Be happy with who you are

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You’re Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches
Video: Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You’re Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches


Being happy with yourself or having a positive personality is about feeling good about your personal, professional, and social self. Most people sometimes feel negative about their personality. This negativity can come from a lack of personal, professional, or social satisfaction. To develop a positive personality, you must try to accept your unique qualities, love who you are, pursue your goals (personal, professional and social) and improve your social connections.

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Method 1 of 3: Accept yourself

  1. Be happy with diversity. Accepting yourself is critical if you want to develop a positive personality. It's important to remember that every person is different, and no two faces or bodies are alike. If there is no norm among human beings, how can there ever be any form of inferiority? If you appreciate the diversity in the world, you will begin to appreciate and accept yourself more.
    • List all kinds of diversity that you value in the world. For example different religions, cultures, environments, skin colors, talents, personalities. These variables make people, including yourself, unique and interesting.
  2. Embrace your unique qualities. There is no "normal" human, and no "normal" framework for human beings.
    • Accept differences positively. For example: "Yes, I have big feet, but that makes me unique".
    • See your personal flaws or mistakes as opportunities to learn or improve yourself.
    • Don't see differences that you cannot change (such as your skin color, height, etc.) as flaws, but as unique qualities that make you who you are. Your "inferiority" or lack can also be seen as a unique or individual quality. If these differences did not exist, we would all be identical clones with no unique characteristics.
  3. Don't try to compare yourself to others. Nobody is perfect. They sometimes say that the grass is always greener at the neighbors. If you are focused on the idea that there will always be someone who has more money than you, or who looks better than you, you will find it difficult to be satisfied.
    • It may seem like other people are perfect, but they all have their own flaws.
    • When comparing yourself to others, stop and try to change your mind. Think of your unique traits that are just as interesting. Tell yourself it's okay to have those qualities.
    • Understand that most people are not out to judge you. Most people don't know how badly you did that math test last time, or if you've gained a little bit of weight since last summer.
  4. Forgive yourself. People who can accept themselves can also forgive themselves past mistakes, and don't let these states define who they are. Your history or mistakes don't define who you are. It's about what you choose today and who you are at the moment.
    • Consciously admit your mistakes and regrets. Think about all the mistakes you care about and forgive yourself for them. Say or think, "I made this mistake. I forgive myself for doing that. This makes me not a bad person. I choose not to make this mistake again."
    • Identify positive things you have done or achieved in the past. Examples include graduating, passing a test, maintaining a relationship, achieving a goal or helping someone else. These positive events may outweigh your mistakes, and they help you focus on the good sides of your history.

Method 2 of 3: Love who you are

  1. Determine your identity. You must first know who you are to love yourself. People who love themselves seem to have more positive feelings about themselves and are more satisfied with their own behavior. Loving yourself, in part, means that you really know who you are, or that you create a personal identity. These pieces of your identity shape who you are.
    • List all the important parts of your identity. Some examples of identities are: mother, child, athlete, grandchild, passionate person, dancer or writer. These are the important identities that you can learn to love and appreciate.
  2. Think positively about yourself. How you think about yourself influences your feelings and behavior. Judging your identity positively will make you feel happier about yourself as a whole.
    • Take some time to think about your strengths (everyone has them) and you'll find yourself happier and more confident!
    • Try to see things on the bright side!
    • Picture your positivity. By using your imagination you can become confident. Picture yourself as a confident person who is completely happy with who he / she is. How does that feel? What is happening? How did it get this far?
  3. Speak to yourself positively. Positive affirmations or thinking positively about yourself can increase self-confidence and reduce negative emotions such as fears.
    • If you feel bad about yourself, try to say something positive, such as, "It doesn't matter that I didn't get the grade I wanted for that test. That doesn't make me a bad student. I know I'm a good I'm a student, I just need to know how I can do better next time, everything will be fine ". The important thing is not to let these kinds of small mistakes be part of your identity. Don't think you're bad if you have a little more trouble with something.
  4. Respect yourself. Self-esteem is about treating yourself well and not allowing others to treat you badly.
    • Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Poor health can lead to a lack of well-being.
    • Set your limits. For example, don't joke about things that hurt your self-esteem. If you're struggling with your weight, don't joke about it to your friends because they'll think they can do it too.
  5. Work on your character. Good qualities such as wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance and transcendence can help you form a positive identity.
    • If you want to focus on helping others more, you can donate money or volunteer with a charity of your choice. This gives you the feeling that you are doing something back for society or the world as a whole.
  6. Create positive and achievable goals. Focus on changing things you can change. Having goals and working towards them will make you happier with who you are. In this way you develop towards your ideal self.
    • Find work. Being out of work is associated with a lack of well-being.
    • Let go of the things you cannot change. There are things you can work on (looking for a job, losing weight, etc.), but there are also things that you cannot change. Things like your height, ancestry and family are very difficult to change in a healthy way. Accept these things as they are and learn to deal with them.
  7. Do things that allow you to express yourself. This can increase your intrinsic motivation and overall happiness. It is important that you are intrinsically motivated because that means that you are able to motivate yourself and are less dependent on external rewards (praise from others, or financial gain) to achieve your goals.
    • These kinds of expressive activities include things that make you feel alive, complete and involved, things that suit you and feel you should be doing, and that allow you to be yourself completely.
    • Describe the meaning of your life. What do you want to be remembered for? Because you were a good parent, friend or helpful person?
    • Hold on. Never give up. Do not miss opportunities because you are afraid that you will make mistakes.

Method 3 of 3: Strengthen social bonds

  1. Be social. A lack of social contact can lead to a lack of well-being. Don't focus too much on yourself; take an interest in others.
    • Balance your personal and social identity. You can do this by being honest and sincere. Be yourself and don't pretend to be what you are.
    • Celebrate your achievements with others. This can produce a shared sense of happiness. Celebrate achievements such as a new job, promotion, grade, new home, engagement or marriage, etc.
  2. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Getting support is an important part of being happy with who you are. We need people around us who make us grow and who believe in us.
    • If you have a lot of negative people around you who put you down or who treat you badly, you need to determine whether these relationships are worth keeping.
  3. Get help from a friend. Good friends help you achieve your goals, whatever they are. Good friends tell you the truth, and they can help you feel better about yourself.
    • Talk to your friend about the aspects you are not happy with.
    • If you find it difficult to talk to friends about it, ask them if they ever feel inferior or unhappy about themselves and you may be surprised.
  4. Inspire and help others. Be inspiring to others; this can be a good quality to reinforce your positive identity. If you radiate positivity and happiness to others, you will likely acquire this positivity yourself.
    • If you find yourself fishing for compliments, turn it around! When you see how nice someone's hair is today, or what a nice T-shirt he / she is wearing, say so! This not only gives him / her a good feeling, but it also makes you happy.
  5. See a therapist. If you're unhappy with who you are and can't improve it, you may benefit from professional help. A psychologist or therapist can often help you set specific goals; they have a variety of psychological interventions that you can use to work toward greater self-love and happiness.
    • Contact your health insurer to find out if the therapy will be reimbursed.
    • If the therapy is not reimbursed, other options may be available. Ask your doctor if he / she can refer you to a suitable care provider.