How to prepare for a long car trip

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To: Prep your car for a road trip
Video: How To: Prep your car for a road trip


One day your friends call you and ask if you would like to go on a trip with them. You agree, happily pack your things, and then ask them how they plan to get there. If you are told that you will go by car, then you better prepare in advance.


  1. 1 Make lists one to two weeks before your trip. Make a list of things to take with you and another list of things to do before you travel. The list may include the following: preparing the car for the trip, washing it, polishing it and / or cleaning it. This will help you worry less about forgetting something, as everything will be written down on paper.
  2. 2 Pack your belongings a few days in advance. This will give you a chance to think about what else you need to add or take away, and, in general, you will be less worried about the trip.
  3. 3 Pack your extra carry-on baggage. In such baggage, you can put books, electronic entertainment (portable games, mp3 players, laptops, DVDs, if the car has a DVD player, etc.), non-perishable snacks and snacks (for example, cereal bars or cookies), and cold drinks. Remember that if you bring carbonated drinks with you, gas may escape from them.
  4. 4 Make sure you pack everything you need, including toys, to keep your child entertained on the go. If you have a portable DVD player, make sure everything in the car is ready for installation the day before, the day before you leave - this will save you time.
  5. 5 Charge all electronic devices. Even if you have a car charger, you will probably be much more comfortable sitting in the backseat with your phone or tablet, rather than getting tangled up in cords.
  6. 6 Put on something comfortable! Wear something comfortable underneath your regular clothes (even possibly pajamas). You don't want to feel uncomfortable with uncomfortable clothing throughout a long trip.
  7. 7 Take a bag that is large enough. It is not necessary to cram all your luggage, it is much better to take a bag or a slightly larger suitcase.
  8. 8 When getting into the car, choose your seat. Try not to sit behind someone who likes to tilt the seat back. A window seat is usually a good choice, as there you can open a window if you want some fresh air and can see the sights as you pass by.
  9. 9 Talk to other passengers before starting your journey. If you are traveling with other people, make sure everything is planned out. Discuss when you will be stopping for rest and changing places to get behind the wheel.
  10. 10 Check everything one last time before you travel. Before leaving, check that everyone has used the toilet, that you have money for gas, that you have something to entertain yourself on the trip and that you have not left anything at home.
  11. 11 Travel to your destination. Mark this location on your GPS system if you have a navigator or related devices. Stop along the way to rest to eat or to use the toilet if necessary.
  12. 12 Book your hotel 2-3 days before arriving at your destination. Advance booking of the hotel guarantees availability.
  13. 13 Take chewing gum with you on your trip. Chewing gum is always useful when traveling as it soothes and keeps you from getting bored.


  • Remember to bring one or two bags to put your trash and dirty items in.
  • Eating healthy is the key to success, but that doesn't mean you can't eat sweets. Grab some candy or a packet of cookies, or make special stops to shop for sweets.These stops will give you what to look forward to besides arriving at your destination.
  • If the car is completely filled with people, try not to sit next to the person who annoys you.
  • In case you have an accident or your car breaks down, pack blankets, flashlights, a first aid kit, including pain relievers and drinking water.
  • If you are taking films with you, then take those that everyone will like.
  • If you are driving, then try to have another adult with you who can replace you at the wheel.
  • Make sure all your electronic devices (iPad, iPhone, DS, Game Boy, etc.) are charged before traveling.
  • If you are on a long trip, bring a bottle of water with you so you can drink enough fluids.
  • If you are not driving, bring plenty of extra pillows and blankets with you. They will help make a great nest for you to sleep or read in privacy.
  • Talking to other passengers can also be good fun on the road.
  • You can play different games on the road.
  • It might be a good idea to take energy drinks with you on the road.
  • Bring a small snack and water with you so you don't have to stop along the way.


  • If you have motion sickness, take your motion sickness pills before leaving and take the package with you, just in case. Even people who are not usually susceptible to motion sickness may feel nauseous from time to time on the road.
  • Check your car a couple of days before the trip so as not to worry about breakdowns and your own safety.