How to stop thinking a lot

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Overthinking Everything | The QUICKEST Way!
Video: How to Stop Overthinking Everything | The QUICKEST Way!


There is a golden rule: think before you speak. But if you think too much, you are likely to run into problems: you may simply not be able to act or drive yourself into a state of uncontrollable anxiety. Looking for a way to stop thinking too much? So these tips are just for you.


Method 1 of 3: Letting Your Thoughts Go

  1. 1 Acknowledge the fact that you are thinking too much. Like food, we need thinking in order to survive. And sometimes it is very difficult to estimate when exactly you exceeded the norm. However, there are several warning signs indicating that you should stop for your own good. Here are some of them:
    • Are you absorbed in the same thought all the time? And there is no progress in your thoughts? This could be a sign that you should move on.
    • Have you analyzed the situation from all possible points of view? If you tend to find too many ways to look at a problem before making a decision, it means that you are simply a very indecisive person, and you should learn to move from empty thinking to real action.
    • Have you asked all your close friends to help you find a solution to your problem? Well, that means you will get just as many different opinions. Now the main thing is not to go crazy with their diversity.
    • Do people often tell you to stop thinking too hard? Do friends and acquaintances tease you for being too thoughtful and call you a philosopher behind your back? If so, they may be right about something.
  2. 2 Meditate. If you do not know how to get rid of constant thinking on the same topic, you should learn to "let go" of your thoughts - this is something you can do purposefully. Imagine thinking is like breathing. You breathe all the time, without even realizing it, but if necessary, you can hold your breath. Meditation will help you learn to let go of your thoughts.
    • Spending 15-20 minutes each morning in meditation can have an invaluable effect on your ability to stay in the present, but still get rid of all your obsessive thoughts.
    • You can also meditate in the evening to help calm yourself before bed.
  3. 3 Get exercise. Jogging or even just vigorous walking can help your brain to get away from pesky thoughts and focus on the body. By doing any kind of vigorous activity, like strength yoga, martial arts, or beach volleyball, you focus on your body, so you simply don't have time to think. Here's what you should try:
    • Get a fitness center membership. Switching to a new machine every minute will not let you get lost in your thoughts.
    • Go hiking. Being surrounded by nature, seeing the beauty and peace around you is the best way to focus on living in the present.
    • Go swimming. Swimming takes up a lot of physical strength, so it is almost impossible to swim and think at the same time.
  4. 4 Voice your thoughts. Once you speak your thoughts out loud, you start the process of letting go of them. It doesn't matter if you have listeners - you can even talk to yourself. Once you put your ideas into words, the process of moving them out of your mind into the real world begins.
    • You can express your thoughts to a trusted friend, your cat, or even yourself.
  5. 5 Ask for advice. Perhaps you have already exhausted your brain with constant thinking, and someone else, looking at the situation with a fresh eye, can easily find an obvious solution. This will allow you to free yourself from disturbing thoughts. Your friend will help you with your problems and make you feel better.
    • Plus, when you spend time with your friends, you get distracted from your thoughts, right? And this is exactly what you need.

Method 2 of 3: Take Control of Your Thoughts

  1. 1 List the problems that bother you. It doesn't matter if you write in a notebook or on a computer, you must first identify the problem, formulate all possible solutions to it, and then list the pros and cons for each option. Your ideas, clearly articulated and written down, will save you the trouble of going through it all over and over in your head. When you try to formulate your thoughts, your mind is freed from them.
    • If making a list still doesn't help you make a decision, you just have to trust your intuition. If you cannot give preference to one of the options for solving the problem, coming up with new ones or further thinking about the existing ones, most likely, will not work. It is at such moments that you should listen to your heart (or, if you prefer, subconsciousness).
  2. 2 Keep a diary. Instead of endlessly replaying your most "stubborn" thoughts in your head, write them down in your diary every day. At the end of the week, go over your notes and note what excites you the most. This is what you need to figure out first.
    • Try to write in your journal at least a few times a week. This will help you get used to the idea of ​​"time to think" and will allow you to be alone with your thoughts for a while so that they will not bother you for the rest of the day.
  3. 3 Make a list of things you absolutely need to do during the day. Until your “thinking” becomes a priority, this list will make you see that you have more important things to do than just sit and contemplate the meaning of the universe! The quickest way to organize your thoughts is to turn them into actions. If you think you’re not getting enough sleep lately, instead of worrying about it, simply make your plan to increase your night’s rest.
    • The list can contain both very specific items, and somewhat generalized categories, for example, "spending more time with your family."
  4. 4 Set a “time to think”. It may sound ridiculous, but it is worth taking a little time for yourself every day - worrying, doubting, daydreaming ... This will help you control your thoughts more productively. If necessary, set aside an hour for reflection, for example, every day from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Then try to reduce this time to half an hour - from 17 to 17:30. If a thought that causes you grief comes to you at the beginning of the day, just tell yourself: "I will worry about this in the evening, after at 5 pm."
    • Take your time to criticize this method. You should definitely practice it at least for a while.

Method 3 of 3: Live in the Present

  1. 1 Only solve the problems that you can solve. If you think too much about anything, worry for no apparent reason, or think about something that you have no control over, then there are not many concrete actions you need to take to get rid of the problems that plague your mind. Think about the problems you can deal with, make a concrete plan for solving them, instead of thinking, thinking, thinking ... and doing nothing. Here are some ideas you can use:
    • Instead of wondering if your passion sympathizes with you, go for it! Ask him or her about it. After all, what's the worst that can happen?
    • If you are concerned about the lack of desired results in school or work, make a list of what you must do to be successful. Then go ahead!
    • Instead of thinking about "what if ...", try to do something more real and achievable.
  2. 2 Communicate more. Surrounding yourself with people you like will help you talk more and think less. Try to get out of the house at least a few times a week. Work on building lasting and constructive relationships with at least two or three people living nearby who you can hang out with from time to time. You will think a lot more if you spend a lot of time alone.
    • Spending time alone with yourself is certainly beneficial, but it is important to sometimes dilute the monotonous, everyday life with socializing with friends, during which you can relax and have fun.
  3. 3 Find a new hobby for yourself. Take the time to learn something new that is completely new to you. Whatever hobby you choose for yourself, it will keep you focused on the task at hand and arouse interest in getting things done. A new hobby will help you learn to live in the present and focus on your art, craft, or any other hobby. Try to choose what you like from the following list:
    • Writing poetry or prose
    • Clay crafting
    • Karate
    • Surfing
    • Bicycle riding
  4. 4 Dance. You can dance wherever and whenever you want - at home or in the club with friends. Or you can even take dance lessons, mastering tap, jazz or foxtrot. Regardless of the type of dance you choose, you will live in the moment. It doesn't matter how skillful a dancer you are. If you are still not very good at all kinds of steps, this is even for the best, because in this case you will be more focused on your dance moves, and not on your thoughts.
    • Attending dance classes is a good way to acquire a new hobby.
  5. 5 Explore the world around you. Start admiring the trees, smelling the scent of roses and feeling the raindrops on your face. This will teach you to enjoy every moment of life and see the real world that exists outside of the created in your own head.
    • If you are not a fan of hiking, running, cycling or surfing, aim to just walk in the park at least once or twice a week, go out to nature with friends on weekends, and at least sometimes go to a mountain lake with crystal clear water or to the coast ocean.
    • If this seems too difficult for you, just go outside. Being in the sun will make you healthier, happier, and less prone to thinking about your problems.
  6. 6 Read more. Focusing on other people's thoughts will not only teach you better insight, but it will also keep you from thinking too much about yourself. Reading the inspirational biographies of “people of action” can inspire you as you will see that every great thought is followed by an equally wonderful act.
  7. 7 Each day, make a list of five things you are grateful for. Any little thing can get here, even a waitress who poured you two cups of coffee for the price of one. This list will help you focus on people and things rather than thoughts. If making a list like this every day seems too frequent for you, try doing it at least once a week.
  8. 8 Listen to great music. Music can bring you closer to the world beyond your mind. You can go to a concert, put a CD in your car, or even take your old turntable and some vinyl out of the closet to remember your younger days. Close your eyes, immerse yourself in the melody and live this moment.
    • It doesn't have to be Mozart. Listening to Katy Perry can have the same effect!
  9. 9 Laugh more. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Watch comedies and TV shows that you really enjoy on TV. Watch funny YouTube videos. Do your best to have a good laugh and at least for a while forget about those problems that clog your head. Don't underestimate the importance of laughter in promoting mental health.


  • Remember that you are not alone - everyone thinks. Why do you think we sleep? Only thanks to sleep can we take a timeout and take a break from these unthinkable overloads!
  • Take pride in what you think. You don't have to try to completely change yourself - you are just trying to learn how to control your thoughts.
  • Do not think about the past, especially if these memories are not the most pleasant. Understand that diving into the past that makes you forget about the present can be dangerous.
  • As you meditate, do not judge yourself. This aggravates your anxiety and confuses the labyrinth of your thoughts. Accept the situation, even if it doesn't end the way you would like it to. Deal with frustration and move on. In the mantra “Everything is over and I have not found my way. But I will survive ”the word“ survive ”sounds like it is about life and death. Most of the time, you will laugh at yourself, realizing how trivial the problem was, and how much you tormented yourself over a trifle.
  • When you feel overwhelmed by thoughts, take time to relax and reflect on the situation.
  • Take a neutral stance and allow your mind to take the information impartially. Your brain works much more efficiently when hormones are normal and your adrenaline levels are off the charts.
  • Reflection is a process that generates good or bad intentions. Use your thoughts only with good intentions; it will make you better.
  • Play with animals. This is a great way to distract yourself from your thoughts. Fluffy pets will make you laugh and help you realize that these are the little things that matter.
  • Take a bubble bath with candles and just relax - it helps a lot!
  • Stop reading this article and call a friend now! Try to relax and just enjoy the conversation.