How to stop sweating in your armpits (for girls)

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Stop Sweaty Armpits | This Morning
Video: How to Stop Sweaty Armpits | This Morning


Sweating is a natural function of the human body. Despite the fact that men tend to sweat harder than women, the latter have more sweat glands. If underarm sweat makes you feel embarrassed, or if you want more control over it, there are several ways you can reduce sweating in this area.


Method 1 of 3: Natural Ways to Reduce Sweating

  1. 1 Avoid high temperatures. One of the reasons why sweating occurs is the need to cool the body. If you live in a hot climate, or study or work in an area that is hot enough, your body will tend to sweat harder. Thus, if you do not want to sweat, you need to avoid high temperatures.
  2. 2 Try to stay calm when you feel embarrassed, anxious, angry, or afraid. It is not easy to do, but when you experience these feelings, the nervous system of the body automatically starts to stimulate perspiration. That is why it is in your best interest to remain calm.
  3. 3 Avoid physical activity. While exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle, it is another reason the body sweats. Exercise raises your body temperature, so it needs sweat to cool off. Therefore, if you do not want to sweat, you better turn your attention to an exercise such as swimming, where it will not be noticeable that you are sweating.
  4. 4 Wear loose clothing or sleeveless tops. If the clothes are tight and tight, they will absorb more sweat. Also, wearing tight clothes can make you feel hotter, which will increase your sweating. Therefore, you need to choose loose clothing for yourself. It will also provide the body with good air circulation.
  5. 5 Avoid heavy fabrics. The denser the fabric of a shirt or T-shirt, the less it breathes and the hotter you will be in it. Silk, for example, is a poor choice if you don't want to sweat as it has a very tight weave. Shirts made of thin fabrics will allow better air circulation.
  6. 6 Wear multiple layers of clothing. This step is easy for men as they often wear T-shirts under their shirts. However, as a woman, you can do the same. The implication is that when you put on multiple layers of clothing, you are wearing more sweat-wicking fabric. Thus, the likelihood of sweat reaching the outer layer of the garment is less likely.
    • Consider using slips or slim tees to wear under your blouse during the day. You can even carry a spare jersey with you in case you want to change.
  7. 7 Wear dark colored clothing. Colors such as navy blue and black hide wet, sweaty armpits well.Plus, white usually does a pretty good job of it as well.
    • Colors to be avoided include gray, bright colors, and most of the lighter shades, which usually show wet sweat well.
  8. 8 Consider using underarm pads. These products have many names (armpit pads, sweat pads, antiperspirants, and so on), but they work the same way. The pads are either glued to the skin or fixed to the shoulder with straps. When you sweat, the pads absorb the sweat so it doesn't seep through your clothes.
  9. 9 Treat underarms with baby powder. Baby powder (usually made from talcum powder with added perfume) can also help absorb excess sweat. In addition, talcum powder acts as an astringent, closing the pores, which helps fight perspiration.
  10. 10 Let your armpits breathe. You may find this ridiculous, but if you sweat profusely, you can put your hands behind your head for a few minutes (if you are alone) or put your elbows on the table (if you are in class or at work) to ensure air circulation in the armpit area.
  11. 11 Avoid spicy foods. Very spicy foods can increase sweating. If you want to sweat less, avoid spicy foods like chili peppers.
    • In addition, foods such as garlic and onions can make sweat smell more unpleasant. If it bothers you, also refrain from using them.
  12. 12 Carry a handkerchief with you. While you may not always be able to unnoticeably blot sweat, having a handkerchief will allow you to perform this procedure if necessary.

Method 2 of 3: Reducing Sweating with Cosmetics

  1. 1 Start using an antiperspirant. The very name of antiperspirant implies the fight against perspiration (it is derived from the English word perspire, which means "to sweat"). Antiperspirants are widely available nowadays, and even most deodorants contain antiperspirants in them.
    • Usually, these funds have different strengths. It is best to start with the weakest remedy. If it doesn't solve your sweating problem, then you can try a stronger remedy.
    • Antiperspirants work by creating a coagulant that clogs the pores.
  2. 2 Use an antiperspirant in the evening before going to bed. An antiperspirant ingredient will become diluted if you sweat profusely immediately after using it. At night, when your activity is noticeably lower, you will no longer sweat so much.
  3. 3 Make sure your skin is completely dry before applying antiperspirant to it. This will protect the skin from irritation and help the antiperspirant work better (as it works best undissolved).
  4. 4 Try the new remedy for at least 10 days for it to work. It takes a while for the antiperspirant to clog the pores. If the remedy doesn't start working after a few days, don't worry, it may take a little longer.
  5. 5 Use deodorant to avoid unpleasant odors. Deodorant can be used in addition to antiperspirant. When sweat interacts with skin bacteria, it produces an unpleasant odor. Deodorant kills bacteria to prevent this odor. Aromatic substances are also added to it to mask any possible odors.
    • In some cases, antiperspirants contain deodorants and vice versa. To check this, carefully read the information on the label of your chosen product.

Method 3 of 3: Consider Drug Treatment for Excess Sweating

  1. 1 See a dermatologist. If you are unable to control your sweating with the above methods, it would be helpful for you to see a dermatologist.A dermatologist is usually the best place to deal with this problem, as this doctor treats skin problems and is often well-versed in coping with excess sweating (also known as hyperhidrosis).
    • Be aware that you will most likely need a referral from a GP to see a dermatologist through a public health clinic. Please ask at the reception.
  2. 2 Ask for a prescription antiperspirant. If none of the over-the-counter products you have tested work for you, a dermatologist may prescribe a stronger antiperspirant that you cannot buy without a prescription.
    • For a prescription antiperspirant, the same principle of use applies. Apply it in the evening before going to bed on completely dry armpits.
    • Read the instructions for your prescription antiperspirant carefully. It may contain specific instructions on the frequency of its use, information on side effects, and so on.
  3. 3 Consider iontophoresis. If a prescription antiperspirant does not work for you, alternative treatments may be considered. One of them is iontophoresis. Although it is most commonly used for sweating palms and feet, it also applies to armpits.
    • The iontophoresis procedure consists in immersing the problem area in water, through which a weak electric current is passed. The procedure begins to give a positive effect after repeated use, therefore, many sessions of iontophoresis are required. Also, the physical structure of the armpits often makes the iontophoresis procedure somewhat impractical.
  4. 4 Ask about botulinum toxin type A (botox) injections. You may have already heard that Botox injections help with wrinkles, however, they can also be used against excess sweating. Botox works by stopping the sweat glands in the affected area.
    • Be aware that this method can be painful and only lasts a few months.
  5. 5 Ask about the use of the MiraDry device. The MiraDry was invented in 2011 by Miramar Labs and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. With the help of electromagnetic radiation, it destroys the sweat glands in the irradiated area (and is most often used on the armpits). Usually two irradiation procedures are carried out with a difference of several months. According to the currently available data, the sweat glands are not subsequently reanimated.
    • The MiraDry irradiation procedure usually takes about an hour with the use of local anesthesia. After it, the skin may turn slightly red, become sensitive and swollen for several days, but to combat this, you can use mild pain relievers in combination with cooling compresses.
  6. 6 Consider a surgical method to reduce sweating. Surgery may offer another method of controlling perspiration, although this is only used in very severe cases of hyperhidrosis. There are many surgical techniques for solving this problem, but the purpose of each of them is to remove the sweat glands from problem areas.
    • Typically, these surgical procedures are performed in a clinical setting under local anesthesia (without general anesthesia). In this case, the operated area will simply be numb.


  • Wash your armpits thoroughly while bathing. This helps remove bacteria that cause unpleasant odors from the skin.
  • Carry deodorant with you daily.
  • If you are using a gel deodorant, be sure to allow it to dry before putting on your clothes.
  • Carry deodorant or baby powder with you in your purse. Thus, if you notice the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you can always use these products again.


  • Remember that sweating is a completely normal and necessary function of the body. Despite the importance of good hygiene and the awkwardness of excessive sweating, it is a natural part of everyday life.
  • Don't wipe your armpits or use deodorant in public. If you need to do this, excuse yourself and go to the restroom. Such behavior in public places may seem inappropriate and offensive to some people.