How to learn to be purposeful

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu


Purposeful means the ability to focus forces in one direction. The ability to focus is your best ally in completing tasks and projects. And this is one of the abilities that can be developed. And the level of your achievements and success depends on it.


  1. 1 Give a definition of "purposeful": This is an adjective, which means: 1) determined; 2) having one priority goal; 3) unshakable, full of determination. Now let's define the concept of "focus". It is a noun that means the ability to focus attention or energy on something. The opposite meaning is "frivolous", "disorderly", perhaps simply "scattered".
  2. 2 You should keep in mind that purposefulness can come in both positive and negative ways. And here's the difference.
    • Negative purposefulness is when a person becomes so absorbed in their task that they can no longer cope with their daily responsibilities and obligations towards others. In this case, we are talking about obvious self-deception. We often call these people "selfish" or "self-centered", putting negative connotations in these epithets. It is also common for people with mental illness or disabilities to repeat the same movement over and over. This is not at all the "purposefulness" to which we strive.
    • A positive form of "purposefulness" is the ability to block out wandering thoughts and all kinds of hindrances in order to better concentrate. Your desire to become more focused will allow you to complete projects more efficiently and in a shorter time frame.
  3. 3 Practice both common and less well-known methods of developing attention skills:
    • The first step is to create an environment. If this is a task that needs to be done at the desktop, then you need to clean up the order on the desktop and become more organized. In this case, the new project starts from scratch. Let's say you are trying to quit smoking. Create an environment that makes this possible. In other words, when you start your new life without smoking, nothing in your home or car should contribute to the lifestyle of a smoker. No ashtrays, lighters, etc.
    • The power of "intention". This is a slightly different view than just setting goals. Intention means that you have defined at the deepest level what exactly you want to create, then stated this to yourself and visualized the approximate end result, for example, being a non-smoker, completing a work assignment, writing a term paper at a university, and so on.
    • Furnishings and surroundings.In other words, "where" exactly are you most likely to be able to focus on your goal and achieve it? What external conditions will help you concentrate? For example, if you intend to become a non-smoker, then you are more likely to do so when you start spending time at your local gym rather than your local bar. If you are trying to prepare for an exam, you will do better in silence and solitude than in a room where children run and play.
    • Take small steps and set small, intermediate goals. Do it in writing. A step-by-step breakdown of the process will help you not to overload your mind.


  • There is such a truth: "If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to receive what you have always received!"
  • Remember that every single step leads to a sense of purpose! Simple steps will help you act in a more creative and practical way. Work on the steps above and your life will change for the better.
  • Sleep alone, which many do not pay attention to, can make a difference. Get quality sleep!
  • Nothing changes until something changes. You need to get creative with the steps above. You will receive exactly as much as you invest in this process yourself.
  • Among the unusual and at the same time quite effective methods of developing concentration, one can note such as yoga, tai chi and, in general, all forms of meditation. In addition, hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming are considered effective. Vitamin or mineral therapy and adequate rest will also help.


  • Do not rely on external influences such as caffeine or energy drinks as their effects are short-lived. All of them have a side effect in the form of a general decrease in energy, therefore, they negatively affect the ability to concentrate!
  • Don't be trapped and addicted to determination. The key to long-term success lies in perfect personal balance.