How to smoke trout

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024


For a long time, smoked trout is rightfully considered a delicacy among connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine. Initially, people smoked trout and other fish to increase their shelf life. With the development of technology and the emergence of refrigerators and freezers, smoking began to be used to give fish an original flavor. Smoked fish can be used to prepare various appetizers, salads, soups and stews, or it can be eaten as a separate dish. You can buy smoked trout at the store, but they are not cheap, and it is quite difficult to choose the ready-made fish that suits your taste. So if you want to pamper yourself with freshly cooked smoked trout, find out how fish is smoked, buy (or catch yourself) the required amount of trout, salt it to your liking and smoke it according to all the rules.


  1. 1 Before smoking, the trout must be properly cut and the entrails removed. Cut the belly of the fish from the head to the anus, remove the entrails and flatten it along the spine. Open the carcass and place the fish on a flat surface, skin side down.
    • If you have fresh trout, gut it with a fish knife or any other sharp knife. Remove the gills and entrails, then carefully clean the fish of blood clots and film adjacent to the spine.
    • If you are using frozen trout, remove it from the freezer and let it slowly thaw in the refrigerator. When the fish is completely melted, take a fish knife (or any other sharp knife) and cut off the head and tail of the trout.
    • Rinse the fish thoroughly to remove any debris that could impair the taste of the finished dish.
  2. 2 Salt the fish dry or in brine. Take table salt and add spices to it, or buy ready-made spice salt. Sprinkle plenty of salt on the exposed side of the carcass.
    • To make brine for fish (brine), take a small bowl and mix water, salt, brown sugar, and other spices and seasonings in it. Place the fish in brine and leave for one hour, then remove and pat dry with a paper towel.
  3. 3 Fill the smoker's tray with wood chips.
    • For a delicate smoky flavor, use apple, alder, or oak wood chips. For a richer aroma, beech or juniper chips are suitable.
  4. 4 Heat the smoker to 60–70 ° C.
  5. 5 Place the trout on the grill of the smoker. If you want to smoke several trout at the same time, make sure that there is enough free space between the fish carcasses - then the smoke will evenly come into contact with all parts of the fish.
  6. 6 Smoke the trout at this temperature for about 30 minutes.
  7. 7 Increase the temperature in the smoker to 100–110 ° C and wait another 30 minutes.
  8. 8 Remove the finished trout from the smokehouse.
  9. 9 Aromatic fish can be served at the table. If you want to preserve it, put the trout in the refrigerator or freezer.


  • This method can be used to smoke salmon, talapia and other types of fish.


  • Do not put too many fish in the smoker at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to get really tasty trout.

What do you need

  • Trout
  • Fish knife (or any other sharp knife)
  • Salt with spices
  • 2 cups (480 ml) water
  • 2 tablespoons (30 grams) salt
  • 2 tablespoons (20 grams) brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of spices
  • Paper towels
  • Small smokehouse
  • Chips for smoking