How to drink hot tea

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Stop Drinking Hot Coffee & Tea
Video: Stop Drinking Hot Coffee & Tea


Drinking hot tea is very pleasant. It's a good way to relax and hydrate your body, and tea is also good for your health. There are many different types of tea, each with a wide variety of tastes. If you brew tea and it turns out to be bitter, then you can add spices or sweeten it. If you brew tea at the right temperature and the right amount of time, then you will definitely get a cup of delicious and healthy tea.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Tea

  1. 1 Choose your tea based on its health benefits. Different types of tea provide different health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol levels or helping fight stress. Think about the purpose for which you would like to drink a cup of tea, and choose the type of tea that has the corresponding beneficial properties.
    • Green tea contains many antioxidants that may be helpful in preventing certain types of cancer. Green tea is also thought to help burn fat, lower cholesterol, and help fight stress.
    • Black tea, depending on the quality, can help relieve stress, reduce. cholesterol levels, heart health, and so on.
    • White tea, also depending on the quality, is rich in antioxidants.
    • Fruit teas are varied and serve as a good alternative to carbonated drinks.
  2. 2 Decide on the amount of caffeine in your tea. Real tea obtained from a tea bush (Chinese camellia) always contains caffeine - it can be black tea, oolong tea, green tea, white tea, and so on. The amount of caffeine depends on the type of tea and the brewing method. On average, one cup of tea (240 ml) contains 15 to 70 mg of caffeine. There are decaffeinated teas, they can contain 98% less caffeine than regular teas, meaning there will be less than 2 mg of caffeine in one mug. Herbal teas are usually caffeine-free, so they are good to drink in the evening.
    • Many tea manufacturers indicate the amount of caffeine on the packaging.
  3. 3 Prepare a flavoring or sweetener. Some types of tea (like green tea) can taste slightly bitter, so not everyone likes to drink them just like that. A wide variety of sweeteners and flavors can be added to tea to make it sweeter. You can add various spices to make your morning tea more invigorating, or add sugar or honey to enhance the flavor of the tea.
    • Add a cinnamon stick to your tea for a spicy flavor.
    • Milk or cream is often added to tea. This allows not only to cool it down, but also to give it a creamy taste. Some people prefer plant-based milk - almond, soy, or coconut. It is best not to add milk to teas that contain citrus oils (such as Earl Gray) as it can curdle.
    • Lemon goes well with all types of black tea.
    • You can sweeten the bitter green tea with a little maple syrup, brown sugar, or honey.

Part 2 of 3: Brewing tea

  1. 1 Boil water. Pour fresh cold water into a saucepan or kettle and bring to a boil. When the water starts to boil, turn off the kettle or remove the pot from the heat. Different types of teas need to be brewed at different temperatures, so first check the temperature of the water you want to brew for the type of tea you are going to drink. You can boil water both in an electric kettle and in an ordinary kettle.
    • Black tea should be brewed with boiling or nearly boiling water, the temperature of which is 93–100 ºС.
    • Green and white teas are more delicate and can be scalded with too hot water. Such teas should be brewed with water that has not yet reached a boil or has cooled slightly after boiling. For brewing green tea, the water temperature should be about 70–82 ° C, and for white tea, less than 80 ° C.
    • A kitchen thermometer can be helpful in determining the temperature of the water.
  2. 2 Pour water into a teapot. When the water is at the appropriate temperature, pour it into the teapot in which you intend to brew the tea. Teapots are made from different materials: iron, glass or porcelain. If desired, the tea bag can be brewed directly in the mug.
    • Some materials (such as iron) retain heat longer and are therefore better suited for brewing teas that require a higher temperature. Porcelain, on the other hand, cools faster, so it is better suited for more delicate teas.
    • Pouring water into a cold teapot will lower the temperature of the water. Make sure the pot you are brewing the tea in is at room temperature or slightly warmed. Be especially careful when pouring boiling water into a glass or porcelain vessel, as the sudden temperature changes can cause cracks in the glass or porcelain.
    • If you are brewing only one mug of tea, you can pour water directly into the mug from which you will drink the tea.
  3. 3 Add tea to the teapot. As soon as you pour hot water into the kettle or other container, you can add the tea leaves. You can simply fill up the tea leaves, use tea bags, or resort to using a special tea strainer. Tea bags or strainers will be easier to get out of the water, however, tea lovers prefer to use loose tea, because when the tea leaves can float freely in the water, the taste is richer and fuller.
  4. 4 Brew the tea for the right amount of time. The biggest mistake most people make is brewing tea for too long. If you brew the tea for too long, it will lose all flavor and become too bitter. Different types of tea need to be brewed for different amounts of time, so be sure to pay attention to how long it takes to brew the tea.
    • White tea should be brewed for 1-3 minutes.
    • Green tea should be brewed for 3 minutes.
    • Oolong tea and black tea should be brewed for 3-5 minutes.
    • Many tea manufacturers list the recommended brewing times for a particular tea on their packaging, so be sure to check the instructions on the packaging.
  5. 5 Remove the tea from the teapot and pour into cups. Before pouring tea into cups, you must remove the tea leaves. If you've used tea bags or a tea strainer, this is very easy to do, and you can easily and quickly pour the tea into your cups. If you have brewed tea leaves directly in a teapot, then you will have to strain the tea. Pour tea into cups through a strainer.

Part 3 of 3: Drinking Tea

  1. 1 Add sweeteners and flavorings. If desired, add sugar or any other sweetener and / or flavoring agent to the tea before drinking it. Stir the tea well so that the sugar is completely dissolved and evenly distributed throughout the cup.
  2. 2 Let the tea cool slightly before drinking it. It is very important to let the tea cool so as not to burn your tongue or palate when you drink it. In addition, there is an assumption that the constant consumption of too hot drinks increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer. So it is very important to cool the tea slightly before drinking.
  3. 3 Enjoy your tea. When the tea has cooled down a bit, it's time to enjoy it! First, enjoy the deep aroma of the tea before taking a sip. Drink tea thinking that it is good for your body and that it saturates your body. Relax while drinking tea, which provides your body with beneficial antioxidants and beneficial effects on health.


  • Learn how to brew different types of tea properly.
  • Drink tea with something tasty if you want to take a short break during the day and relax.
  • Make tea a part of your routine - a moment to relax.


  • The boiling water is very hot and you could get severe burns. Be careful when boiling water and brewing tea with boiling water.
  • Until now, there have been no detailed studies of herbal teas and their effects on humans. Drink herbal teas with caution, especially if you are unsure of how they affect your health.
  • Make sure the tea is of high quality and from a source you trust. Some teas are grown using substances that can be harmful to health. In addition, substances that are also harmful to health can be used to remove caffeine from tea.