How to stop thinking about suicide

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is Suicidal Ideation?
Video: What is Suicidal Ideation?


When despair, loneliness and pain become so much that there is no strength to endure them, the only way to get rid of all the horror seems to commit suicide. It may be difficult to believe now, but there are many other ways to feel relief and stay alive in order to continue to enjoy life, love and be free. By saving your life, you can fight for a bright future and understand why this is happening to you, you can take a step forward and feel free and happy again.


Method 1 of 3: Dealing with a crisis that has arisen

  1. 1 Call the suicide hotline. You don't have to go through all this alone. For round-the-clock assistance in Russia, call the single helpline 8-800-2000-122; in Ukraine, dial the number of the help service for people in crisis situations (044) 456-02-76. For suicide hotlines in other countries, visit,, or the IASP website.
    • If you find it easier to talk about your problems in the chat, find such a service for your country on the following site [1].
  2. 2 Call the ambulance service. If you are planning to commit suicide, it is best to go straight to the hospital or ask someone to drive you. There you will receive professional treatment and will be safe while the threat of self-harm passes. Call ambulance immediately if you realize there is even the slightest chance of attempting suicide.
  3. 3 Call your friends. Never let shame or embarrassment come between you and your friends. Call someone you trust and talk as much as necessary. Ask the person to stay with you until you feel the danger has passed and you will not harm yourself. Share your thoughts and plans so that your friend understands the seriousness of the situation.
    • It may be easier to email or chat to a friend, even if they are sitting next to you.
    • If the crisis has dragged on for a long time, ask friends to take turns on duty, or ask them to organize such a thing.
  4. 4 Get professional help. In case of a broken leg, you go to the doctor. The same should be done if you realize that you can commit suicide. Calling your doctor is a great first step! As an alternative to the hotline, you can contact the counselors, psychiatrists and psychologists in your city, they can simply be found in the telephone directory or on the Internet.
    • Write to a specialist to speak with him online. [2].
    • Working with a therapist will make it easier for you to return to normal life. In addition, the therapist can prescribe specific procedures for you that will definitely help you. He may also refer you to a psychiatrist who, in turn, will prescribe appropriate medication for you.
  5. 5 Give yourself time. While you wait for help, try to distract yourself by taking a shower, eating, or doing something else. Take a deep breath and promise yourself not to commit suicide in at least the next 48 hours. At the very least, you should seek professional help first. It can be very difficult to postpone your plans for a couple of days, but it will help you rest and think things over. Suicide may seem like the only option now, but circumstances are changing rapidly. Promise to give yourself two more days to try to find a way out of this situation.
    • Try to separate your actions from your emotions. The pain can be so overwhelming that your thoughts and actions will be distorted. However, thinking about suicide and committing it are two different things. You always have the time and energy to make a choice.

Method 2 of 3: Finding Ways to Overcome

  1. 1 Be alert to warning signs. In a difficult emotional situation, you may underestimate the chance of committing suicide. Regardless of how you feel, if you encounter any of these warning signs, contact the help desks mentioned in the crisis section.
    • Social isolation, withdrawal from family and friends, thoughts that you may be a burden to them
    • Self-loathing, a sense of hopelessness
    • Sudden mood changes (including for the better), outbursts of rage, low tendency to frustration, anxiety
    • Increased alcohol or drug use
    • Insomnia or other sleep disorders
    • Talking about suicide, planning it, or purchasing tools or supplies for it
    • While self-harm is not a suicide attempt, it is an interrelated phenomenon. Be vigilant if you start inflicting frequent minor injuries on yourself, punching walls, pulling out your hair, or leaving cuts on your skin.
  2. 2 Secure your home. Ease of access to dangerous items increases the chances of suicide. Hide any items with which you can harm yourself, such as pills, scissors, knives, or pistols.To be on the safe side, give these items to someone, throw them away, or put them in a hard-to-reach place.
    • Minimize alcohol and drug use. Despite temporary relief, they can worsen depression.
    • If you don't feel safe at home, go where you feel comfortable. Stay with friends or go to crowded places (city center) or other public places where you can have fun.
  3. 3 Share your thoughts with someone you trust. Support is essential when you have suicidal thoughts. You need people you can trust, who are willing to listen to you without judgment. Even well-intentioned people can stimulate feelings of guilt or shame for suicidal thoughts. Spend time with people who will listen to you without judgment.
    • If you don't like sharing your problems with anyone, check out the Buddy project's twitter link on their twitter page.
  4. 4 Find other people's stories. The stories of people who have overcome suicidal thoughts will show you that you are not alone, and they can also inspire you to fight further and show you how to deal with your thoughts. Read real life stories here at the lifeline collection, and on the following link you will find hundreds of reasons to live on [3].
  5. 5 Prepare a plan. Your own plan will help you escape the thoughts of suicide weighing on your mind. Try the following guidelines or read them for inspiration. Below is an example of a typical plan to escape annoying suicidal thoughts.
    • 1. Call someone on the list. Write a list of five or more names, including a 24-hour hotline. In a crisis, call the people on the list.
    • 2. Postpone your plans for 48 hours. Promise yourself that you will not commit suicide and find another way out of the situation.
    • 3. Ask someone to stay with you. If no one can come, go where you feel safe.
    • 4. Go to the hospital. Get behind the wheel yourself or ask someone for help.
    • 5. Call the ambulance service

Method 3 of 3: Take it easy and understand the reasons

  1. 1 Continue treatment. Quality therapy is a great way to treat depression, even if the crisis is over. Do not stop treatment, it will help you come to positive changes in your life. The advice below will help you take the first step, but it is not a substitute for professional, personalized treatment.
  2. 2 Think about why this is happening. When you are calm, think about why this is happening to you. Perhaps this has happened before or is happening for the first time in your life. Suicidal thoughts can arise for many different reasons and it is really very important to understand where the root of the problem is in order to soberly assess the situation and prevent the return of suicidal thoughts.
    • Depression, schizophrenia, personality dissociation, PTSD, and a host of other problems can lead to suicidal thoughts. Basically, they are all treated with medication or therapy. Schedule a consultation with a therapist and determine the reasons for your suicidal thoughts.
    • The risk of developing suicidal thoughts increases if you have participated in hostilities, experienced abuse or other bullying, suffer from poverty, you are unemployed, or you have any medical conditions. It is important to get support from people who have already been in similar situations and understand what is happening to you. There is a support group for everyone.
    • Certain circumstances can make us feel defenseless, alone, or burdened with dozens of problems - this leads to suicidal thoughts. However, remember that all these circumstances are temporary. Everything is changing rapidly and life will soon get better.
    • If you do not know why you are having suicidal thoughts, it is necessary to find out the root causes during consultation with.
  3. 3 Determine the causes of suicidal thoughts. Often these thoughts are driven by certain events, people, or past experiences. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what is causing your suicidal thoughts. Think a little and understand what things are causing you thoughts of suicide in order to avoid them in the future. Below are some examples of reasons why a crisis could arise:
    • Drugs and alcohol. The chemicals in drugs and alcohol can transform depressive thoughts into suicidal ones.
    • Cruel people. Dealing with violent people can stimulate suicidal thoughts.
    • Books, films or music can bring back tragic memories of the past. For example, if you have lost your parents to cancer, you might want to avoid movies about cancer patients.
  4. 4 Learn how to deal with voices in your head. Some people hear voices that tell them what to do and how to do it. As a rule, this is a sign of a mental disorder that needs to be treated with medication, however, recently scientists have identified a new method of dealing with voices in the head. Contact Intervoice or Hearing Voices. For tips on fighting voices, follow the link:
    • Plan your day carefully for the period of time when you hear voices. Some people prefer to relax and take in the bathroom, while others, on the contrary, to occupy themselves with important things.
    • Listen to voices selectively, pay attention only to good messages, if any.
    • Rephrase unpleasant messages as neutral ones. Speak in the first person. For example, change "We want you to get out" to "I want to leave."
  5. 5 Get the care you need. It doesn't matter for what reason you have suicidal thoughts. The only way to stop them is to take the right steps to eliminate them and get cared for. Create your own action plan to deal with these thoughts, a long-term action plan can help you make your life better. If you are unsure where to start, try calling the helpline.
    • Determining a treatment plan is not always easy. See a therapist you enjoy working with who uses effective treatments, or you can try medication or a combination of medications that may be able to deal with the problem. If there are no immediate results - this is normal, continue to work on yourself. Keep using the action plan and move forward towards a better life.
    • For some people, suicidal thoughts come and go throughout their lives. But you need to know how to deal with them in order to enjoy life.


  • Explain to your friends that suicidal thoughts cannot be pushed aside based on logic and argument. Some even believe that giving logical examples and arguments can lead to an aggravation of the condition.
  • Remember, there is always tomorrow and tomorrow is a new day. Suicide is not an option. Just keep on living - ask for help, and everything will work out and correct itself.


  • Suicide is a UNRIVALED solution to a TEMPORARY problem.