How to show love

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom
Video: How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom


Showing your love for those who deserve it is an art, and like any art, it takes a lot of practice. To begin with, people react differently to love. Some people like to hear words, others need to see caring behavior, and still others respond best to courtesies. Whether it's your friend, family member, spouse, or partner, strive to cover a wide range of words and actions to show your love for the person.


Method 1 of 3: Demonstrate Love with Words

  1. 1 Compliment. Sometimes it is easy to think that the people around us already know how much we love and appreciate them, when in fact they do not feel it. To make it clear how dear a person is to you, compliment him. Does your girlfriend always support you? Tell her about it. Does your spouse look very good today? Tell her about it. Does she understand you like no one else? Tell her about it. She will glow with pride.
    • Start with something simple. Here are two guaranteed options: "I really appreciate you" - and: "I'm glad you are in my life."
    • Both women and men love compliments regarding appearance and personality. The phrase: “You are so beautiful / attractive / cute / adorable” can work wonders. “You are so kind / smart / cute” is also a good option.
    • Always be sincere. Don't give a compliment just to please someone. If you don't like the way your spouse prepares, don't lie (but appreciate the time and effort she put into the process). Compliments mean little if they're insincere. In addition, they are easy to "see through".

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA

    Family Therapist Allen Wagner is a Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist based in Los Angeles, California. He received his MA in Psychology from Pepperdine University in 2004. He specializes in working with individual clients and couples, helping them improve relationships. Together with his wife, Talia Wagner, he wrote the book "Married Roommates".

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA
    Family psychotherapist

    Even if you're not used to sharing your feelings, try. Family therapist Allen Wagner says: “Some people naturally don’t know how to express their feelings in words, but it only means that you need to work to become a habit.Even if it feels unnatural at first, keep practicing and over time it will come naturally and organically. "

  2. 2 Cheer up. Part of love is believing in the development and encouragement of friends and loved ones. Let's say you want to go to graduate school and share that desire with your best friend. But she immediately besieges you, saying that this is too much of a waste of money and time. Do you feel loved in this situation? Most probably not. Keep this in mind when it comes time to show love. Encourage others to grow and strive for what makes them happy.
    • Here's another example. Let's say your boyfriend confesses that he always wanted to work for the police. He is thinking about a career change to go to law enforcement. How do you react to this? He has always been reliable. Will you support his desire to follow his dream or will you laugh at him? What is the best demonstration of love?
    • Compliments like the ones above can be reassuring. Try to strengthen your loved one's self-esteem by pointing out their strengths: hard work, kindheartedness, and talent.
    • You can also reward your loved one by showing solidarity. Phrases: "I believe in you" - or: "Remember that I am near" - can inspire heroic deeds.
  3. 3 Ask for advice. Whether it's your mom, neighbor, friend, or loved one, seeking advice will show that you value and trust the person's opinion. This will make the person feel good about themselves, increase their sense of importance, and strengthen your relationship. By asking, you have almost nothing to lose. Chances are, you will benefit from the conversation anyway.
    • At the same time, your question does not have to be about something global. Ask him what his favorite new restaurant is or where he fixes the car. As a rule, we seek advice when a crisis occurs in a particular area of ​​our life. However, if you don't have problems, you shouldn't take them from the ceiling.
  4. 4 Give thanks generously. It's not easy after years of being in a relationship to be as caring for a friend or loved one as you did in the beginning. Let's rearrange that you have been in a relationship for several years. Of course, household chores are separate: you wash the dishes, and he takes out the trash. It's just what you do, but the point is, your partner is hardly crazy about their responsibilities. He'll appreciate it if you thank him, and he'll be a little pleased that his input gets noticed.
    • Try to be specific: "I am very grateful that you help with washing the dishes" - or: "Thank you for all the time that you are giving to help me."
    • Take a moment to think about your partner. Chances are, it does a lot of things for you that you don't even notice. Does he buy additional products? Washes your towels? Waiting for you in the parking lot? He shows you his love - answer with gratitude!
  5. 5 Speak heart to heart. A good way to show someone that you value them above almost everyone else is to open up to them and share your feelings. You don't have to give out secrets. Opening up to a friend or partner will let him know that you trust the person and are confident in him. She bestows the feeling that he is at the highest level of your relationship. Of course, only trust the person if it makes you comfortable. There are other ways to show love if you're not ready for this step!
    • Before revealing your deepest and darkest secrets, make sure the relationship is strong. This should be someone you really trust. Don't waste your secrets on a passing hobby or "one-day" friends.

Method 2 of 3: Demonstrate Love in Your Everyday Life

  1. 1 Be a good listener. Listening can also be an expression of love. It doesn't matter if your friend or partner is talkative or not, just show your love without words, using your eyes and body.Put your phone away, lean over to it and listen to every word. When was the last time someone paid such close attention to you that you were aware of it? This is a rather rare and wonderful feeling.
    • When speaking to a loved one, try your best to be a good listener. Give him your undivided attention. Set aside anything in your hand, such as a phone or a book, listen to what he has to say, and consider your answer. If you are unsure of what to say, a friendly hug can be helpful.
    • Try to always be an empathetic listener, even for no particular reason. When a friend comes to visit, ask how he is doing. Give him your undivided attention, even if he reads out the shopping list. It is the moments when people do not expect attention, but receive it, that are most appreciated.
  2. 2 Be gentle. People love to be touched. We need touch to thrive. We need to feel like social beings who can be cared for and protected. This is natural and inherent in us by nature. What's more, research has shown that we subconsciously love people who touch us more than those who don't. With a touch, you can not only show your love, but also strengthen your relationship.
    • To be clear, “touch” is not just about intimate or sexual contact. A hand on the shoulder, a high-five gesture, a pat on the back all have the same effect. Touch breaks down physical barriers by signaling that you acknowledge, care for, and feel close to your loved one.
    • Place your loved one in a long, tight hug. Like other types of touching, hugging is great for showing love and creating connections. Continuous seven seconds should do the trick. Scientists haven't figured out why, but seven seconds is the amount of time it takes to establish a real connection.
    • It shouldn't be a hug out of pity or for comfort. It's a super hug for no reason. There is no ulterior motive, no guilt, no sense of duty. It is love because your only purpose is to show you care.
    • If both of you feel comfortable, here are some other good ways to be gentle: rub against your forearm, wrap your arm around your shoulder, nuzzle, or kiss.
  3. 3 Free up space in your life. Relationships grow stronger when you share something with a loved one or just a close friend. What can you share in your life? A drawer in the nightstand? A special glass intended only for this person when he comes to visit you? Study supplies? Make your loved one a part of your life, literally. This is how you express your love.
    • To make the person a part of your life, introduce them to your friends and family members. Everyone wants to be a valuable friend, partner, or even brother / sister. Make the person feel important enough to want to talk about it and brag to other loved ones.
    • As mentioned, seek advice, compliment, and express gratitude. All of this will show your loved ones what you think of them.
  4. 4 Reinforce a joke that only you can understand or a memorable moment. Relationships are built from all those little moments that we spend together that no one understands. To show that these moments mean a lot to you, reinforce them. How? Get creative. Burn a CD with all those songs that amuse you two. Take a photo of your trip to the beach on the mug. Give your loved one something that will be a reminder of the good times. This diligence will show how much you value this person.
    • It doesn't have to be a big gesture. He just has to show your friend or partner that you are not forgetting about him.
    • Did he mention that he always wanted to have his own personal stock of chips? Bring him some packages. Have you ever joked about mac and cheese flavored donuts? Prepare them. Now this moment will be doubly memorable.
  5. 5 Dress to impress. If you are in a romantic relationship, wear your partner's favorite outfit or wear what he likes. Does your girlfriend like it when you wear a tie? Surprise her one evening. Does she love your look in drop-shaped sunglasses and a fedora? Go and put them on. You do not need to say anything about it, be sure, she will understand that you are trying for her.
    • This principle applies to smells, food, and other things. Does your husband prefer a certain type of wine? Buy a bottle on your way home.
    • Does your girlfriend secretly love anchovy pizza? Let her pamper you sometimes. She is more likely to do something in return, and both of you will be happier.

Method 3 of 3: Show love with special gestures

  1. 1 Give gifts. Some people feel most loved when they receive gifts. For them, gifts in themselves are not so important, but rather the very act of giving, which is an expression of love, is important. What they think is taken into account here. Gifts can be given for holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. Better yet, these are periodic surprise gifts.
    • A gift can be unfading flowers and chocolate. Or a homemade postcard.
    • Often the most memorable gifts are the ones we don't expect. For example, your girlfriend mentioned a book that she likes but cannot afford. If you buy her this book, she will remember it.
    • Gifts big or small say, "I am thinking of you." The recipient perceives them as an act of emotional support and love. However, make sure your gesture matches your behavior. Let's imagine that you gave your mom a huge bouquet of flowers, and then you didn't call her for months. Your neglect will devalue the gift.
  2. 2 Do good deeds. Imagine what it would be like to be stuck at the airport overnight. What if your friend, who lives two hours away, offers to come and pick you up? What if a loved one lends you money during your financial difficulties? These two examples are gestures of love where something is given without the requirement to immediately receive something in return. Sometimes to show love is to give unselfishly.
    • The next time you and your loved one go out for lunch, dinner, or coffee, pay the bill.
    • Offer to help him with an unpleasant task, such as moving or cleaning the garage.
    • Sometimes the most meaningful gifts (the ones that really show others that we love them) are the gifts we make sacrifices for. This is why it is called "good deeds" or "good deeds." If you have a friend who needs a ride to the airport at five in the morning, when you usually sleep, offer him your help anyway. Your efforts will show that you value your friend more than you care about the inconvenience.
  3. 3 Plan your time together. Unlike gift lovers, some people feel most important when they spend quality time with their friends, family, and spouse. It is important to spend this time together, not just around. Give your loved one your full attention. Plan an experience together, whether it's a dance class, an opera, ice skating, or a paintball trip. It's a great, unifying experience, and the fact that you organized it says a lot.
    • You can watch a movie together. Or go out for a coffee. Or play a board game. Or even go on a trip together.
    • Planning time with your loved one together will show him that you want him to be an integral part of your life. You could do it alone, but instead you decided to invite him.So it matters to you. And your loved one will know this.
  4. 4 Prepare food. An old saying goes: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Many people express love through food, and it's not just men. Eating and preparing food for others is one way to build deep connection and show affection. Invite your best friend over by preparing her favorite food, drinks, desserts and snacks. She will see how much you care about her.
    • Even if you don't cook very well, that's okay. Alternatively, organize a favorite activity for a loved one or use their favorite subject. Does your spouse love horses? Plan a horse ride. Does he love chrysanthemums? Fill the room with them. It is important here to convey that you love him and think about him.
  5. 5 Keep in mind: people perceive and show love in different ways. You may feel like you are showing love to your partner or friend all the time, when he does not catch it, since you do not speak his language. For example, some people show love with physical touch, while others do it with gestures or quality time together. You may need to change your approach to suit the needs and expectations of your loved one.
    • To be on the safe side, it would be nice to express love in different ways. Try gestures, words, touch, gifts, and quality time. If you want your loved ones to really feel that you value them, show them verbally and physically how dear they are to you. Do small and big things. Make humble and grand gestures. And then you can be sure that you surround your loved ones and dear people with the love they need so much.


  • You will have to come up with your own options for manifesting love so as not to copy existing platitudes. The more personal and personal your gesture is, the more real and effective it will become.
  • By showing love, it is very important to show that you are good at listening. When you listen, you catch the things that your loved one tells you, namely, what he likes, what he dreams about, and so on. Later, you can use this information to surprise him with something special that you can do for him. Ideas can be tailored to your personality or the personality of your recipient.