How to navigate the ring roads

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Elden Ring - Roads End Catacombs - How to find the entrance! No Map needed
Video: Elden Ring - Roads End Catacombs - How to find the entrance! No Map needed


Ring roads are changing the way we drive. In some parts of the world, circular roads used to be rare. They are now increasingly used because they reduce road congestion, are cheaper to operate, cut accidents by about half, and use less energy than traditional traffic light systems at intersections. Learn how to navigate the roundabout from method 1 onward.


Method 1 of 2: Driving on a single lane ring road

  1. 1 Slow down as you approach the roundabout. At this point, you should see a “Circular ahead” sign that follows the “Give way” sign. The recommended speed is generally 15 to 20 mph (24 to 32 kilometers per hour).
  2. 2 Look left before entering the roundabout, then inspect all oncoming traffic lanes. Cars that are already at the intersection have the right of way. Do not enter if there is no safety gap. If there is no traffic on the roundabout, you can enter the road freely.
    • Crossings of one or two cars are located directly in front of the roundabout. Make way for all pedestrians who cross the crosswalk.
  3. 3 When there is a safe interval in traffic, enter the roundabout. Maintain a low speed during the maneuver and exit onto the roundabout.
  4. 4 Turn on the blinker when you want to leave the lane. This will inform other drivers that you want to overtake them. This is necessary to get out of the roundabout without creating confusion.
  5. 5 When leaving the roundabout, stop only in front of a pedestrian crossing or emergency vehicles. Remember that drivers inside the roundabout have the priority of driving. If a pedestrian does not cross a pedestrian crossing or emergency vehicle, such as an ambulance, when entering or exiting a roundabout, exit without stopping or slowing down.
    • If the emergency vehicle is at the entrance or has already entered the roundabout, do not stop ... Instead, enter your lane and only then pull over to the side of the road.

Method 2 of 2: Driving on a multi-way roundabout

  1. 1 Remember to make way both lanes in a multi-lane ring road. If you know that you will turn right and, therefore, stay in the far right lane, but suddenly you see an oncoming car in the left lane, let it pass before entering the roundabout. Cars can get into your lane when you enter a roundabout and cause an accident.
  2. 2 Select the lane you want to take so that you can then decide which side to take. At multi-lane roundabouts, which usually have three or more possible exits, the lane is chosen based on which lane you want to be in:
    • Borrow left laneif you decide to turn left.
    • Borrow right laneif you don't want to line up or drive straight.
    • Look for signs indicating the permitted traffic for each lane. These signs are usually located above or near the road, although they may be arrows drawn on the road itself.
  3. 3 Never drive nearby or try to overtake a large car or truck on a multi-lane roundabout. Larger trucks have a larger turning radius, making them one of the most dangerous obstacles on the roundabout.Always give them plenty of room when pulling up behind them, staying a little further behind, unlike in cars.
  4. 4 Stay in line all the time. Never change lanes in a multi-lane roundabout.

Other considerations when driving on a roundabout

  1. 1 Never, under any circumstances, try to stop in the middle of a roundabout. The roundabout is like an intersection, traffic goes through it all the time. Stopping in the middle of a roundabout will cause congestion and increase the likelihood of an accident.
  2. 2 If you are a cyclist, go to the roundabout. If you are cycling through the roundabout, you have two options:
    • Drive into the roundabout in the same way as other vehicles. Stay in your lane to be the most visible driver and avoid undercuts from other vehicles.
    • If you do not want to go through the roundabout, enter the carriageway and use the pedestrian crossing.
  3. 3 Cross the roundabout like a pedestrian. If you want to cross the roundabout as a pedestrian, follow these steps:
    • Look left and cross when there is a safe gap in traffic.
    • Stop when you reach the separation lane.
    • Look to your right and cross when there is a safe gap in traffic.


  • Important rule: If you are inside circle, you have a driving advantage.
  • There are pedestrian pedestrians on the roundabout - they are located on the approaches to the roundabout. Always cross the roundabout at established pedestrian crossings - never go through the center!
  • You may notice a raised section of sidewalk along the center of the roundabout, usually colored red. This is a truck site. Its purpose is to provide extra space for the rear wheels of heavy goods vehicles when cornering. This place is not used for small vehicles.


  • Do not turn left from the right lane! This is one of the most common causes of accidents at the roundabout. In this case, you may collide with cars in the left lane, which are going to a meeting. The same rule applies to other types of intersections.