of 6: How to Take English Tests

  1. 1 Do a little. You shouldn't sit over textbooks all night before a test trying to learn a large section of a course. Try to break the course into small chunks and practice a little on a regular basis throughout the week. Studying a small amount of material at a time will make it easier for you to absorb the information and have less stress.
    • For example, if you have a quiz on Friday and you anticipate it will take you about six hours to prepare for it, then break the entire material into three parts that can be studied in two hours and work three times this week.
    • Try to take short breaks every 45 minutes. Most people are unable to concentrate for more than 45 minutes, so short breaks (5-10 minutes) will help you recover and focus again.
  2. 2 If you are offered counseling for revision, be sure to attend. Some teachers conduct pre-exam counseling in which they give an overview of what will be on the test. Be sure to attend such consultations if they are prescribed.
    • You may be reluctant to attend counseling because old material will be repeated here. But attending them will increase your chances of passing the exam.
  3. 3 Take a practice test. Before taking the real test, it will be helpful for you to take a practice test first. Try asking the teacher for a few test questions. You can compose a mock test yourself, as you know what will be in the upcoming test.
    • When you take the practice test, try to create the same environment as you would when writing the present. Set aside your notes, books, and so on, and time it. After completing all the tasks, check your answers. The mock test results will help you figure out if you need additional preparation time.
  4. 4 Try to get a good night's sleep the night before your test. Resting well will provide you with good concentration during the test. Try to go to bed early the night before your English test.
    • For example, if you usually go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening, try to go to bed at ten.