How to keep the conversation going through text messages

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Message Any Girl from Opener to Date (Ultimate Text Game Framework)
Video: How To Message Any Girl from Opener to Date (Ultimate Text Game Framework)


Text messaging is a convenient way to meet a new person or chat with old friends. If you find it difficult to maintain such a conversation, then there are a number of tricks that will help you communicate in a fun and easy way. Ask open-ended questions and discuss interesting topics. Write meaningful messages and be a pleasant conversationalist so you don't get bored and exchange thoughts regularly.


Method 1 of 3: Ask Questions

  1. 1 Ask open-ended questions. This question cannot be answered simply “Yes” or “No”. Ask open-ended questions and continue the conversation based on the answer.
    • For example, ask the other person: "How do you imagine the perfect vacation?" or "How do you like to spend your free time?"
  2. 2 Ask the person to tell you something. Ask a question about your favorite movie, restaurant, food, work, animals. Don't end the conversation after answering. Use it as a starting point for your next conversation.
    • For example, send the message “Tell me, how's your new job?” or “How was your trip to Prague? I think it was unforgettable. "
  3. 3 Ask clarifying questions when the person talks about themselves. Do not rush to move on to other matters. Try to develop the topic and ask clarifying questions. So you show your attentiveness, interest and desire to find a common language.
    • For example, if the interlocutor writes that he thinks with horror about the need to go to work, then ask: “Did something happen? Don't you like your job? ”.
  4. 4 Offer help. If the person often complains about a certain situation or says they are depressed, then offer your help. Everyone enjoys interacting with people who are caring.
    • For example, if the interlocutor talks about conflicts in the family, then write in response: "This is all just awful. I'm sorry. Can I help you somehow?"

Method 2 of 3: Send interesting messages

  1. 1 Chat about your favorite topics. A person can always talk for a very long time about what he likes, so favorite topics help keep the conversation going. You can even make a mental list of topics so you always have something to say.
    • For example, send the following message “Watching one of the first paintings by Alfred Hitchcock.I love classic horror films so much! ” or “Can't wait for summer to watch the FIFA World Cup.”
  2. 2 Share jokes. Use jokes to make the conversation more friendly and cheer up the other person. Jokes should be appropriate. Do not use black humor in a conversation with an unfamiliar person (if he did not say directly that he likes such jokes). Jokes should be simple and funny.
    • If you can't come up with a suitable joke, then submit a funny picture or animation.
  3. 3 Discuss posts on social media. If you liked an article that a person posted on Facebook, then tell me about it. If he shares a photo of an unusual dish from a restaurant, ask about that place. It is important that you follow each other on social networks, otherwise the person will not understand how you know about his publications. He may find you annoying or weird.
  4. 4 Submit a photo or video. Try to share interesting and relevant content. Have you recently cycled and taken some pictures in the park? Share a couple of these photos with the other person. Submit a video of a dog behaving in a rather unusual manner. Use such content as branching out of the conversation. It is important to explain the context so that the interlocutor does not wonder why you sent this or that picture.
    • For example, if you shared a snapshot of your drawing, write something like, “Just finished a new watercolor drawing. Spent three whole weeks on it. What do you think?".

Method 3 of 3: Be a pleasant conversationalist

  1. 1 You don't need to play a major role in the conversation. Let the person tell you about themselves. People like talking about themselves, so the other person may lose interest in the conversation if you re-interpret the conversation over and over again.
    • For example, if a person said that he had a difficult day, then instead of answering: “Me too. I missed the bus and arrived late for work ”write:“ It's always unpleasant. Do you want to discuss the situation? If you feel better, then I also had a bad day. "
  2. 2 Do not force the person to talk about things they are not interested in. If the other person is not interested in your chosen topic, then talk about something else. You do not need to stand your ground, otherwise he may become isolated and not respond to messages.
  3. 3 Reply to messages in a timely manner. The conversation can be dwindled by late responses. You don't have to answer immediately, but try to stay within 15 minutes. If you are busy right now and there is no time for a full answer, then apologize and promise to answer as soon as possible, otherwise the interlocutor may think that you are ignoring him.