How to stop being dependent on mood

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Relationships & Mental Health: When Being Too Dependent Is a Disorder
Video: Relationships & Mental Health: When Being Too Dependent Is a Disorder


Do you sometimes have thoughts that other people seem more cheerful, full of energy, and easier to lift than you? Do you want to stop taking life too seriously and constantly pondering your problems? Well then follow the tips below as this article is just for you!


  1. 1 Stop thinking about your problems. It is clear that this is very difficult, and that difficult memories and regrets are difficult to get rid of, but you need to try. Think of it as if it were happy times. Try to spend as much time with joyful people as possible so that you have the opportunity to push these difficult thoughts as far as possible.
  2. 2 Stop constantly listening to your MP3, iPod or Walkman and hiding in yourself. If you want to be happy, stop hanging out in your room or huddled in a corner listening to sad music that makes you want to mourn your uncomfortable life.It doesn't help, honestly. Spend the day not listening to music at all. If you are very tempted to turn it back on, head out to meet some friends. This will help you develop socialization skills that will come in handy in the future! As a last resort, if you REALLY cannot do without it, listen to music, BUT use only one earpiece, and leave the other ear free to perceive the pleasant moments of life around you - to which you are now blind - and stay in the present. If you turn on music, choose songs that are uplifting and inspiring!
  3. 3 Remember that a positive approach to life is installation. It may seem to you that the end of the world has come, or that your life is completely destroyed, but this is not so. This is just your pessimistic thinking! If you are one of those people who likes to think, then think deeply about everything that worries you so much. Dig deeper and find out why you are constantly in a bad mood. Wake up in the morning and do something that will give you the opportunity to appreciate this life - watch the sunrise, take a morning run in the park, and so on. Tune in to a positive wave and NEVER take your life for granted.
  4. 4 Do things that make you happy, think positive, and spend time with people who know how to enjoy life. As a rule, happiness is contagious, and if there is a happy person next to you, then there is a great chance that you will feel happier too. If your mind keeps returning to problems, take your day. Go to the library and immerse yourself in books; start going to workouts at the gym; Come up with a new hobby - whatever, if only it takes away enough energy and time from you! By engaging yourself, you will see how immersion in activity drives the bad thoughts out of your head. Do even something stupid that allows you to laugh at yourself - this also creates a feeling of freedom and happiness. Relax! Don't make yourself laugh, but have a little fun on your own. If you want, imagine you are giving a concert and turn your room into a concert hall or stadium. Sing, dance, act out, whatever! Laugh, smile, wink, flirt - to tears and pain in the stomach from laughter!


  • Live in the present! Try not to delve into memories of the past or plan too far into the future. Always remember: the past created your present, and the future is built on it. Every move you make, every action you take now affects what happens next.
  • Always remember this is a question installations and mentality, NOT the situation. You will never find yourself in a situation from which there is no way out, no matter how you yourself see it in the moment. Don't do anything that makes you think about how unhappy you are and how despair / guilt / regret you are. NEVER allow yourself to be discouraged.
  • Take the time to learn to appreciate life. Never take it for granted, enjoy it.
  • Find someone who can help you. Whether it's a neighbor or a friend. You can even just give a smile to a stranger, because a person is happier when he gives than when he receives.


  • Remember, you can't force yourself to be happy. Happiness must come from within. What's the point in pretending if you don't feel this way? You will only confuse yourself MORE MORE!
  • Don't overdo it on happiness. Make sure that this is your sincere condition. If you're just pretending to be happy to please others or even yourself, you're just trying to convince yourself that there isn't.

What do you need

  • Cheerful friends
  • Good classes
  • Joyful and encouraging songs