How to sleep with a boyfriend as a teenager

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Boyfriend Comforts You on Your Period (ASMR) [Cuddles] [Sleep Aid] [M4A Boyfriend ASMR]
Video: Boyfriend Comforts You on Your Period (ASMR) [Cuddles] [Sleep Aid] [M4A Boyfriend ASMR]


You might be intimidated by the thought of sleeping with a boyfriend if you're a teenager, but don't be afraid. If you want to sleep with a guy, then you need to make sure that you both are comfortable, start slowly, and be ready to win. You don't have to be a kissing master or the most accomplished girl in school to seduce a guy like a pro. If you want to know how to do this, just follow the next steps.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Step One

  1. 1 Stay alone with him. The first step to sleeping with a guy is finding the right place for it. You don't have to go for a moonlit stroll or search for the most romantic place in the world to lipstick, but it does have to be comfortable, secluded, and even a little romantic to get you started right. However, don't worry - sometimes these meetings happen on their own and you don't need to plan out the details or things will go wrong.
    • He may want to be alone with you. If you think this might happen, take a fresh breath.
    • You don't need to create an incredibly sexy atmosphere. Candles, roses, romantic music - none of this is as important for a teenage boy as it is for a girl. The guy is more interested in the process itself, and not the scent of candles.
  2. 2 Touch it. You can't start kissing a guy without physical contact. Guys love to be touched on their arms, shoulders and chest area, so if you are standing or sitting next to him, start touching him in these places.Make sure he touches you too - if you start rubbing his hand and he doesn't do anything, then you have a problem.
    • Take your time, but do not hesitate either. If you are alone with a guy and he likes you, then he is probably waiting for you to sleep with him.
    • But remember, the guy is going through as much as you are, if not more. Guys are expected to know what to do, and he can be just as innocent, but under additional pressure. If you touch him confidently, he can relax.
  3. 3 Pull him towards you. After you've touched each other for a while - and this part can last as long as a few minutes or a few seconds - pull the guy to you. To do this, look him in the eye, maybe even smile a little, and show him that you want more. He may even remove hair from your face. If he is bolder, he can pull you in himself, but you can pleasantly surprise him by taking control of everything and hugging him by the neck while you pull him towards you, or simply placing your hand on his back to pull him closer to you.
    • Some guys like to be in control, while others will like it better if you take the lead.
  4. 4 Kiss him passionately. Kissing is the first step to having sex with a guy. You can start approaching his lips at a slight angle so you don't have to kiss his head and so you don't bump your noses. Start slowly, touching your lips for a second or two, and then press your lips harder until you feel the passion of the moment. As your kiss develops, you can tilt your head at a steeper angle.
    • While kissing, make sure your hands are busy and not dangling like ropes. The essence of a kiss is not only in the movement of the lips - it is in the whole physical sensation.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Gaining Momentum

  1. 1 Kiss him French. If you've already kissed with your mouth closed, it's time to move on to the French kiss. Don't worry: just stick your tongue slowly into his mouth and wait for him to do the same. At first, you can indulge in touching the tips of your tongues, or take a more aggressive approach and push your tongue into his mouth.
    • Remember to stop at least once every few minutes. You need a break.
    • It's okay if your mouth is saliva. Just wipe your mouth like nothing happened, because it is.
  2. 2 Try it several other kissing options. Kissing passionately isn't the only way to kiss a guy. There are many kisses to try, which include sucking or nibbling on his tongue; bite his lip, use your breath more actively, or simply alternate regular kisses with French ones. There is no single correct way, and everyone has their own preferences; your boyfriend may like French kissing or he likes variety.
    • Keep trying new things until you find the rhythm that suits you. If you do the same thing, you will soon fizzle out.
    • Again, if this is your first time kissing or sleeping with a guy, enjoy the moment without worrying too much about it getting bored. If you're 14, 15, 16, or even older, you can still enjoy the novelty of kissing.
  3. 3 Kiss him in neck. The neck is a very sensitive place for guys, and they like to be kissed there. If you've already kissed the lips, continue touching his body. Lower your head to kiss his neck gently. A kiss on the neck will lead him - we guarantee! If you breathe hot or cold air on his neck, he will become even more aroused.
    • If he really likes what you do and you want to be brave, very bite him gently on the neck. But only do this if you are comfortable with each other.
  4. 4 Bite his ear. Guys also enjoy kissing or touching their ears. When you've already kissed his neck, go to his ears and kiss him gently on the lobes first.Then, if he reacted positively, you can start very gently bite his earlobes. It's important to do this very carefully, otherwise you may hurt him and ruin the moment.
    • It's easier to kiss a guy's neck and ears if you're both lying down. But if you are not ready to caress each other in a horizontal position, do not worry.
  5. 5 Sit on his lap. If you want to go to the next level, while you sit opposite each other and continue to study your bodies, then you should try to approach the guy and sit on his lap. You can dangle both legs to one side, or even straddle it if you're ready for it. Just remember that this is quite a sex position, and it will lead him to want more.
    • After you've saddled a guy, you can wrap your arms around his neck or touch his chest.
  6. 6 Tease him. Teasing a guy the right way will make him even more horny. If you want to tease him, then kiss him slowly and passionately, and as soon as you feel that the situation is heating up, move away for a few seconds and look into his eyes. Then bend over and kiss him again. These few seconds of pause will remind him how much he wants you and how good you are together.
    • Of course, you should use this technique in moderation. Your goal is to be playful, not really play with him.
  7. 7 Whisper in his ear. Whispering something sexy into a guy's ear will excite him not only with your hot breath on his sensitive lobe, but also with what you say. It doesn't have to be something out of the ordinary - just say, "I love kissing you" or "I love what you do to my body," and he wants to sleep with you even more.
    • This technique should also be used in moderation.
    • The more time you spend together, the better you will understand what this guy likes. Maybe he likes to pause to talk or whisper in each other's ear, or he likes the sex itself.
  8. 8 Play with his hair. A guy's scalp is another sensitive part of his body, so underestimate the touch on his hair. Gently touch the top of his head with your fingers, or run hair through your fingers, moving from top to bottom or vice versa. The area just above his neck is especially sensitive.
    • Play with his hair during kiss if you have good coordination.
  9. 9 Suck on his finger. This technique is only suitable for experienced seduction masters. If the situation gets more sexual, take his index finger in your mouth, suck on it and look the guy in the eyes at that moment. Just remember that this is a very provocative maneuver and you shouldn't use it unless you are ready to take it to the next level.
  10. 10 Explore each other's bodies. Let's face it, everyone has a different idea of ​​temptation. For some, it's just kissing, while others think it's about sex. So if seduction means more to you than kissing, then you can move on to the next steps. You can allow him to run his hand under your blouse and touch your chest. You can start undressing each other. You can touch each other's private parts through jeans or pants, or even strip down to your underwear. It is not what you do that matters, but that you are comfortable when you do something.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: How to Reach the Boiling Point

  1. 1 remember, that No means No. If you’re a teenager, it’s possible that your boyfriend will expect more than you do. This is completely natural. Teenage boys are the most preoccupied creatures on earth. But this not means that you have to do something that you do not like, so as not to disappoint him or appear as a liar. If you feel like you've gone far enough, whether it's kissing or oral sex, firmly say NO to him if you don't want anything else.
    • If you are dating a nice guy, he will respect your decision to stop.If you are with a bastard, then yes, he can get angry or upset. But who wants to sleep with him?
  2. 2 Determine if you are ready for more. Think you are ready for oral sex? For real sex? Realizing that you are ready for sex is no more difficult than realizing that you are in love: if you know, then you know for sure. If you're unsure ... you shouldn't. In general, it's worth taking your boyfriend to the next level if you know and like each other, and if he is your boyfriend. Or maybe you just enjoy sleeping with guys - no one judges you, but make sure you don't get hurt first if you really want to.
    • If you like a guy, you should spend time with him, at least a few times, to form your opinion about him and move to the next level.
    • Make sure you are both on the same step. If you think that after sex he will become your boyfriend, but in fact he just wants to have a good time, then you are in trouble.
    • In general, if you start having sex, it does not mean that your relationship will become closer. If you really like each other, then your relationship should not be based on how far you can go.
  3. 3 Always keep safety in mind. This should be clear without words: if you are sexually active, then you should always be protected, regardless of the situation. Any guy who says he doesn't want to use a condom because it dulls the sensation is not to be trusted. Do you want to be a teenager with an STD? With a child growing within you? Most likely not. So if you want to have sex, make sure you use a condom every time and know how to put it on, as well as take care of additional contraception.
    • If you have a regular sex life, you can consider using birth control pills if your doctor thinks they are right for you. Birth control pills are taken every day and should be used as addition to a condom to provide additional protection.
  4. 4 End the evening on a positive note. Once you've slept with a guy, make sure you have an escape plan. Tell him you had a great time, kiss him gently and say goodbye or say good night. Do not be ashamed of the fact that you just slept; in fact, both of you should be happy. Stay calm and make sure your feelings are mutual before sleeping next time.
    • Teenage sex and relationships can be confusing, unpredictable and exhausting. Remember not to rush to be sure that you get what you want out of the relationship.


  • Make sure you don't feel embarrassed if you have to meet at school or anywhere else.
  • If you don't want things to go too far, stay in a public place, such as a cinema hallway.
  • Try to learn to kiss.


  • Make sure he doesn't play with your senses.
  • Make sure he likes you a little.
  • Make sure that if you are in the same company, friends will not make the situation awkward.

What do you need

  • Lip balm
  • Chewing gum
  • Protection (a condom, birth control, or at least an emergency contraceptive pill)
  • Sweet friend you want to sleep with
  • Phone (if things don't go as you expected)