How to deal with rejection from someone you like

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
One Mindset to Conquer Rejection
Video: One Mindset to Conquer Rejection


Confessing sympathy is always difficult, and refusal can be very painful. Many people believe that giving up the object of sympathy is comparable to breaking up, as if they are already in a relationship. Your reaction to rejection and your ability to move on are important. Learn how you can deal with the rejection of the person you like so that you can pick up the pieces of your feelings and strive for a new relationship.


Part 1 of 3: How to Maintain a Positive Mindset

  1. 1 Don't get angry. It's perfectly okay to feel upset and hurt after a refusal, but anger will get you nowhere. Anger is especially dangerous if you are in love with a close friend, because anger can destroy friendships.
    • Wish the person good luck and try to smile. If you were close friends, then tell the person you like that you would like to keep the friendship and hope that the situation will not affect your relationship. This is the best way to save face and friends after rejection.
  2. 2 Spend time with your friends. One of the best ways to heal a broken heart and survive rejection is to surround yourself with friends. In a difficult situation, it is important to spend time with friends and go to the movies, have dinner together, have a get-together in a bar (if you are old enough), or just socialize at home.
    • Tell your friends that you are going through a difficult period, and also ask them to see you more often. Some friends themselves will offer to meet, and some will need to be invited to meetings. If they haven't reached out to you themselves, contact your friends and ask them to keep you company.
  3. 3 Do what you love. Strive to do things that bring you joy to deal with the pain of rejection. Start listening to music, reading books, watching movies, walking around town or cycling, as doing your favorite things can help improve your mood and think positively during difficult times.
  4. 4 Start journaling. Some people think that keeping a diary is useless, but researchers have found that writing down your thoughts helps to see the situation from the outside and maintain a positive attitude.
    • Kupine is a new high-quality notebook. A good notebook will keep it looking everyday and motivate you to take notes regularly.
    • Try to keep a journal every day. Set a timer to force yourself to take notes for a specific amount of time.
    • Feel free to experiment. The diary is for your eyes only, so write openly and honestly. Allow yourself not to think about each sentence in advance, but simply put your thoughts on paper. The text does not have to be perfectly written and articulated. Record your thoughts, feelings, or observations.
  5. 5 Get help in a timely manner. Perhaps you heard a refusal in the presence of a group of people and now feel awkward or have high hopes that everything will work out with the person. Either way, don't be afraid to talk about your feelings if you're devastated by rejection. See a specialist if you think family and friends won't be able to help.
    • Schools and universities often have a staff psychologist. You can also find a specialist on the Internet.

Part 2 of 3: Coping with rejection

  1. 1 Get rid of your fear of rejection. It's okay to feel hurt and hurt after a rejection, but don't let yourself be afraid of future rejection. Such fear and evasive behavior translates into a tendency to dramatize, when a person believes that one situation is part of a larger and more serious pattern.
    • Of course, refusal can be painful and uncomfortable, but it is not a decisive question of life and death.
    • Don't take rejection as permanent. In the future, new opportunities will surely open up in front of you.
  2. 2 Separate yourself and rejection. Many people look for reasons for rejection within themselves. It is easy to think that rejection is a reflection of your value, but this idea is infinitely far from the truth. You probably fell in love with some people and did not feel reciprocal feelings for others, but this does not say anything about the degree of attractiveness or value of such people. More often than not, it all comes down to the compatibility of two people. In some cases, the person is simply not ready for the relationship. One way or another, you shouldn't blame yourself for the situation.
    • Never let other people's approvals and rejections affect your self-esteem. Remember that you are beautiful on your own.
  3. 3 Treat rejection as an opportunity. Undoubtedly, the lack of reciprocity is unpleasant and a little painful, but this is just the attitude of one person who does not suit you. It's better to view rejection as an opportunity to be in a more pleasant situation in which the other person shares your feelings.
    • If the object of your sympathy decided that you are not suitable for each other, then this only means that there is a person in the world with whom you will be much more suitable for each other.

Part 3 of 3: How to Meet the Right Person

  1. 1 Create a portrait of your ideal partner. If you heard the refusal of the object of your sympathy, then you were probably more attracted by appearance than personal qualities. In any case, now is the right time to honestly answer the question of how you envision your ideal partner.
    • Consider the personality traits of your ideal partner. Perhaps you want to find a kind and caring person, or value reliability highly. Having common interests and views is also an important factor for many people. Whichever image of your ideal partner turns out to be, determine your preferences before falling in love again.
  2. 2 Notice your emotional reactions. A portrait of your ideal partner will determine the type of person to actively seek out, but you will also experience unspoken emotional reactions to all the people you meet. Sometimes we do not notice these reactions because of the bright appearance or charm of a person, but it is useful to learn how to identify our emotional reactions to people.
    • Emotional responses are usually involuntary, which means they cannot be influenced. But if you gradually analyze your emotions (for example, keep a diary), then you can learn to recognize the emotional reaction to a person.
  3. 3 Evaluate real human compatibility. Even if he has the qualities you want in your partner and elicits a positive emotional response from you, people don't always fit together in the context of long-term compatibility. It is important to learn to assess real, complete compatibility with a person in order to build meaningful long-term relationships, and not to experience early disappointment.
    • Consider the desired personality traits of the person. Do they add up to a certain "type"? Do you usually get along well with people like this? Or do you evaluate people you like only with a superficial glance?
    • Trust your intuition. If you meet an attractive person with whom you have little in common, your relationship is unlikely to work out well and you probably already know about it. Learn to trust your intuition when evaluating potential partners to avoid future pain and disappointment.


  • This is not the end of the world. The pain of rejection won't last forever.
  • Don't take the situation personally. Perhaps the person is simply not ready for a relationship or is not suitable for you. In any case, this is not your fault.
  • Remember that you are not alone. A lot of people hear rejections every day.
  • Treat rejection as an opportunity. Now you know you don’t have to waste time feeling for someone that doesn’t reciprocate with you, and you’ll be ready when you meet the right candidate.
  • Take pride in knowing that you had the strength and courage to confess your feelings. Find a person who has similar traits and appearance to the object of sympathy, from whom you received rejection. Perhaps such a person will like you.
  • Don't let other people determine or control your feelings, the world is full of other candidates. Time cures. Accept the situation as a life lesson and experience.
  • Walk away and face the situation with dignity.
  • Failures happen to everyone! Accept rejection and move towards the right person.


  • Don't make the person feel guilty. This will not change his mind and will only increase the awkwardness or ruin the relationship between you.
  • You don't need to be angry with a person for his feelings.It is not his fault that he does not feel reciprocal feelings.
  • See a specialist if you are experiencing severe pain or sadness. Share your feelings with friends and family so they can comfort you.