How to stop your friends from laughing at you

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 17 September 2024
When u and your bestfriend start laughing for no reason 🤣🤣🤣
Video: When u and your bestfriend start laughing for no reason 🤣🤣🤣


If your friends make fun of you all the time, then you should seriously consider whether these people are really your friends. If they are all the time trying to hurt you, then you can hardly say about such people that they are real friends. A true friend will never do something that might upset you. Of course, sometimes friends can make fun of each other. It's quite normal. But if you encounter this attitude too often, you shouldn't put up with it. After reading this article, you will learn what you need to do so that your friends stop laughing at you.


Method 1 of 4: Keep ridicule to a minimum

  1. 1 Learn to laugh at yourself. Of course, this is not easy at all, especially if you are a shy and shy person. Unfortunately, some children do not think about the fact that they are hurting someone with their words or actions. If you can tell that you are upset, others are more likely to laugh at you even more. However, if you learn to laugh at yourself, you will cease to interest these people, and they will make fun of you less often.
    • It is especially important to learn to laugh at yourself in those cases when you did something wrong, for example, spilled a drink, fell or dropped something. Learn to laugh at such little things.
    • Pay attention to how children who are popular with their peers behave in these situations. As a rule, they immediately joke ("What is wrong with me today? I destroy everything in my path!"). Most likely, their friends will laugh at them anyway to emphasize their importance. However, after a minute, such ridicule will stop, as a confident person will roll his eyes and say that enough has already been said. As a rule, after that everyone starts talking about something else.
    • Never mind. Every person in their life does something that they feel embarrassed about. Try to stop thinking about it and move forward. People will very quickly forget about an unpleasant incident.
    • Since this behavior is not typical for you, at first you will have to force yourself to do it. Over time, it will be easier for you!
  2. 2 Be confident. You don't have to be confident all the time, but do your best to look that way. If you act confidently, chances are that others will not laugh at you. Many are afraid of confident people. If a person does not know what you will tell him in return, he will not risk his reputation and make fun of you. He may worry that others will think he is an idiot if you respond to his joke in a way that is unexpected for him.
    • Speak slowly. When a person is nervous, he speaks faster. Try to speak more slowly and others will think of you as a confident person.
    • Watch your body language. Straightened shoulders, a straight back, a slightly raised chin, as a rule, indicate that a person is confident in himself. So if you want to look and feel confident, watch your body language.
    • Talk to your elderly neighbor, your mom's friend, or your friend's little brother. Talk to someone who will not taunt you and you will feel at ease in their presence. The more you practice, the easier it will be for you to talk to people in more stressful situations.
    • Remember that others don't pay too much attention to you. As a rule, children, especially those who are popular, think only of themselves. They think more about how to behave in the presence of a person they like or about their hairstyle than about you. So don't worry when you walk into a room thinking that everyone is looking at you. In most cases, this is not the case.
  3. 3 Admit it. Learn to perceive ridicule as positive if it doesn't bother you that much, or if you feel like the person laughing at you is just jealous of you. Very often, boys make fun of their friend if they see that he, trying to impress the girl, is trying to look good. Instead of getting upset, he can simply admit it by saying, "Yes, I have a new cap ... and I look good in it!"
  4. 4 Ignore their words. This is the best thing you can do in a difficult situation. If you are being laughed at, try to stay cool. You can show that you are a little annoyed. But don't show your anger. Tell yourself, “Okay kids. Stop having fun, it's time to grow up. "
    • Don't ignore their words completely. Otherwise, it will look like you are very upset and take things too seriously.
    • Don't agree with them and don't humiliate yourself. Otherwise, this behavior can aggravate the situation.

Method 2 of 4: Joke Back

  1. 1 Learn to joke back. An important life skill is the ability to make fun of others without hurting their feelings. Laughter in moderation is part of our life. If you can joke and fight back people who make fun of you, they won't make fun of you so much.
    • Some people make fun of their friends and their beloved ones, thinking it’s a lot of fun. If you show that you are not upset by their words, and you can joke back, you will be treated with respect.
  2. 2 Answer in a joking manner. For example, if your friend makes fun of you about your romantic relationship, you might say, "Why are you so interested in my love life?" or if he laughs at you about your new hairstyle, say, "My hairstyle has become the most popular topic of conversation."
  3. 3 Pay attention to others. When in the company of friends, pay attention to how they react to their friends' jokes. Notice those who manage to give witty responses to criticisms from friends.Pay attention to how they deal with their friends' taunts, how they respond, and how they respond to their words. When someone laughs at you, think, "What would this person say in such a situation?"
  4. 4 Use the “Yes and... ". Your friends may make fun of you because they see you as a change. They are afraid that you will become better than them. Laughing at others is easier than changing for the better. They may be afraid of these changes. If you can continue their joke, they will understand that they do not need to be afraid of you.
    • Your friend laughs at you because of your leather jacket: "What is this, Misha?" Say, “Yes, and… I won't stop there. Tomorrow I will try to jump on a motorcycle over the shark aquarium. "
    • You have put on a new scarf. Your friend says, “Hey! Is that your girlfriend's scarf? You can answer: "Of course, and ... I also wear it."

Method 3 of 4: Improve Friendships

  1. 1 Tell them you don't like this behavior. Of course, friends make fun of each other from time to time. However, if this is repeated so often that it bothers you, the situation is most likely out of control. Your friends may not even know how much it hurts you. Talk privately with the person who is making fun of you. If you try to stop the teasing while being teased, chances are you will make the situation worse.
    • Think about your expectations. Can you recall a specific time when your feelings were hurt? What should be done to avoid this situation?
    • Remember that some people cannot do without making fun of others. Do not try to force such a person to give you a promise that they cannot keep. Otherwise, you will be offended at each other.
    • Be specific. If you don't like it when your friend teases you about something specific, ask them not to. Also, if you notice that someone is encouraging your friend to laugh at you, ask him if he notices it. Ask him to be more observant in the future.
    • Don't blame your friend. Otherwise, he will take a defensive position. Don't say, "Why are you always so rude to me?" Instead, say, “It really hurts me when people laugh at me because of my extra weight. Could you please support me when others do it? "
    • Tell your friend that if he works on himself, you will have a good relationship with him. For example, you might say, “We've been friends for a long time, right? This is the only thing that bothers me ... if you pay attention to this, I think we will keep our relationship. "
    • If you find that you sometimes overreact to jokes or find it difficult to laugh at yourself, tell a friend that you are working on the problem. You might say, “Sometimes I react very sharply to the jokes of others. I know this is my problem and I am working on it. I will be grateful to you if you will give me a favor until I get better at it. "
    • However, don't let your friends pass the blame on you. They may say to you, "Hey, take it easy!" or "Where is your sense of humor?" Don't blame yourself for what is happening.
  2. 2 Find out what worries them. Some people may taunt you because you have a bad relationship with them. Most likely, they are not courageous enough to openly declare their attitude towards you. Therefore, they try to offend you with jokes. If you think you are being held hostage by this situation, take your friend aside and in private ask him what happened. Tell your friend that his jokes have been very mean lately, so you want to know why.
    • Use this approach if your friend is unexpectedly taunting you, or if his jokes become vicious.
    • Perhaps there is a misunderstanding between you, and once you solve the problem, everything will fall into place.
  3. 3 Find out why friends do this to you. This may be due to the fact that they may feel threatened by you, for example, worrying that you will become more popular than them. They may try to draw attention to themselves, even in this wrong way. They may think that if they manage to humiliate you, they will look their best.
    • If you begin to notice that you are being bullied more, trying to humiliate you, and you cannot understand why this is happening, it may be due to the fact that you have become more confident and attractive person. If so, then this is not a reason to be upset!
    • Think about recent events in your friend's life that may have made them feel insecure. Trying to distract attention from himself, he may taunt you. Most likely, you are not the problem at all.
  4. 4 Be prepared to let go of the situation. Don't make it too big a problem and don't ask for an apology. A true friend will apologize when they see you are upset. If your friend thinks that this is not a big problem, but you still do your best to show him how much you are hurting, chances are, by your actions, you will cause misunderstanding and irritation on his part. If you want to remain friends, tell your friend that if he changes his attitude towards you, you are ready to continue to communicate with him.
    • If your friend or friends continue to laugh at you even though they have promised they won't, you have every reason to end the relationship. Toxic people make life more stressful.

Method 4 of 4: Treat bullies right

  1. 1 Take an offensive stance. Everyone knows that "the best defense is offense." Try to prevent your friend from attacking if you think you can handle it. For example, if your friend teases you at the same time, for example before the fourth lesson, talk to him before you sit down at the desk. Tell him in a joking tone: "Oh, the clock is already 11. It's time to talk about my hair!" This will make the person feel like they look boring and predictable.
    • If the friends of the person who is trying to hurt you laugh at you, you can easily make those same people laugh at him. Typically, people who make fun of someone can easily switch to someone else.
    • As a rule, bullies are very afraid of getting confused in the presence of their friends.
  2. 2 Control the situation. If you are confident that you can handle the aggression from a group of people, try to regain control of the conversation. You may be able to calm them down by finding out the reason for this behavior. Plus, if you can figure out why they are doing this to you, you can solve the problem peacefully.
    • Whenever the abuser asks you a question, respond by insisting that he explain why he is doing this ("Why do you believe this?" Or "Why do you think I did it?")
    • Try not to lose your temper and avoid sarcasm. Otherwise, it will further anger your offenders.
  3. 3 Never laugh at other people. You will immediately lose your position as a moral person if people see you bullying others, even if they behave in the same way. If you start doing this to them, they'll just think it's part of the game. Some children enjoy teasing others. Especially rude girls who have at least four older brothers behave this way. If you start making fun of other people, they may treat you in a similar way. Protect yourself, but don't be cruel.
  4. 4 Tell an adult about your situation. If the situation gets out of hand, you may need to talk to a parent or teacher.They can help you deal with an unpleasant situation without mentioning that you have complained about your abuser.
    • However, be careful. If your bullies find out that you have complained about them, they will treat you even worse.
    • Your safety and mental health is much more important than your reputation. If you feel that your abuser may be extremely violent towards you, you must tell an adult about it. Do it for yourself and others.