How to buy condoms

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Beginner’s guide to shopping for condoms
Video: Beginner’s guide to shopping for condoms


You are standing in a neon-lit condom section at the pharmacy, and your heart is beating wildly at the wide range of contraception presented to your gaze.All this happens until someone notices that you have been standing like this for more than ten minutes. Condoms come in different sizes, colors, flavors and textures, and it will be difficult for you to choose the first time. But you are at the right place! Keep reading this article to find out how to choose the right size and style of condom so you can make a confident choice next time.


Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Condom for Fit and Feel

  1. 1 Determine which material of manufacture is right for you. Condoms are made from several types of materials. All of them are slightly different from each other, so it's worth trying several types first to determine which one suits you the most and suits your other preferences. When used correctly, they are all equally effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, some species are more effective at protecting against sexually transmitted diseases.
    • The most common condom material is latex rubber. These condoms are inexpensive and work effectively (when used correctly), but if your partner is allergic to latex, this option will not work for you.
    • Lamb intestine condoms serve as a natural alternative for those who are allergic to latex and avoid rubber condoms. However, lamb intestine condoms do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases... This option will only work if you are in an ongoing relationship and have both been tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
    • Polyurethane condoms are stronger and thicker than latex condoms and are suitable for people who are allergic to latex. This material takes on body temperature and feels more natural when used. The lack of such condoms is more expensive than latex condoms.
    • Tactilone condoms are more elastic and conform to the shape of the penis. They are said to conform to the natural shape of the body better than other condoms. Tactilon condoms are more difficult to find and more expensive than latex condoms.
  2. 2 Find the right size. Most condoms are suitable for a medium sized penis (10 to 18 centimeters in length). Try using a medium-sized condom and see how well it works for you. If it's easy to put on and has a tight fit, this size is right for you. If he sits loosely and may fall, try using a smaller condom. If it sits tight and hurts or looks like it might burst, try using a larger condom. Finding the right size is best by trying different options. You can research condom sizes on specialized websites on the Internet.
    • Shape is also an important factor in choosing the right condom. Different brands make slightly different condoms, so it's best to experiment to determine which model works best for your penis shape. As a last resort, a condom of any shape will do; the only difference is how comfortable and natural it feels when using it.
    • If you are not purchasing condoms for yourself, it is best to choose a medium size. If you know your partner is unusually large or small, there are several options to consider just in case.
  3. 3 Consider using a female condom. Their use is not as common as male condoms, but they can be a great solution. The female condom is placed inside the vagina and covers the labia area, effectively protecting against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
    • Female condoms can be worn up to 8 hours before intercourse. This is a great solution for those who do not like to interrupt the process of lovemaking in order to put on a condom.
    • Female condoms are made from polyurethane, and like male condoms made from polyurethane, they are more natural to the touch and less rubbery than latex.

Part 2 of 3: Exploring the Characteristics of Condoms

  1. 1 Decide if you need lubricated condoms. Some condoms come with a lubricant or lubricant. The lubricant facilitates penetration and minimizes friction, thereby preventing the condom from bursting and making the process more comfortable for both parties. It is convenient to buy lubricated condoms straight away, but some people choose to purchase the lubricant separately. If you are going to do this, it is very important to know which types of lubricant are suitable for different materials.
    • Water-based and silicone-based lubricant suitable for all types of condoms.
    • Fat-based lubricants should only be used with polyurethane and tactilon condoms. Do not use baby or petroleum oils, petroleum jelly, or other fat-based lubricants with latex or lamb intestine condoms.
    • If you need extra protection, you can purchase spermicidal condoms. A special substance kills most of the sperm after ejaculation occurs. You will need this extra precaution if you are worried about the condom breaking. Note that a spermicidal substance can sometimes cause irritation, burning, and urinary infections.
  2. 2 Decide on the right condom texture. Some people enjoy using condoms that are barely felt, while others enjoy using ribbed or pimpled condoms. Condoms of any texture are equally effective, so your choice should be based entirely on your personal preference.
    • If this is your first sexual experience with this partner, it is best to purchase a condom without bumps. Once you get to know each other's preferences, you can try different textures.
  3. 3 Decide which condom sensitivity is right for you. You will come across "extra-sensitive" or "ultra-sensitive" condoms that are designed to be almost imperceptible. They are produced with as thin walls as possible in order to convey the feeling as much as possible. Some people, on the contrary, prefer to feel the presence of a condom during sex and be sure that it is still in place. In any case, a condom will protect against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. 4 Decide on the most suitable color and scent. Standard condoms are usually translucent and do not cover your natural skin color when you wear them. If you want something more fun, you can get condoms in any color you can imagine: turquoise, orange, pink, blue, black, and any shade. Condoms are also available with different scents such as cinnamon, mint or cherry.

Part 3 of 3: Buying condoms

  1. 1 Get condoms at the pharmacy. Any pharmacy provides a wide range of contraception. Now, knowing what exactly you need, you can make a confident choice.
  2. 2 Order condoms online. This is especially handy if you feel uncomfortable buying them at the pharmacy or supermarket. You will be advised if you send an e-mail and your package arrives in a sealed box, which will prevent you from feeling awkward.
  3. 3 Buy a large package at once. Small boxed condoms are more expensive.Once you've decided on the type of condom you like, you can search online for a great deal for a large box containing 30 or more condoms.
  4. 4 Always check the expiration date. Condoms have a limited shelf life, so make sure the condoms you buy have not expired.


  • Stock up on at least 2 condoms. A condom may break, or one may not be enough for a whole night of lovemaking.


  • If you are buying non-lubricated condoms and are going to use lubricant, make sure it is compatible with the material. Do not use a grease based lubricant.
  • Before you buy a condom, check its expiration date.