How to drink beer "Corona"

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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1 Chill the Corona beer. You can put your beer in the freezer, refrigerator, or cooler bag. Depending on the cooling method and the initial temperature of the beer, it can take you anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours to chill, so consider how soon you are going to open it when choosing a cooling method.
  • Be careful not to leave beer in the freezer for more than 30 minutes, or the bottle may burst.
  • The quickest way to chill a beer is to put it in ice water (water gives off cold faster). If you are chilling beer using this method, leave the ice in the cooler for an hour or more to melt slightly. Then add Corona beer to it.
  • 2 Open a bottle of Corona beer and add salt and lime. Remove the cap with a bottle opener - you will need it for any Corona bottle. Sprinkle a little sea salt or salt-based condiment over the neck of the bottle. Place a slice of lime on the neck and squeeze the juice out of it into the bottle. Press down on a slice of lime until it falls into the bottle and adds even more flavor to the beer.
    • If you want the lime to mix even more with the beer, try plugging the neck with your thumb and gently flipping the bottle a few times. Be careful not to overturn the bottle very quickly, as this will increase gassing and fountain the beer.
  • 3 Enjoy Corona beer. But don't forget about the reasonable limits!
  • Method 2 of 2: Corona Beer Cocktails

    1. 1 Chill the Corona beer. Chill the beer using the advice in step 1 of the previous method. For all cocktail recipes, you will need a chilled Corona beer.
    2. 2 Make your Corona mix. Pour half a bottle of Corona into a mixer or empty glass.Add one or more of the following ingredients: lemon, Tabasco sauce, hot tomato juice, salt and / or pepper - and stir. These are the ingredients most often blended with Corona, besides the classic lime and salt combination. Adding them to your beer will improve its flavor and will be fun to experiment with.
      • If you choose to use only one or two of the above ingredients, you can skip the mixer and add them directly to the bottle.
      • Before adding each of these ingredients, make sure you like the flavor. You can also try different combinations of ingredients by mixing them with beer in small glasses.
      • Add a few ice cubes to a mixer or glass if the beer gets warm in the process.
    3. 3 Make the Red Crown. Add 1 shot of vodka, 1 teaspoon of grenadine, and 1 slice of lime to a 7/8 full bottle of Corona beer.
      • Remember to plug the neck of the bottle with your thumb and slowly turn the bottle over several times to ensure that all the ingredients are well mixed. Be careful: if you turn the bottle over quickly, gas will come out of the beer.
      • If you find it uncomfortable to mix ingredients right in the bottle, do it in a glass or mixer.
    4. 4 Make a Mexican Bulldog cocktail. Place 30 ml tequila, 200-300 ml margarita cocktail mix (syrup made from water, sugar and lime juice) and 8-10 ice cubes in a blender. Mix the ingredients well to make a homogeneous mass. Pour the mixture into a 500 ml or larger glass and dip the inverted bottle of Corona beer into it.
      • Make sure the glass is large and wide enough so that it doesn't tip over when you dip the bottle into it. If you only have small glasses or glasses try Coronita beer (small Corona).
    5. 5 Sip your cocktail with Corona beer. Regardless of what you decide to add to your Corona beer, it will always be delicious, because it is Corona! Don't forget to add lime and salt if you haven't already.


    • To keep Corona cold while you drink it, get a special beer cooler and place the open bottle inside. This will keep the beer cold for longer.
    • Corona beer should be consumed cold. Drinking warm beer can lead to nausea and possibly even an upset stomach. Moreover, you will not be able to fully enjoy the taste of the drink.
    • All of the recipes above use Corona in a bottle, but you can go for canned beer if not otherwise. However, making cocktails is easier with a bottle.
    • Corona Extra is preferred over Corona Light.


    • If you are chilling Corona beer in the freezer, do not leave it for more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, the bottle may burst and you will have to clean out the freezer.
    • Corona beer is an alcoholic beverage. Drink it wisely and in moderation.

    What do you need

    • Way to chill beer (refrigerator, cooler)
    • Corona beer
    • Sea salt
    • Lime slices
    • Ground chilli
    • Lemon juice
    • Salt
    • Black pepper
    • Tabasco sauce
    • Spicy tomato juice
    • Vodka
    • Tequila
    • Lime mix for "Margarita" cocktail
    • Syrup "Grenadine"