How to fit a shirt and t-shirt to size

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tailor A T-Shirt
Video: How To Tailor A T-Shirt


Shirts and T-shirts that are too big for you do not paint your look. If you have a shirt or T-shirt that doesn't fit well, follow these instructions to get the size you want. You will need a sewing machine and some sewing skills to make a great piece.


Method 1 of 2: Fitting the shirt to fit

  1. 1 Wear a shirt that looks baggy. Ideally, it should sit well in the shoulders, but be wide on the body and arms. Shoulders are difficult to fit.
  2. 2 Turn the shirt inside out. The buttons must be fastened at all times. This can be difficult to do if the shirt is turned inside out, but you can button it up ahead of time. If it's big enough, just pull the shirt over your head.
    • If you usually wear a T-shirt under your shirt, be sure to wear it this time too.
  3. 3 Find some straight pins and ask a friend to help you with the next steps.
  4. 4 Pin up the side of the shirt with pins starting from the armpits. Pin the pins vertically along the hem of the shirt.
  5. 5 Ask a friend to pin pins all over the shirt. Measure the distance that you stabbed. It is best to measure at 3.8 cm so that there are no problems with pockets that have gone back.
    • Men's shirts do not have to be fitted around the waist, while women's shirts should be trimmed with an extra 1.27 cm to accentuate the waist.
  6. 6 Repeat the same steps on the other side of the body. Remember to compare the distance pinned on both sides. It should be the same.
  7. 7 Pinch and pin the hem of the sleeve from shoulder to forearm where the shirt begins to expand. If the sleeve width is normal, then skip this step. Measure so that the same distance is pinned on both sides.
    • Pin the pins horizontally with the head of the pin pointing towards the cuff.
    • Move, walk a little to make sure you are comfortable in the new size and have enough room to move your hand.
  8. 8 Unbutton and remove your shirt.
  9. 9 Prepare your sewing machine. Make sure the threaded thread matches the fabric of the shirt.
  10. 10 Sew the pin-pinned places from the shoulder to the very hem of the shirt, following the direction of the pins. Make sure the seam goes to the inside of the waist if it's a women's shirt.
    • Use a straight and back seam from top to bottom.
  11. 11 Repeat the same steps for the other side.
  12. 12 Turn the shirt inside out. Try to try it on. Make sure she sits well when moving her arms.
  13. 13 Cut off excess fabric, about 1.3 cm after the seam. Use sharp fabric scissors.

Method 2 of 2: Customizing the T-shirt

  1. 1 Find a large baggy T-shirt.
  2. 2 Find a T-shirt that fits you well. Use it as a template, turn it inside out.
  3. 3 Turn a large T-shirt inside out. Spread it out on your desktop.
  4. 4 Slip a smaller T-shirt over a baggy one. Circle the collars of both shirts. Make sure the template T-shirt is centered.
  5. 5 Circle the edges of the sleeves. Your lines may be slightly thicker for stitches if the smaller T-shirt fits flat.
    • If your big T-shirt is black, use a white pencil to draw the lines.
  6. 6 Pin both T-shirts together with pins along the edge of the template.
  7. 7 Prepare your sewing machine. Make sure the thread you inserted matches the fabric of the baggy T-shirt.
  8. 8 Sew the t-shirt along the edge of the line you have drawn with an even seam. Sew with straight and back stitches. You will be left with a few centimeters of excess fabric.
  9. 9 Try on the shirt while it is inside out. It should fit well. If not, open the seams you just made and repeat the procedure to make the shirt fit better.
  10. 10 Cut off unnecessary fabric, about 1.3 cm from the stitches.
  11. 11 Turn the shirt inside out. Try it on.
  12. 12 Look at the edges of the sleeves to see if they seem too long to you. If so, turn the shirt inside out, measure them again evenly around the entire circumference, and hem them 1.3 cm.


  • If your T-shirt or shirt is too small, you can open the seams and make the panels in contrasting or matching fabrics. Make a fold about 0.6 cm at the hem of the shirt. Do the same with your piece of fabric measuring 2.5 to 7.6 cm. Pin the fabric and sew the edges along the folds. Repeat this on the other side.
  • When adjusting a shirt or t-shirt to fit, you can fold it in half and hang it vertically to see if both sides are symmetrical. They must be of the same length at each adjustment step.

What do you need

  • Seam ripper
  • Straight pins
  • Fabric marker / pencil
  • Fabric scissors
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron