How to catch a bird

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Awesome!  3 Easy bird trap
Video: Awesome! 3 Easy bird trap


Catching and killing some birds is prohibited by law, but sometimes it is necessary to direct the bird in the right direction to make it fly away. Birds that live at home need to be returned to their cage every day, and wild birds don't always voluntarily leave places they like.


Method 1 of 6: How to get your bird back into the cage

  1. 1 Look up and down. The bird may not be easy to see because it is small and can hide behind objects, but it can also hide from your field of vision. To find the bird, you will need to look around carefully. Make sure the bird is not in a dangerous location first.
    • Hazardous locations include glass glasses, bathrooms, hallways, windows, stoves, and sofas.
    • Birds can hide in eaves, in plants, lamps, fireplaces, ceiling fans, behind picture frames, and under furniture. They can also fit into laundry baskets, boxes and drawers.
  2. 2 Keep calm. Birds understand gestures and sounds, so if you scream and fuss, the excitement will spread to the bird. To calm the bird down, speak calmly and move normally.
  3. 3 Make the cage attractive to the bird. The bird is more likely to return to the cage if it likes it there. The cage should be located where people are often and away from the window, as the bird may feel that it is in danger there. Place toys in the cage. Each time the bird returns to the cage by itself, give it a treat.
    • Do not give this treat in other situations, otherwise the bird will get used to it.
    • Don't use the cage as a punishment - it will create negative associations with the cage.
  4. 4 Make your outdoor space less inviting. Do not feed the bird outside the cage - he may decide that there is nothing to return to the cage for. Store favorite bird toys only in the cage. Don't make the bird feel like it can be outside all the time. Don't let her out all day once a week - better let her fly a small amount of time every day.
    • The outside space should not be too inviting, but the bird should be able to fly regularly. It is good for her health. It is also easier to cage a tired bird.
    • To train the bird to return to its cage, tie the time when it flies outside to sleep. Crate her before bed. When it gets dark outside, the bird will know that it's time to rest.

Method 2 of 6: How to Catch a Bird That Breaks Out into the Street

  1. 1 Call the bird if it flies away from you. If the bird flew out in your presence, call it calmly but loudly. If the bird realizes that it is in the wild and does not want to be there, it will return to the sound of your voice. Perhaps the cage will attract her, as it will be a familiar object in an unfamiliar environment.
  2. 2 Keep the bird in sight. Perhaps the bird will not fly far, since those birds that live in cages are not able to fly long and far. Watch the bird until it is out of sight. Pay attention to how low the bird is flying and how tired it seems. If the bird was flying low, it may have landed on the ground as soon as you stopped seeing it.
  3. 3 Travel to where you last saw a bird in the air. Ask someone to come with you - it will be more effective. When you get to the place where you saw the bird, separate and start exploring the area.
  4. 4 Take another bird with you. If you have another bird that the escaped bird gets along well with, take it with you in the cage. Place the cage where you will see it.A bird in a cage will most likely scream to get your attention, and a bird that has flown away may notice. Listen to the sounds.
  5. 5 Call the bird. If you do not have another bird, try calling the bird that has flown away with your voice. Use words and sounds that your bird knows or can reproduce to let her know that it is you. If the bird is near, it may start calling you.
  6. 6 Inspect the area within a radius of one and a half kilometers. Poultry usually do not fly far. Look for birds in trees, lawns, and bushes. Remember that the bird may be the first to spot you. Some birds become silent in the presence of the owner, because this way they feel safe.
  7. 7 Take your cage with you. When you find a bird, try to cage it. Do not grab her forcefully, even if you are glad to see her. Remain calm or you may frighten the bird away.
  8. 8 Take your favorite bird toys with you. To lure the bird, you will need the favorite toys and treats of the feathered pet. If the bird is especially fond of one person, ask him to come with you. All of these can help you lure the bird.
  9. 9 Call the bird. If you have taught the bird to sit on your index finger, give the command. If the bird knows the command, it will fly to you by itself.
  10. 10 Catch the bird. It is best to quickly water the bird with a large amount of water from a hose - it will become so heavy that it cannot fly away quickly. Hold the bird in your hands, but do not press too hard, as the bird is easily injured. If any of your friends don't know how to handle birds, throw a pillowcase over the bird.
    • It is important to find the right water pressure. If you fail to wet the bird quickly and heavily, you will only frighten it.
    • Ask friends to split up and watch where the bird flies if it breaks free. It would be better if they were able to observe from the dais.
    • The night is good for catching birds as the birds get tired at this time. In addition, shining a bright light into the bird's eyes can cause it to become disoriented for a while, allowing you to catch it.
  11. 11 Handle the bird carefully so as not to harm it. If the bird resists, throw a towel or pillowcase over it to keep it from flying away. When the bird is in your hands, fix the head, legs and wings, but do not pinch them in an uncomfortable position and do not squeeze the breath.
    • The towel will help you secure the bird without harming it. Cover the bird's head so it doesn't see anything that scares it. Use a natural cotton towel that will not interfere with the bird's breathing.

Method 3 of 6: How to act if more than a day has passed

  1. 1 Place cages with other birds near an open window. If a bird spends little time outside, it will not recognize its home. However, she can recognize the voices of other birds with which she lived. Place a bird cage with food and treats on your front lawn or porch. The bird will be attracted by the familiar cage and food.
  2. 2 Set a trap. You can buy a special trap and place it on the street by putting food in it. This will attract the bird. The trap should be high as birds do not like to fly low.
    • Check regularly to see if a bird is caught as it may panic when trapped.
    • Use a trap that will slam shut without harming the bird. As a rule, such traps look like a cage into which the bird falls.
  3. 3 After you catch the bird, show it to the bird veterinarian. If poultry has lived outdoors for some time, it could become a carrier of disease or suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Take the bird to a doctor as soon as possible to avoid health problems.
    • Don't be discouraged if the bird doesn't return immediately. Some birds can live in the wild for years.

Method 4 of 6: How to catch a bird that has flown into your house

  1. 1 Keep calm. Even if you are scared, the bird is even more scared.Do not yell or throw objects at the bird - this will cause it to panic and fly randomly around your house. Remain calm and remember that the bird is also afraid.
  2. 2 Keep pets away from the bird. If a bird enters the house, take the pets to another room and close the door so that the bird cannot fly out to where the animals are. Cats love to hunt birds.
  3. 3 Close the doors to other rooms. It is important to limit the movement of the bird to one room. To do this, close all other doors so that the bird has nowhere to fly.
    • If there are no doors in the aisles, hang towels or blankets in them. Pin up the towel or blanket if necessary.
  4. 4 Close the curtains and turn off the lights. This will protect the bird from hitting the glass if it decides there is a way out. In addition, if you turn off all the lights and leave one window open, the bird itself can fly into it.
  5. 5 Open one window. If you leave one window open and turn off the lights, the bird will be attracted by the light from the window. Remain calm to avoid drawing the bird's attention. Give her half an hour before trying anything else.
  6. 6 Nudge the bird with a large sheet. Take a large sheet and pull it out in front of you and up to cover yourself. Shake the sheet in front of the bird to direct it towards the window.
    • Don't touch the bird too hard. Birds are fragile and can be injured by even light contact.
  7. 7 Call a specialist. Sometimes the birds refuse to fly out the window, despite their best efforts, and it is not safe to drive some large birds of prey on their own. If you are unable to drive the bird away, call a specialist.

Method 5 of 6: How to chase away birds that get in the way

  1. 1 Contact the appropriate service. Any actions in relation to wild birds are limited by law. However, if birds destroy your property, pollute the area or interfere with the operation of drains, you can apply to the appropriate service. They will help you drive the birds away and explain what you need to do so that they do not return.
    • Remember, migrating birds will fly away soon. Wait for this to happen.
  2. 2 Install deterrents. There are special devices that can be legally used to scare away birds. They make special sounds that scare the birds. There are devices that create the illusion of the presence of predators. Chemical repellents based on polybutylene can also be applied to surfaces.
    • Clean bird droppings before using traps or repellents.
    • Ultrasonic devices have not been proven to be effective. Devices that make loud noises and emit bright lights are not helpful in urban environments where birds become accustomed to noise and sounds.
  3. 3 Create obstacles. If you know where the birds nest, put obstacles there. A wooden block can be installed with slats fixed at a 45 degree angle to prevent birds from landing on the surface. You can also cover the surface with a special mesh.

Method 6 of 6: How to prevent the bird from flying away again

  1. 1 Practice with the bird. Teach her to sit on your index finger on command. Bring your finger to the bird, say "sit down" and give a treat every time the bird obeys a command. Repeat the command, even if you do not need to cage the bird, so that it does not associate this action with returning to the cage. Sometimes it is even worth putting a bird in a cage and releasing it again so that it knows that returning to the cage does not always mean that it will have to sit there for a long time.
    • You can teach the bird to sit on other objects, for example, on a stick. Cage ladders can be used as birds love to walk on them. This skill will help you quickly return the bird to its cage.
    • Since the birds like to move upward, the bird will love this command more quickly if you gently raise your finger up when the bird lands on it.
    • Some experts recommend repeating this command every time the bird needs to be returned to its cage. If you allow the bird to fly into the cage itself, it may think that it itself decides when to be outside.
  2. 2 Hold the bird so that it cannot fly away. When the bird sits on your finger, secure it so that it cannot fly away. At the same time, the bird should be comfortable. You can lightly press your thumb against the index finger along with the bird's legs. You can gently hold the back of the bird with your other hand so that it does not spread its wings.
    • Do this always while practicing with the bird so that it gets used to this action and does not think that after it it will definitely end up in a cage. If this action becomes a habit, you will not forget to fix the bird, and it will not fly away to a dangerous and unfamiliar place.
  3. 3 Ask your bird veterinarian if you should trim the bird's wings. If you find it difficult to control the bird's behavior, you may need to clip its wings. After this procedure, the bird will be able to fly close or not at all (it all depends on how much the wings are clipped). However, this can be counterproductive as the bird will not be tired enough outside the cage and will find itself returning.


  • Always hold the bird gently with a towel or bare hands. Birds are very fragile creatures.