How to stop being ashamed of your weight

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Living without shame: How we can empower ourselves | Whitney Thore | TEDxGreensboro
Video: Living without shame: How we can empower ourselves | Whitney Thore | TEDxGreensboro


Self-doubt has different manifestations and affects different areas of life. If you are shy about your weight or physique, you may be trying to hide under layers of clothing and stay at home. Surprisingly, not only girls are worried about their figure - some guys also have it. In fact, people of different builds can worry about their bodies, even if they do not have excess weight. There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, start accepting your body as it is and love your figure.


Method 1 of 3: Get Rid of Shyness

  1. 1 Remind yourself that your feelings are subjective. When you feel shy, you feel like everyone is looking at you, that you are in full view, and that everyone is looking at your shortcomings first. Know that this is just a feeling. Most of the time, people are so self-absorbed that they just don't have time to study you.
    • In times when you will feel extreme embarrassment, do not keep your feelings to yourself. Tell a close friend about what's happening to you. This way you can hear an objective opinion of yourself.
  2. 2 Understand why you are shy. To stop doubting yourself, you need to find out why this is happening at all. Were you bullied as a child because of your weight? Does a certain person make you feel uncomfortable? Maybe your parents tell you all the time that you need to lose weight?
  3. 3 Deal with people who make you nervous about weight. If your lack of self-confidence stems from judgments from other people, you have two options. You will need to consider whether the relationship with the person is worth the pain that he causes with his remarks and judgments.
    • If this person is a simple acquaintance or not very close friend, the easiest way is to break off relations with him. You deserve a good relationship where you are supported, not hurt.
    • If this is a close friend or relative, you will need to talk to him. The person needs to know how their comments affect you. If you say what you think, perhaps the person will understand that he should not say that, and will stop insulting or judging you.
    • If you decide to talk to a person, let them know in advance that you want to talk and meet them in neutral territory. Don't blame the person and only talk about your feelings using “I-statements”. Support your statements with facts. Say something like, “I feel sad / upset / upset / when you make comments about my weight. I would like you to stop talking about it. "
  4. 4 Ask yourself if others are really judging you. If you haven't been able to find the cause of your self-doubt, it may mean that these feelings are at a deeper level within you. Perhaps you feel insecure about the beauty standards that are being talked about in the media. Perhaps your figure does not resemble the figures of models or actresses, and you are upset. You may have tried to lose weight in the past, but you failed, and you beat yourself up for it.
    • It's time to deal with beauty standards. Both women and men idealize the flawless bodies that are shown on TV and in magazines, subjecting pictures to retouching. Remind yourself that there are many different shapes. Look around and you will see many beautiful people with all kinds of shapes.

Method 2 of 3: Accept yourself

  1. 1 Learn to accept yourself as you are. Even if you are overweight, your body is an amazing machine. The heart never stops beating, the brain is a supercomputer, the eyes see the beauty of the surrounding world. You should be grateful that you can see, hear, smell, move and think for yourself. Try simple exercises to help you love your body.
    • Getting out of bed every morning, admire the strength and endurance of your body. Your legs help you move. With your hands you tie shoelaces and hold objects. The nose can catch the smell of fresh coffee. Isn't your body wonderful?
    • Stand in front of a mirror and think positively about what you see. Before you shower or get dressed, stand in your underwear or without clothes in front of a mirror and examine your amazing body. Tell yourself this: “I completely accept myself and love myself as I am. I am grateful for this beautiful body and for the fact that I live. "
  2. 2 Fight bad thoughts. If bad thoughts creep into your head during the exercise, don't let them grow. Think about how amazing your body is.
    • Try to reformulate negative thoughts so that they become positive. You will have to practice, but over time, you will learn to recognize harmful or negative thoughts (that is, those that make you feel bad), stop them and replace them with positive ones.
    • For example, you might want to say, “I look terrible in this outfit. Everyone will laugh at me. " Think about whether there was such a thing that everyone really laughed at you. If not, say this: “Everyone has different ideas about fashion. I love this outfit, and this is the most important thing. " This thought will not only be more positive, but also more realistic.
  3. 3 Reconsider your beliefs. Sometimes a person treats himself badly because of deep-rooted beliefs about what he should or should not be.Here's an example of this belief: "To be attractive, I have to be thin." Get rid of beliefs that get in your way.
    • Think about how you would react if you found out that your close friend hates himself because of his body. You would probably tell him that he is handsome. You would point out all of his strengths and say that he can achieve a lot.
    • Tell yourself this when you feel overwhelmed by negative beliefs about your body. Say this: “I am smart. I have beautiful skin. I looked great in that dress yesterday. "
  4. 4 Find out if you have a deeper problem. If you are constantly experiencing self-esteem problems, or a negative attitude towards your body forces you to stick to rigid diets or refuse to eat, you should talk to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders and problems with your body image. Your doctor will suggest a variety of techniques to help you get rid of negative thoughts about your body and develop healthy habits.
    • You can also attend group therapy sessions. Your therapist can advise you on a group or specialist to lead these sessions. There you can chat with other people who have the same problems with the perception of their body. You will be able to find the strength to overcome problems with the help of other people.

Method 3 of 3: Take Action

  1. 1 Get rid of the weights. This may not sound right to you, but to stop worrying and getting upset about your weight, you should hide the scale. Weighing is just one way (and not the most accurate) to track progress. Plus, if you step on the scale every morning and berate yourself for the weight staying in place or going up, you are more nervous than it deserves.
    • Weight can be misleading, because 70 kilograms in a 160 centimeters person does not look like the same weight in a person who is 170 centimeters tall.
    • Don't get hung up on your weight, but track your progress in more reliable ways. For example, you can have regular blood sugar and cholesterol tests and blood pressure measurements. This data will give you a more accurate picture of the state of your body and help you understand if you are heading in the right direction.
    • Go to the gym or fitness center and get your basic body measurements taken. This will allow you to understand if your weight is within the normal range (measured by body mass index) and if fat is being replaced by muscle (due to the change in the ratio of fat to muscle, the weight may remain in place).
  2. 2 Start eating healthy. If you haven't thought about your diet, changing your diet will help you feel more confident. This is the surest way to get rid of the embarrassment of your body. Try to eat organic foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, seafood, seeds, nuts, and low-fat dairy products. Do not buy refined and processed foods, as they have little natural value.
    • provides information on balanced nutrition (for English speakers).
    • For personalized dietary and lifestyle advice, make an appointment with your dietitian.
  3. 3 Lead an active lifestyle. To become healthier, you should exercise regularly. This doesn't mean you have to spend hours in the gym. It is enough to play volleyball, swim or dance - that is, do what you like. Whatever you do, regular physical activity can help you burn calories, enjoy your sight in the mirror, energize, and relieve stress.
  4. 4 Set goals for yourself. This will allow you to chart a plan and see if your habits are helping you move forward. In addition, achieving goals is very beneficial for self-esteem and self-confidence.If you want to stop worrying about your weight, consider a weight loss and exercise plan (for example, start eating more vegetables or exercise five times a week). Set SMART goals.
    • Specific (S - specific)... You should set a clear goal for yourself. Whose help is needed? What do you want to achieve? Where will everything take place? When will it all start and end? Why are you doing this?
    • Measurable (M - measurable). You should be able to track and measure progress.
    • Achievable (A - achievable). Goals should be challenging but achievable. For example, you should not set a goal to lose weight by a large number of kilograms in a short time.
    • Topical (R - relevant). The goal should be focused on getting a result, and that result should be meaningful to you.
    • Time-limited (T - time-bound). When setting goals, timing is important. You should choose a timeline that will allow you to get everything done on time, but they should not be too far, otherwise you will lose motivation.
  5. 5 Try to dress and look good. To boost your self-confidence, you need to look like you enjoy it. Go to a hairdresser and get a new hairstyle that suits your face type. Review all the items in your wardrobe. Think about what clothes make you happy, give you a sense of confidence and your own attractiveness. Do you have to constantly pull or tuck things in? If some of the clothes don't make you happy, throw them away (or donate to charity).
    • You may not have the money to completely change your wardrobe. Leave the things you like and when you have some money, buy things that will help you feel more confident and be the person you want to be. To see if a thing is right for you, look at yourself in the mirror. If you smile while trying it on, it suits you.
    • Look for a clothing store that sells sturdy body-fit items made from quality fabrics. The clothes don't have to be expensive - they just have to look good and be of good quality. Quality items will significantly increase your self-confidence and help highlight the dignity of your figure.


  • Stay true to yourself. If you enjoy wearing certain clothes, don't give them up because of someone else's comments.
  • Do not think that those who want to look slimmer can only wear black. Bright colors suit people of all sizes. Choose what will suit you!