How to survive Thanksgiving if you're a vegetarian

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Hunt and Kill a Raw Vegan Turkey (Thanksgiving Special)
Video: How to Hunt and Kill a Raw Vegan Turkey (Thanksgiving Special)


Yeah, being a vegetarian is easy until a dozen relatives and a stuffed bird appear in front of you. How to keep yourself together? Well, there is a strategy. And with wikihow you get to know it.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare for Success

  1. 1 If you are an absolute zero in eating meat, tell the hostess about it. You need to know exactly what is in the dishes. Isn't that chicken broth in the filling? How about gravy? And what do they think about what you want to eat? You know them best - what will they say?
    • Offer to compromise. You can offer the hostess (to take the load off your shoulders) and offer help in cooking (this way, you will influence some recipes, as well as save yourself from the "meat" stage of cooking) or offer to bring your own food yourself. You definitely need to plan your menu together!
  2. 2 If you can lie a little, you may not remind everyone about it at all. Many vegetarians think that if you don't give it too much importance, everyone else will spit. That is, if you can use logic, common mind and suck up a little (Mmmm, granny, it looks sooooo tasty, what is it?), Then Thanksgiving Day can pass for you without Uncle Petit, who will trying to put bacon on your face. Tasting some chicken once a year doesn't make the vegetarian gods leave all their golden stars away.
  3. 3 Know your society. You know how the family will react. If Aunt Masha disagrees with you when you tell her “I have a terrible video for you, Aunt Masha, about a real nightmare on agricultural farms,” don't waste your time. Instead, say, “I'm trying to be as healthy as possible. Vegetarians live longer, we have low heart attacks and cancer ratings, and you know our history of high blood pressure. ” In other words, speak their language. If they see real reasons, they may be more willing to compromise.
    • You know that your annoying uncle wants to make you laugh. When you are left with countless jokes about tofurki, don't be alarmed. Your clumsy relatives are just trying to communicate with you in the way they know. The most honest reaction on your part is simply not to answer. Smile anyway.
  4. 4 Accept offers from the hostess. Gathering for Thanksgiving, needing your 94-year-old meat-and-potato granny, who has probably cooked for half a century, and ultimately leaving food for dogs to eat is at least cruel. Give her some tips! If she doesn't want you to spin around in the kitchen while she cooks (or doesn't want you to bring your meals), there are a few things you can point out to her.
    • You know what to push on. Mushroom gravy. Use olive oil instead of butter. Almond milk instead of dairy products. Coconut milk on sweet potatoes. Vegetable broth instead of chicken. Blah blah blah and so on to infinity.
    • Ask for a serving that doesn't have meat or other dairy products. And you will be happy to join in eating mushroom gravy and vegetable broth.

Part 2 of 2: Capture That Big Day

  1. 1 Make your own meals. If the hostess doesn't mind, of course. If anything, she should be grateful that you care about it. Indeed, vegetarian dishes are very tasty, many will try them with pleasure!
    • You can work wonders with pumpkin, potatoes, beans, and pasta. Vegetarianism is the diet of the future (voice of the chorus, no?); you can spend days finding recipes for the next round.
    • Start your own tradition. Anyone know acorn porridge? Do you have a favorite vegetarian recipe? This can be part of your Thanksgiving Day. More and more people are becoming interested in healthy eating - or at least trying to avoid excess weight during the holidays!
  2. 2 Buy ready-made meals. Many health food stores (like Whole Foods) do Thanksgiving meals (select meals) that cater to vegetarians. So if you don't want to spend hours on the internet searching for kale and lentil recipes, you will be pleased to know that someone else is doing the job for you.
    • Whole Foods even runs vegetarian cooking training. Do you know how to cook cabbage? Do you know how to make cashew cream? Convenient hint.
  3. 3 Throw in vegetarian meals. Since you can eat the portions that are on the table, you can jump over to vegetarian options. If you are sitting at a table with ten people, and the puree is on your left, you need to make a titanic effort to get it. It's not rude - you just need to eat!
  4. 4 Do not eat rolls. Vegetarianism will not make you healthy. If you eat a dozen rolls on a turkey day, don't think it's a good idea. Make sure there are plenty of vegetarian options on the table (if possible) and get your vitamins and nutrients. Think vegetarians - no rolls for dessert!
  5. 5 Do not be nervous. One dish with meat may be the reason. If there is even one bite of meat in there, it’s just one bite out of a thousand that you can eat in a year. This is 1%. The industry won't get hurt, the animals won't reject you, and your vegan friends won't judge you. As long as you follow your principles, don't let your dietary rules ruin your holiday! You should be grateful, remember?