How to show your girlfriend how much you love her (for guys)

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


You know how good you treat your girlfriend, but you worry that you don't show it enough. Maybe you're starting to feel like she's bored with you. Here are some tips on how to add sparkle to your relationship and show that it is the most important thing in your life.


Method 1 of 3: Everyday Activities

  1. 1 Be direct. Don't assume that your girlfriend has to know how you feel about her. Be sure to tell her directly how you feel. Uncertainty leads to insecurity, and this can drive your relationship into a dead corner.
  2. 2 Ask how her day went. You are someone she trusts, so listen carefully to what she tells you. Help her to open up, discuss the problems that she has encountered. Empathize with her, share with her the sorrows of defeat and the sweetness of victory. This will help you get even closer.
  3. 3 Listen. The importance of listening to your relationship cannot be understated.
    • Even if she talks about some boring things for you, pay attention to them, because she is not boring for you.
    • Learn to listen "between the lines" and try to understand how you can help.
    • Listening to her means that you are interested in her life and her trust in you will grow.
    • Don't just listen, but react to what she says. Engage in conversation, but do not take it entirely upon yourself.
  4. 4 Give her a simple compliment. Always be sincere, any dishonesty will be visible.
    • Let her know that she is especially beautiful today.
    • When she changes her hairstyle, compliment her new look.
    • Compliment the way she behaved in class or showed herself at work.
    • Compliment her dressing skills.
  5. 5 Trust her. If you don't trust your girlfriend, she will treat you the same way. All good relationships are built on a solid foundation of trust.
    • If she goes out with friends, you should not call and text her every 20 minutes. Let her have some fun without you.
    • Avoid jealousy. Let her talk to other people without getting into the conversation with her defenses. The fact that she is dating you does not mean that she should only communicate with you.
  6. 6 Show respect. Always treat her with the utmost respect, even if you quarrel.
    • Speak respectfully of her, even if she is not around. Never throw mud on her behind her back.
    • Solve any misunderstandings directly with her. Do not be nervous about the problems that you are having, calmly and directly tell her about it.
    • Respect her intelligence. Don't assume that your girlfriend needs help with everything.
    • Don't give up on all her ideas. Relationships are equal partnerships.
    • Never stoop to abuse and physical force.

Method 2 of 3: Cute surprises

  1. 1 Write her a love letter. The note can show her that your feelings are enough to share them. It must be handwritten; do not print the note on the computer! Here are some possible ways to start:
    • "I think about you all day ..."
    • "I would like to be next to you now, but for now I have to limit myself to this note ..."
    • "I can't wait to see you next time ..."
    • Place the note where she will definitely see it, although she will not expect it. Ideally, the note should be a surprise. For example, if you know a girl needs to read certain pages for her homework, hide it between the pages. If you sleep together, write a note on the bathroom mirror with soap, or place a love message on her bedside table.
  2. 2 Never forget to say you love her. She will forever remember those moments when you confessed your love to her.
  3. 3 Say a few words to her before bed. Call or text her when she's about to go to bed. This is a wonderful way to express your love, as if you were lovingly adjusting a blanket for her.
    • This is how you show her that you think and care about her.
    • Falling asleep, she will think of you.
    • Calling at night gives her the opportunity to tell you about her problems and the events that happened to her during the day, which will help her sleep better.
  4. 4 Surprise your girlfriend with a delicious treat.
    • Chocolate can be very basic or very sophisticated. You do not need to take off your last shirt and buy chocolate at exorbitant prices, but you should also not bring your beloved an ordinary chocolate bar bought at the supermarket checkout. Look for the finest or handcrafted chocolates and remember that the spool is small and expensive.
    • Well-known imported chocolate such as Belgian or Swiss chocolate or other sweets from other countries are a great way to show your feelings and try new things yourself. They're not that expensive.
    • Bake cookies for her. It shows you care for her as well as your skill in the kitchen.
    • If your sweetheart doesn't like sweets, surprise her with your favorite snack.
  5. 5 Give her flowers. Of course, this is one of the most traditional ways to show your love, but it is also very effective. Flowers are bright and pleasing, and freshness is a life-giving gift. But flowers can get expensive, so save them for really special occasions.
    • In flower shops, you can buy a bouquet worth 400 rubles, depending on where you live. Vendors in street markets sometimes offer inexpensive flowers from their own garden.
    • If you know your girlfriend's favorite color, talk to a florist and create the perfect bouquet together.
    • If you have the opportunity to pick wild or wild flowers, you can make an original bouquet for her yourself. But you should not pick flowers in someone else's garden or public park.
    • If your girlfriend has a hard day at the office, order her bouquet delivery there. It can be expensive, but it shows how sensitive you are to her. And she, in turn, will have something to brag about to her colleagues.
    • One flower is as beautiful as a whole bouquet. The main thing is the act itself and what you put into it.
  6. 6 Present her with a simple gift. A surprise can brighten her boring day, and she will understand how much you think of her. Here are some options:
    • Love coupons. Give her a set of coupons that she can use to pay off some of your actions. For example, a romantic dinner, a movie night, hugs and kisses upon request, and so on.
    • Accessory. Clothes can be expensive, but a beautiful accessory makes a great gift and won't ruin you. Look for a hat, scarf, or purse.
    • A bottle of wine and a pair of glasses.
  7. 7 Show your feelings when she least expects it. Take her by surprise and you can create a more tangible effect.
    • Sneak up on her when she is busy with lessons or work and give her a quick kiss.
    • Give her another hug before she goes to school or work.
    • If you are walking on a cold day, hold her tightly to you and warm her.
    • Hold hands in public.

Method 3 of 3: Go Beyond the Standards

  1. 1 Get to know her friends and family. Do everything in your power to get along well with these people. They are an important part of your girlfriend's life and you must show that you respect them. This will give your girlfriend an understanding that your intentions are serious.
  2. 2 Go on a treasure hunt. It can be a fun option for an afternoon, and the way you've thought about it and planned it will show the girl that you really care for her.
    • First of all, decide what will be the treasure. It can be almost anything, from decoration to a great outdoor dining experience, or something more personal.
    • Plan your hunt. Decide how long it will last and where you want it to go. The usual places for this kind of "hunt" are the place of your first meeting, first date, and so on.
    • Write your notes. Place the first one where she will definitely find it. Write something like "I want to play one little game with you, you will find the first note in [first clue]."
    • Don't over complicate the quest, it should be fun, not difficult!
  3. 3 Make her dinner. This will not only help you organize your date perfectly, but it will also show that you will not be lost in the kitchen. Don't worry too much if you don't get the perfect dish, the idea means more than execution.
    • Plan Your Dinner Find simple recipes that are not overly complex and multi-step. Try to time your preparations so that everything is ready at the same time.
    • Make sure your meal is balanced. Don't forget the vegetable side dish or salad, and don't serve huge portions.
    • Pasta is usually a reliable choice because it is easy to make and most people love it.
    • Before dinner, you need to clear and dry the table or the place where you will be eating. Light one or two candles and check that all fixtures are correctly placed.
    • If you are old enough to drink alcohol, supply a bottle of wine as well.
  4. 4 Prepare a music disc / playlist for her
    • The idea of ​​discs with cuts or favorite songs is borrowed from the days of cassettes, on which songs were recorded. Actually, you want to collect songs that she likes, as well as those that reflect your feelings for her. Music strongly affects memory, so it will remember this mix CD for a long time.
    • Create a track list. You want her to listen to all the music and not get bored and have to skip tracks that she doesn't like.The first song should grab her attention, and the next should flow smoothly into one another.
    • You can burn a disc using many programs. Find special instructions for burning discs.
    • If she uses iTunes or Spotify, you can create a digital playlist and share it with her. This will allow you to make a longer playlist than the CD allows, but the lack of a gift to feel will make it a little less special.
  5. 5 Organize a picnic. Just like preparing food, organizing a picnic will show her that you care about her and know how to think ahead.
    • Make sure the weather is right. Weather forecasts change all the time, so be prepared to change your plans if it started pouring rain the day before.
    • Prepare a light lunch. The picnic should be easy and enjoyable, and the food should show that too. Make sandwiches, cut fruit, and grab a packet of light chips. Make iced tea as drinks.
    • Choose an interesting picnic spot. Depending on your location, find a place that is famous for its beautiful nature. A riverbank, beach or meadow are great picnic spots. Explore the area ahead of time and look for secluded spots.