How to stop overeating

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
9 Strategies to Stop Overeating
Video: 9 Strategies to Stop Overeating


If you overeat regularly, you can gain weight. In addition, it increases the risk of developing chronic diseases associated with obesity or a large amount of extra pounds. Eating disorders is difficult to end, and it takes willpower and determination. Many people struggle with unhealthy eating habits and overeating. It is difficult to stop overeating, but it is not impossible. In this article, you will learn what you can do to correct your eating behavior and forget about overeating forever.


Method 1 of 3: Small portions

  1. 1 If eating at home, use small plates. Eating from small plates at home will help you control portion sizes and avoid overeating.
    • In order not to eat too much, use salad bowls or dessert plates that are smaller than usual in size.
    • As a result of research, it was found that dishes of certain colors contribute to faster saturation with a small amount of food. To eat less, use blue plates.
  2. 2 Remove leftover food from the table where you are eating. Put food on a plate and remove the rest of the food. If food continues to stand on the table, the person eats more. By removing leftover food from sight, you save yourself the temptation to put a few extra spoons on your plate.
    • Try to clean up any leftover food and avoid placing it on the dining table.
    • You can also hide food before you sit down at the table. When you return to the work surface to wash the dishes, you won't be able to grab a couple of pieces from pots or bowls.
  3. 3 Buy scales and measuring cups. To always eat only the recommended amount of food, measure and weigh it before serving.
    • All people usually need to eat different servings throughout the day. Typically, the recommended amounts are: 90-120 grams of protein, half a cup or 30 grams of grains, a cup of vegetables or two cups of leafy vegetables and half a cup of fruit or one small fruit.
    • Adults should eat protein with every meal. Add 1-2 servings of fruits and 3-4 servings of vegetables to your daily menu. Cereals should be eaten 1-2 times a day (not necessarily with every meal).
    • It may be better to use a kitchen scale as you cannot fit all the food in the measuring cups.
    • It is helpful to measure the capacity of plates, bowls, serving utensils, and food containers. If you are packing groceries, you will know the serving size.
  4. 4 In restaurants, order small portions. Outside the home, it is usually difficult to stick to small portions or eat only one dish.
    • The cafes and restaurants offer a wide variety of snacks, large portions and generous desserts. You will have to fight the temptation to eat not only a large portion, but several different dishes.
    • Order a snack for dinner. Snacks are usually lightweight, but sufficient to satisfy hunger.
    • Be aware of the bread basket, extra fries, and crackers, which can be served with or in front of the meal. If you are hungry, you may eat too much while waiting for the meal. Ask the waiter to take the food away or leave only a small portion.
    • Before ordering anything, ask the waiter about the serving size. If you have chosen a large serving, ask to bring half on a plate and fold the other half into a container.

Method 2 of 3: Proper nutrition

  1. 1 Don't go on fancy diets. Many advertised diets and nutrition programs promise fast weight loss in a short time frame. These diets will make you starve. You will constantly feel a lack of food, and this can lead to overeating or bulimia.
    • Most often, losing weight quickly is harmful. You should lose weight no more than 0.5-1 kilograms per week.
    • These diets limit all food groups, meals, or calories. This can lead to breakdown and overeating.
    • If you want to lose weight, choose a balanced diet with the right mix of nutrients. This way you will be less hungry and will see the results of your efforts.
  2. 2 Don't skip meals. It doesn't matter if you're trying to lose weight or just don't have time to eat, skipping meals will make you hungry and run the risk of overeating.
    • It is usually recommended to eat three meals a day. You may also need a few snacks (depending on your schedule).
    • It may be better for you to eat 4-6 times a day in small meals than 3 times a day.
  3. 3 Only eat when you are hungry. If you eat out of habit rather than hunger, you will overeat and your body will receive more nutrients than it needs.
    • Learn to recognize true hunger. Many people eat for a variety of reasons, so you need to figure out how you feel hungry.
    • Signs of hunger include cramping, an empty stomach, mild nausea and dizziness, irritability, or feeling empty.
    • If you do not have all of these sensations, you are most likely eating for another reason (out of boredom or stress).Try not to eat or snack until you feel truly hungry.
  4. 4 Stop eating when you feel full. The body has another mechanism that does not allow eating too much - this is the feeling of satiety.
    • A person feels full when their brain informs them that they have eaten enough food to provide the body with energy for the next few hours.
    • The feeling of fullness has several degrees, from just fullness to the feeling that you have overeat. When a person overeats, he eats until he is fully satiated, or until he feels over-satiated.
    • Try to stop eating as soon as you feel full. You should not feel hunger, there should be a sensation of food in the stomach, but there should be no discomfort or heaviness.
    • Most people eat whatever is in front of them despite feeling full. Listen to your body's reactions to figure out when to stop eating.
  5. 5 Aim to eat for 20-30 minutes. If you do this too quickly, you will likely eat too much.
    • It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to send a signal to the brain that satiety has arrived. This is why a slower process will help you avoid overeating.
    • Turn on a timer or just keep track of the time. This will allow you to control your speed.
    • Try putting your fork aside and taking a sip of water between the pieces of food. This will allow you to stretch out time.
    • Try not to be distracted while eating. Pay attention to what is happening around you when you eat. If you find yourself being distracted by bright colors or lights, loud noises, music, or large numbers of people, you will need to be more careful about your eating habits to avoid overeating.
  6. 6 Fill half of the plate with healthy vegetables. To get rid of those extra calories if you run out of juice and eat too much, you should always try to fill half your plate with vegetables or fruits.
    • Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and won't hurt you even if you eat more than you need to.
    • If you still feel hungry after your meal, put in more vegetables and skip any other foods.
  7. 7 Drink plenty of water. Water is essential for the body to function properly, but it can also help reduce the amount of food you eat.
    • Try to drink 8-13 glasses of water or other clean liquid a day. This will help fight hunger and maintain the body's water balance.
    • It is important not only to drink more water throughout the day, but also to drink 1-2 glasses before meals. This will fill your stomach without unnecessary calories, and you will not feel so hungry.
  8. 8 Don't reward yourself with food. Very often people indulge themselves with a hearty dinner for being able to adhere to the correct nutrition system for a period of time. Rewarding food will only hurt you.
    • Better to allow yourself small treats from time to time. This will allow you to stick to your plan for longer and allow yourself small deviations.
    • If you want to reward yourself for achieving a certain goal, find another way to do it. For example, you could buy a new shirt or dress, sign up for a spa or golf game, or even buy yourself a gadget that you've had your eye on for a long time.

Method 3 of 3: Emotional Overeating

  1. 1 Talk to a therapist. Sometimes a person gains weight due to emotional overeating. Overeating can be an eating disorder, and if you have a habit of it, you should talk to a professional about it. Find a therapist who specializes in eating disorders to help you deal with the problem.
    • Look for a doctor online. The specialist has the knowledge to help you cope with emotional overeating and other unhealthy eating habits.
    • Discuss with your therapist what you think is your biggest problem, how you notice it, and how you have tried to deal with it in the past.
    • Remember that even if you are working with a therapist, it will take some time to start eating regularly and in small portions.
  2. 2 Keep a diary. It can help you deal with problems associated with emotional overeating and other unhealthy eating habits.
    • Take notes daily or several times a week. Write down your thoughts or thoughts in a paper diary or on the internet.
    • You can write about what you ate, how much, and why you think you overeat. It often takes days or weeks to identify patterns in eating habits.
    • You can also take notes about how you are feeling and whether you are hungry before eating. These steps will help you focus on your meal.
    • Record in your journal any foods that trigger unwanted behavior for you. By understanding which foods are causing this behavior, it will be easier for you to avoid temptations and situations that get in your way. For example, if at the movies you automatically buy candy and a large glass of sugary drink, stop going to the movies and start watching movies at home.
  3. 3 Distract yourself. If you feel very hungry for something, or if you are upset and want to eat, try to distract yourself from these sensations.
    • Often, the desire for some food arises suddenly and passes quickly. If you wait for a while, the desire may disappear or it will become easier for you to overcome it.
    • Start with 10 minutes. Go outside, read a book, or do some housework. Then think about your desire again.
    • Make a list of things to do instead of eating. This will allow you to be prepared for situations when you suddenly feel like eating.
  4. 4 Develop a plan in case of a breakdown. Whatever your goal and whatever you are trying to change in your life, remember that everyone breaks down and makes mistakes.
    • Don't let a breakdown (or two) ruin your mood and make yourself unhappy. It's perfectly okay to make mistakes and it allows you to learn from experience.
    • If you get lost, don't give up. Correct the situation the next time you eat. Don't let yourself think that everything is screwed up and that you should give up just because of one oversight.
    • Try writing about your mistake in a journal or talking to a therapist if you are attending psychotherapy sessions.


  • To avoid overeating, buy only the foods you need. Don't go shopping on an empty stomach because you will buy a lot of excess food due to hunger.
  • It is not uncommon for people to overeat for reasons other than hunger. Learning to identify the causes of overeating will help you develop a plan to deal with them.
  • Find a support group. There may be meetings in your city for those fighting an eating disorder.
  • Cut food into small pieces to trick your brain into thinking you are eating more.