How to get purple

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Basic acrylic colour mixing: how to mix a perfect purple| Part 2 of 2
Video: Basic acrylic colour mixing: how to mix a perfect purple| Part 2 of 2


1 Get magenta. The reason mixing red and blue dyes does not produce the desired vibrant purple is because red dye absorbs green and blue light, while blue dye absorbs red and green. The eyes only see color as a combination of red, green, and blue (the reason the three primary colors stand out in the first place), but there is very little red and blue light that they can perceive - and the brain interprets the color combinations that the eyes see. considers this so-called purple almost black. On the other hand, magenta, which absorbs only green light, gives our vision the ability to see most of the blue and red light. Mix it with a little blue (which absorbs green and red light) or cyan (which only absorbs red light), and your brain will receive a strong signal from blue-sensitive nerves and a weaker one from red-sensitive nerves. and you will see ... bright purple!
  • Magenta is one of the main "subtractive" colors used in graphic design and printers, along with yellow and cyan. Look for paint that contains PR122 or PV19 pigment, but not PB (blue) or PW (white).
  • When buying art paint, you can compare its color to magenta made from printer ink. Just print a sample and take it with you to the store.
  • Since magenta is the main color, it cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. Mixing magenta with yellow in varying proportions results in a range of reds and oranges. Mixing magenta with cyan in varying proportions produces a range of blues and purples.
  • 2 Mix magenta with whatever vibrant blue or turquoise color you have. Any cyan or blue should do - just not muted or greenish. Add quite a bit of blue first, then add more and more until you get the desired hue.
  • Method 2 of 3: Getting Violet from Pure Red and Blue

    1. 1 Determine if the red and blue you have are "clean". The reason that mixing red and blue does not always give the desired purple hue is because any paint is made up of not just one, but many different colors. A tube of red paint can also contain orange and yellow pigments, while a tube of blue paint contains red and yellow. By mixing red and blue colors that are not "pure", you get a brownish, dirty purple color.
      • Find a red paint without yellow and orange tints, as mixing these colors with blue gives brown.
      • Find blue paint without yellow and green tints.
      • If you're not sure if your paint is clean, check it out. Pour some onto the palette and add white. What shades do you see? Whitewash helps to reveal the true composition of colorful pigments. Red should turn pink, not peach, blue should turn blue, not aqua.
    2. 2 Mix pure blue and red. Pour equal amounts of red and blue paints onto the palette and use a paintbrush to blend them for a rich purple hue.
      • To get a violet color close to lilac, add a little more blue paint.
      • Add more red paint if you want a purple with a warm pinkish tint.

    Method 3 of 3: Correct the resulting purple color

    1. 1 Add white paint. Whether you got purple from red and blue or from magenta and cyan, you can lighten and brighten it by adding white. Add just a little paint to start, then gradually mix in more and more to get the desired shade. By adding the same amount of white to purple, you can get a pastel color.
    2. 2 Add black paint. By adding black to the purple, you can make the color deeper, richer, darker purple. Mix in a little so you don't accidentally darken too much - it will be difficult to restore the original shade after adding black.
    3. 3 Stir in black and white. They will give a lavender greyish color, as dark or light as you want. Lavender can be made pinkish by adding magenta or red, or purple by adding blue or cyan.
    4. 4 Add more magenta for a pinkish purple color. Add more cyan or cyan for a purplish purple.


    • Stir in paints carefully to achieve the desired color. You can always add more, but you cannot delete what has already been added.